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Past Reviews for "Leeds First Friday"

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



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As always, LFF is a fantastic event.
I generally (read always) go on my own but see people I have got to know over the time I have been going.
This month saw a new start venue. Almost one year ago there was a new start venue at the Marriott. THEnumber of moans that it wasn't the same as the old ("tired") Cosmopolitan. Too damn right it wasn't. The Marriott was tons better.
Now the moans are "the Viaduct is not the same as the Marriott". No it is not. But give it chance. I am sure the organisers of LFF have tweaks up their sleeves.
However, IF you know of somewhere better that can accommodate everyone and is not too far for nervous newbies to walk from their hotels please let the organisers know about it. I'm sure they spent months looking but might have just overlooked a gem.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My 52nd LFF and first time starting at its new home, the Viaduct due to Marriott hotel bar being converted.
Viaduct not quite the same as the hotel start but Im sure we will get used to it in time.

LFF is always an amazing night out, highly recommend to anyone wanting to get out for the first time.


Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Did my 2nd LLF. Had a great night!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)



Staff Friendliness:


Great event , met up with loads of friends . But I do miss the Cosmo xxx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Brilliant nite out in Leeds I loved the new meeting venue at Viaduct x

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


A new year and a new starting point for LFF. A shift from our historical hotel base, Cosmo and then the Marriott, to the Viaduct bar/club.

So a different vibe and of course somewhere most of us have simply known as a bar/club rather than meeting point. Think we’ll need time to bed in and get used to that new feel, and how to make it our early evening home.

As ever a great night out across the Freedom Quarter and the venues under the LFF banner. That’s a strength of LFF it’s a night out in more than one place, finding the venues you like, finding old and new friends as you move about.

Jan was quiet in comparison to other months, always is at the start of the year. Yet I still didn’t get back to my hotel until after 5am 🤷🏻‍♀️😆

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


As usual had a great time.

The Viaduct has always been a good venue and the staff are friendly, fab and they reminded me about Happy Hour! So that's a double bonus....... literally............

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:

Staff Friendliness:


The new venue to meet Viaduct was very different to the Cosmo and Marriott. It felt quite cramped at the end where we were sat and a bit segregated. The event is fantastic but didn't feel like it has before and it's a shame. It must be hard to replace the Cosmo but the Viaduct is very different and last night's event was quiet so where do we all go when it's a busier evening? The toilets also leave a fair bit to be desired?! We ended up having a fabulous nights once we had found friends that were scattered all over and went to Blayds and The Bridge we're it was easier to mingle with other girls.
My review is for the meet up point not the venue or the hole evening because lff is amazing

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


On a personal note it was a slow burner but it was Jan after all, but by, didi it get going

weird feeling being in Viaduct so early as i am used to being there later on when there is a younger crowd and bouncier music.

Thee place to be at the Mo is Smokestack and cannot be faulted, staff are great, just lots of people having fun, nice vibe.

Many thanks to those who co-ordinate, make all the calls, do the running around as it is appreciated by not only myself but everybody else.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Was in Leeds for the night but didn't do LFF as such . Went to the Head of Steam in the afternoon for a couple of Belgian beers before changing into something more daring for Smokestack. Then changed again for dinner at Ambiente. Everywhere seemed very quiet and we only saw one T girl and that was in Travelodge but hardly surprising after the spending binge over Christmas. Hope Viaduct was a success but we did note Fibre was closed for a refurb. From what I could see they are really pulling the place apart !! It seemed fine to me as it was . I expect things will get busier as Easter approaches.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


OMG leeds has turned into Blackpool lol But lots of us loooove Blackpool... yes the table was sticky and alcohol came in plastic beakers lol but the drinks were cheap in Viaduct... in fact we should have stayed there longer and maxed out the happy hours.... fibre is closed at the minute... I still mourn for Cosmo... smokestack same as always.... I had a good evening and Im sure others did, which in the end is all that matters!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


didnt go

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 6, 2023)

Not really an event. People meet friends and go to various bars on Gay Street... most are expensive and were fairly empty.
LFF is not an 'event' one should go to alone.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 2, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My 44th LFF and what a wonderful night!

It was, sadly, the last LFF starting from the Marriott (we'll be starting in Viaduct from January) but what an amazing send-off! The group photos taken outside the Marriott were wonderful, a fitting tribute to a great event. Huge thanks to Jenny for organising the photographer, and Matthew for taking such amazing photos.

With it being the Christmas LFF it was very busy, and it was great to see so many first-timers there too. The event continues to grow and is going from strength to strength. The atmosphere was amazing and it was one of the most social LFFs I have ever been to, chatting to so many different people.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, If you're looking to get out in public, LFF is the event for you. And if you are on your own or nervous, get in touch - we have a team of volunteers to look after newbies who might need a little assistance.

A fabulous, fabulous night.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 2, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My first LFF and it was the Christmas one too. What a night, went back for more on the Saturday. Everything I had been told it would be and more.


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22/10/2024 21:41:52