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Classy / Stylish
I am a lifelong crossdresser , started wearing my mums things around the age of 8/9 years of age . Just love to dress. I love to dress in petticoats and girdles and feel girly .My wife knows about my dressing and although she doesn’t understand she knows I dress when she is out .I am tall and like to wear my blond wig to complete my look .
My mother really wanted a girl , and dressed me in frilly dresses from birth , think she dressed came in boys clothes from around 2 . No wonder I am confused about my sexuality .
I kept my crossdressing to myself through my teenage years , dressing at every opportunity I had . I used to raid neighbours washing lines for panties . I was hooked , just loved the feel of lingerie .
I told my wife before we married as I knew I couldn’t hide it . She seemed to accept it , though I think she thought I would grow out of it .
I have now retired and underdress most of the time .
I am inexperienced and have kept my dressing in the home only .I am looking to chat to similar minded people .
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