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Past Reviews for "Leeds First Friday"

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Amazing as always, shame there wasn't as many admirers there as usual but still awesome! x

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My first LFF and it was wonderful, I can't believe I was so nervous beforehand. A super night (and early morning). Can't wait to do it again.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Even though it was quieter than most LFF's for obvious reasons it was still very well attended. Had an awesome night starting at the Marriott then Bar Fibre (my fave bar), then Viaduct show bar then Smokestack.
Got to bed at 3:30am

See ya at Feb LFF.


Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


A good night overall but as expected quiet early on with only two other people in Smokestack between 5 and 6.45 which suited us ( no waiting to have the cocktails mixed !! ). After that we went round to Marriott ( one guy and t girl partner present ) and had a quick drink there but I'm bound to say the cost of a glass of wine and a tonic seemed pretty excessive to me . After that got changed for dinner and spent the rest of the evening at Ambiente which was fairly busy but again no LFF attendees apparent . We didn't go bar hopping after that so I've no idea how busy or otherwise the rest of the evening was but I did look in Blayds for two friends but they had already returned to their hotel but the bar was busy. Not been in Fibre for at least two years but sadly I have heard some very unsatisfactory reports recently . Used to be my fav bar.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Initially quieter than usual but still a very lively night. Bars and clubs all open, not rammed full like before Christmas and no queues to enter, covid passes required after 1am.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Well although it was quieter than my previous LFF visits I did enjoy myself and it was good to see quite a few girls turn our. Forgot my contact lenses so could hardly recognise people again unless close up. Thank you to the lovely Katie for booking dinner at the Thai, and quite literally holding my hand in the Marriot, bridge, viaduct and smokestack to stop me bumping into things although I do confess I knocked my drink over in the latter so apologies again to the lovely barman who quickly cleared it up.It was great to meet some new faces including the Cindy from Leeds, Joanna from Wolverhampton, (FWAW) Sophie from Manchester and by no means least Natalie from Middlesbrough.
All very beautiful and lovely company at different parts of the evening.
Hopefully I'll see many of you next time or in March and thank you to the organisers for keeping faith during the current times.
Philippa xxx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My 2nd Leeds. Numbers down a bit but got served in the Marriott quite quick lol. Lateral flow tested next day ! Was great to see everyone ! Free glass prosecco i think in the viaduct bar.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Quiet as regards numbers - it usually is for the January LFF. Didn't stop everyone having a good time though. Looking forward to February's already!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


I love LFF an amazing event that brings together lots of amazing people. The clubs, bars, staff and people of Leeds are great fun. Another great night xx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)


Staff Friendliness:

Great night,not so busy but I blame boris

Leeds First Friday (Friday, January 7, 2022)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Really enjoyed the Marriott Bar and catching-up with some old and new friends xx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 3, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
with every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
and may all your Christmases be white...."

(It was certainly cold enough to snow last Friday) lol

Merry Christmas everyone and thanks to Janie and all of you who make LFF such an amazing night out!

Love Katie xxx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 3, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


As awesome as ever! Very well attended by lots of lovely ladies and their admirers. Well, it was the 'Christmas' one!
Leeds remains an awesome night out for T girls and is stress free and friendly. Definitely recommend it to ANYONE especially girls going out for the first time.
Can't wait for next month. Happy Christmas everyone! Xx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 3, 2021)


Staff Friendliness:


Hmm... Marriott was fine... though not enough bar staff on early doors leading to preposterous waits at the bar. Smokestack - fine - no problems but everywhere else? Huge queues at Fibre and Viaduct (certainly didn't get ushered to the front). Am I being a moaning minnie? Probably. Still a great night.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 3, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


It is always wonderful to come to LFF. Meeting up with old friends and current ones and every time I come along I meet and make new friends... Long may it continue x


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