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Bandoke: This is the ultimat form of Karaoke
Night Out (Pub / Meal)

Hosted at Box,
Yorkshire, England
Open from 8pm to
Added by: StephanieHood
Next upcoming 'Bandoke' can always be found at this address:
This is A new event & initially a one off trial.
A chance to dress up & get out socially. Meet new people & have a fun night!
The night is basically the ultimate in Karaoke in which you have the opportunity to sing/perform in front of a live band! Singing & performing are not compulsory but having a fun night is!
For those who may want to eat there are various burgers & pizza basically but check the menu on line,
The night is held full in public so I would ask you to bear this in mind & dress appropriately. We are not there to shock or make any statement!
I hope we are going to get some of you girls to come along & check things out!
Please add yourselves on the chix event page as I am going to book some & numbers would be useful.
This is outside of the usual LFF boundaries. The area is LGBT friendly! There are also several bars & places to eat close by.
If you have any queries or questions please chix mail me! Anything on the day then text me on 07812034697. I will be at the Box from 19:30 to greet you all!

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29/12/2024 16:10:22