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Past Reviews for "Leeds First Friday"

Leeds First Friday (Friday, November 5, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Back to pre covid in numbers of girls out, Marriott bar full for some time. Leeds nightlife busy as usual

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My first LFF and I loved it.
So many lovely girls out. Made some great new friends and finally meet girls I'd chatted to in the past..
Marriott hotel bar for the starting point was perfect, lots of room and great atmosphere. The club's were packed but also great fun and a very good time was had.

I'll definitely be there again....

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Was so nice to finally get back out again. Such a fabulous night. There's no friendlier night! Smokestacks is a great way to finish the night with cocktails and some classic pop/funk/soul.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


First Leeds Friday for Gigi, had a brilliant night, everyone so friendly and great mix of bars to go too. Stayed on for the Saturday night out just as good, fantastic meal at Bibis Italian restaurant (stunning place well worth a visit) then another tour round the bars. Will definitely be visiting again
Gigi xxxxxx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Fantastic night,absolutely loads of wonderful people about , rain didnt spoil it . Looking forward to the next one.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Well after the long covid break it was great to be back in Leeds...I gotta say this has gotta be the best night out... always plenty of people and plenty of places to go to..and always friendly... it's unfortunate that the bar that did the karaoke is now shut ...well...more fortunate for those that ever heard me try and sing...!!!.. anyhow with the vast selection of bar's you can stay out til 5am if you wish..but no one will judge you if you head back to the hotel early for your cup of Coco.. you're just being sensible.. there is a Leeds first Friday Facebook page which is well worth checking out for up to date info.......not much of a detailed review..but LFF.. must be a good night out..I wouldn't spend 5 hours on a coach traveling up if it wasn't..

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


This was my favourite night out before Covid - it still is. Janie deserves a medal for all the work she does for this event. A great selection of bars/clubs in a small area - perfect for bar hopping. Just to illustrate the organising she does - the main bouncer at the Viaduct saw my friends and I in the long queue, came over and let us through - VIP treatment - glass of prosecco at the door!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Once again, another great night at LFF. The new home in The Marriots is a good choice (well done Janie). Spent most of the night in Smokestack, which was particularly enjoyable. Will be back in December.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


You can't fault a night out at LFF, something for everybody, the Marriott is great as the new start of the night meeting point, and with about 80% of the clientele girls what could be better !
Lovely to meet up with old friends and new, and also to see attendance up, it was just like old times, did the usual round of bars, staggered into bed at 4-30 am !
see you all in November X

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Marriott busy, a good crowd… drinks pricey, bar closed by 11.30 even for residents, we then went to viaduct, but ques for fibre snd smokestack were awful.. not a late night but a good one

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Although on my own, I still had a very enjoyable and slightly different evening to the one I envisioned. I left the Marriott earlier than before (including the Cosmo of old) and visited Smokestack and Fibre. Unsurprisingly, I was the only gurl in the room. It made not even a slight stir amongst the mainly young people who were there already. So if you haven't been to LFF and are worried about being accepted (use any other term you care) don't be. As I was very hungry (missed lunch and tea) I wandered just passed SStack and found a Vietnamese restaurant. Nope I'd not tried that type of food before so in I went. They were very welcoming and the folk eating there were too interested in their own food/conversations to care two hoots about me.
Later in Fibre a group of young women adopted me as a surrogate mum for the evening. Told you it was different.
I'm probably going to get shot for this next bit but I feel the key to being "accepted" is to dress appropriately! Emulating a hooker-look will always get disapproving glances from the general public...even for actual hookers.
Got back to my hotel at 2:30am. Very happy.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


The Marriot is a good new venue,more space than the Cosmo, better facilities inc the loos .
Staff all fab ,food good ,breakfast lovely .
It's a shame non residents have to vacate by 11pm would it not be possible to try 12 midnight ,its only once a month after all .
I would contemplate staying in the marriot to get to stay in the bar later but can us girls get a discount at the hotel ,or even some sort of loyalty reward scheme ,ie 3 stays and get a free meal /drinks etc

Thanks to the people who reorganised from cosmo to marriot .

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Another brilliant LFF. Lots busier this time than the last one I was at (Aug). The Marriot works really well as a venue. Can't wait for the next one.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Another Amazing night out big thanks to Janie for arranging this night out the best ever Marriot hotel Amazing and Smoke Stack brilliant cant wait till next month counting down the sleeps xx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, October 1, 2021)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Well if I left a review on this event it would be a little biased lol but I would like to thank you all for the reviews and I really enjoy reading them .......... as for the event we all had a fantastic time and as always Leeds delivered


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23/10/2024 07:33:17