"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, September 26, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Anyone new to dressing or going to events needn't worry, even if you don't have a clue about make-up, don't have the right wig, shoes etc - don't worry, just come along and bring a smile, you'll be fine! This is a very friendly, supportive, girls only space.
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, September 26, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Hurrah, final made it to Happy Wednesday's & what a lovely chilled & civilised time it was. Nice to spend some time with the Girls. Thanks Suzie.x
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, September 26, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Had a lovely time. Made some new friends and had a sexy time with them.
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, July 25, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another really nice day at HW's plus a few new face's too, both admirers' and T girls. The admirer said he was SURPRISED at what he found there, inasmuch, as it was completely different from what he'd expected... he was, VERY - 'impressed!!'. It's a must for all newcomers' ... great setting - great people and a very friendly place to be... so, what's YOUR excuse for not going?? Once again... well done to the fabulous Suzie Stern!! Lizzy xx
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, July 25, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
It is a venue, which takes some beating. A happy and safe environment interesting company and action with conversation. May it long continue. |
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, July 25, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
My first time at the club and only my second time out in public. The girls only event really appealed to me and was what i expected. the girls were friendly and welcoming. Suzi was great as the host. will be back to the next event. Hopefully cooler next time
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, June 27, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Great venue and friendly host, it was nice to see friends again as well as meet some new people. Not too many there because of the hot weather but I had a nice time and 'did okay !'
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, June 27, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
One of the great things about this event is the girls are always keen to share tips about things like clothes, make-up etc. I always learn something new and it's nice to get the chance to help someone else with a bit of advice.
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, June 27, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another fab day at Happy Wednesday!! It was my birthday, (the BIG 4-0!! DUH!!?), and I had TWO renditions of 'Happy Birthday' from lot's of girls'!! Magic day there - I am well chuffed to have become friend's with most of them and they are amazing - it's something all of you should go to with great food and drinks thrown in and run by the fab Suzie! If you go to my profile, on TVChix, you can see some of the girls' dancing, via the link to youtube - amazing MOVES!
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, May 30, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Great time as always. If you have never been you have to go
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, May 30, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
My favourite event and getting more popular.
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, May 30, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another lovely Event with more T-Girls from far and wide. Many now staying on for LoveJoys in the afternoon... Lots of first timers and many from far and wide. Next is Weds 27th June... Suzie Sxx |
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, May 30, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Don't think I've seen the changing room as busy as it was this time, but what a lovely atmosphere! So much fun...
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, May 30, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another very nice day at Happy Wednesdays! VERY - very busy and a great atmosphere - all nice people there, it's a must do on your list!!
"HAPPYWEDNESDAY "@ LoveJoys. (Wednesday, May 30, 2018)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Thank you Suzie. Perfect. |