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Past Reviews for "Leeds First Friday"

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


All 5 stars for me!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


A BIG Thank you to Janie, The Cosmo staff, The Angels and everyone involved with organising LFF. It was a Brilliant night, the busiest that I've seen - (this was my 22nd). I love Leeds - I find it is a very friendly, vibrant city. I also stayed over on the Saturday night. Not so many TGirls around but I can wander around the bars on my own without any issues. (Not that I am on my own for long, I love dancing - am never alone for long when dancing). Long may LFF continue. A Very Merry Christmas to All.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


great night out with everyone being so friendly. The the worst city to drive I have ever been to in the world with all the road closures

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Once again an Amazing fun night ... Leeds Is a special place. Just feel so welcome and accepted. Lff means we can start the night together then head off into the night to explore the city mixing with friends and the public... its a long drive for me, but totally worth every mile to get there. the Cosmo is a wonderful place to start and end the evening and the staff are so very helpful and friendly... I will be back sometime soon I hope :)

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


My 34th LFF done, Never get bored of LFF. Lovely people, great venues and not enough time to see everyone.
Already booked hotel for Jan and Feb LFF.

Cant wait to get back. . .


Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)


Staff Friendliness:


A Strange Leeds First Friday, Did Not seem That Many there, And The Drink Price's Also Seem To Have Rocketed In The Hotel's And Bar's, Possible Due To The Past Popularity Of This Event, May Put People Off For The Future, Where Mostly The ''girl's'' might Find An Alternative Destination.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Wow….just wow. Amazing event, amazing people, fabulous venue. Wow.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Oh what an amazing way to start the festive season!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


A very busy evening as expected !! But not as difficult to get served at the bars this time which was good. Had a lovely evening in Cosmo, Blayds, Fibre, Smokestack and the Penny with my friends all looking fabulous or ultra smart (the men :-) ). Spent a bit of time just observing the gatherings in each bar and I have to say I have never seen such an assemblage of extremely happy, friendly and relaxed people mingling without a care in the world. The more I see of Leeds the more impressed I am . What a difference from when I was at uni there when visiting the Penny was a sneak in the door looking over your shoulder job. I was a bit reticent about attending this time with the office party season underway but happy to report no signs of drunkenness or bad behaviour whatsoever.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


This was my first Leeds First Friday and what a time to go. Just before Christmas with the excitement and sparkle of Christmas parties in full swing.

There were apparently over 200 girls there at first venue Cosmos which made for an incredible atmosphere. You really did feel part of something bigger than your own little world. Cosmos felt utterly safe, welcoming and relaxing.

Everyone then moves onto various bars/clubs/restaurants within short distances of each other and even though this seemingly diluted the sheer numbers, it has the amazing effect of making it seem like we have taken over this quarter of Leeds where you could enter any of the venues and find large pockets of tgirls having a great time. It is enjoyably normalising.

Be aware that you are in the mix with a wide variety of regular party goers who may or may be aware of our scene. This translates into giggles, stares, hugs, bewilderment and admiration. I found it not only added to the night but was the very reason to come here. Most girls I spoke took a very relaxed attitude to this being any issue but as this was my first I was probably slightly more alert when away from the safe haven of Cosmos.

So if you come to LFF don’t expect to be chaperoned. Speak to friends or people who have been to lots of LFF’s and arrange to hang out in a group.

LFF is great fun with a (seemingly) light touch of organisation. I hooked up with amazing Gemma Louise-Smith and Emily who ensured I got from our hotel to Cosmos without getting lost in addition to providing tons of useful help. (Thank you!!!)

5am arrived in a blink of an eye and I could have happily continued or stayed for the Saturday.

I’m already hooked and am ready to return.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


another great night in Leeds with many friendly girls

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


This was my first First Friday.
What a night. I've never felt more welcome and accepted in my life.
Met some new friends for life and just generally got to be me.
And that's worth all the money in the world.
Thank you to the organisers, hosts and attendees.

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


Another fantastic night out, it even managed to get a confirmed Scrooge like me into the festive spirit! And that was despite me feeling somewhat under the weather. I didn't get round as many venues as I'd have liked this time, which was a shame as I was showing a new girl the ropes, but the boat was well and truly pushed out everywhere we did go. Janie - I hope you are glowing with pride today, you have truly excelled yourself.

LFF has helped me immensely, a year ago I was skulking in the nether reaches of the closet, after 4 LFFs I'm ready to take on the world (nearly). Don't think that if you go alone you'll be alone all night, everyone is so friendly that you won't be on your own for long! If you're teetering on the edge of going - take the plunge, it will change your life. It did mine...!

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


It was very busy last night, lots of people out in the area, but what a great friendly atmosphere.....especially in Viaduct, and Smokestack was as full as I've ever known.
But I always feel safe in any of the venues in that area.
Just another terrific night out on LFF.

Love to Janie as always (definitely getting it right darlin😁) xx

Leeds First Friday (Friday, December 6, 2019)

Value for Money:



Staff Friendliness:


The Christmas rush is on and it was certainly a lot busier than my previous visits. Despite the crowds it has a great atmosphere and a wonderful diversity of people and places - lots of fun.


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12/03/2025 16:54:45