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Past Reviews for "Brandy B's Christmas Sparkle"
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Brandy B's Christmas Sparkle (Thursday, December 8, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


What can i say but Fabulous. First night out in a long time, so i was very nervous. I need not have been. I was made to feel welcome from the offset. For anyone that has either not gone out before or not been out for a long time. This is the perfect place to go. Beautiful house, friendly guests, a great photographer on hand. And last but not least your charming hostess Brandy.

Honestly within an hour of being there you forget all your troubles and just relax into the evening. It was a shame it had to come to an end, and i cannot wait to go again.

Trust me girls if you are looking for somewhere to go for your first night out, you cannot find a better venue.

This will give you the confidence to move forward in your journey. Non of the hassles of trying to meet people in a loud club and trying to make conversation. Here it just naturally flows. The entire evening went off in my part without any effort. It was just a lovely relaxed experience.

So in conclusion, put it in your diary and make sure you go

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