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Club Anitchrist: Alternative/Fetish Crossover event
Night Out (Club)

Hosted at Fire,
London, England
Open from 11pm to
Added by: Chloeking
Next upcoming 'Club Anitchrist' can always be found at this address:
Club AntiChrist is a multi roomed Alternative/Fetish Crossover event! Dip in and out of the rooms as you like - spend all night dancing to metal - or flit between watching the theatre shows and getting spanked in the dungeon - or socialise in the chillout area for most of the night, just popping in to dance to your favourite song.

AC is not a scary night, it’s not a sex party and you don’t have to partake in anything you don’t want to. Imagine a shopping centre, but instead of a shoe shop and a lingerie shop and a food court and a game shop… you have a metal dancefloor and a mashup dancefloor and an industrial dancefloor and a dungeon and a playroom and a theatre. If you aren’t interested in buying shoes, you can choose not to visit that shop. It’s the same at AC. You don’t have to be at all interested in the fetish side of things to enjoy everything else. And we have such a friendly crowd, the atmosphere is fun and electric and inclusive. You can be 100% yourself at AC.

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27/12/2024 16:16:31