Past Reviews for "RFW (Ripley First Wednesday)"
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, May 4, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
This was my seventh time at RFW, what can I say apart from I love it! Was lovely to see two new local girls. Always fun, ideal for anyone wanting to get out but not "out out" :) What you waiting for? come along to the next one ! Gemma |
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, May 4, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Good night out, hope to go again
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, May 4, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Lovely night in very relaxed company. This is a great venue and event where you can be yourself and chat with some fabulous people.
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, May 4, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
A nice relaxing evening with good friends. A couple of new people which is always nice. Even managed to sit in the beer garden since it was a warm evening.
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, April 6, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Little quite this month with 8 of us but still a very good night with another 3 new girls who all said they would defiantly come back!! Look out for the June meeting its Hawaiian night so best costumes & grass skirts please girls!! xx Georgina Gee |
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, April 6, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Great night out thoughlly recommend it. Looking forward to the next one.
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, March 2, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
I wasn't able to attend the first year birthday meeting due to work commitments but my sisters told me it was a success! Thanks to you who did make the effort & go you know who you are. I shall be at the April meeting for sure! xx Georgina Gee |
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, March 2, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
A great night out as always, the wind and rain did not seem to put girls off. Some new girls too, their first time at RFW and hopefully will come again. Gemma |
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, February 3, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Well Thursday 4th of Feb was my 57th birthday so I made this event my birthday bash I mean what better way of spending time with the girls than meeting men for a beer talking about the same oll same oll Good turn out 14 in total considering there was other things going on that night! Thanks for your support if you haven't been yet please come along we have a lovely night talking all girly things & sharing story's etc We yet to encourage any F2M Trans people to join us so if your out there reading this & can make it along, a warm welcome will be waiting for you when you get here. xx Georgina Gee |
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, February 3, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
The first RFW I've been to in 4 months, Forgotten how good it was. Always a friendly event, would recommended to any local girls that can't get out at a weekend. Met several new friends and some old ones too. Come along to the next one! Gemma |
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, February 3, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
First time I've been and had a luvly evening I was made very welcome by everybody I will deffo go again if I get the opertunity
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, February 3, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Had a great night out at RFW with greàt girls and plenty to talk about
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, January 6, 2016)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
A quiet night as a lot of girls are probably overspent with Christmas and the sales. But a good evening and some good banter.
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, April 1, 2015)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
My first time at this pub and event. A lovely atmosphere and great company. Met up with some girls I already knew, and some that were new to me. Looking forward to being there again next month.
RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) (Wednesday, April 1, 2015)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Fem de la Fem RFW (Ripley First Wednesday) at The Away From Home PH Ripley Derbyshire on Wednesday 1st April 2015. All in all it was another great successful meeting with new and old faces in attendance, I believe 15 girls in total this time that's 3 up on March well done everyone! I'd like to personally thank everyone that made it on our 2nd event please keep coming and spread the gospel! Some of you will know I wasn't able to attend this month due to business commitments however for those that were expecting me to be there, It did say on the events section I was definitely going! The reason for this, when I put the events up it automatically puts me as going! I thought it best left alone or it would have got mucky & would have self cancelled the event had I deleted myself. You were all well looked after by my sidekick Alex & the lovely bar manager Debbie, It all turned out nice in the end : ) As I wasn't spinning the discs the girls had a good old girlie chin wag this time catching up on fashion, makeup tips & general day to day banter. The takeaway food on site seems to be going down well too, Alex was pleased not having to wait too long for her Pizza this month lol " I shall be there for our 3rd event " on Wednesday May 6th 2015 & spinning the discs with DJ Gina G so I want to see some of you with your dancing shoes on and boogie the night away listening to some old school tunes, current dance, house & Techno! Thanks again Georgina Gee xx |