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Last Visited:     27 March, 2024
Registered:     15 April, 2005
Location:     Luton, Bedfordshire, England


Can Accommodate Can Travel


Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

Hi I’m a married transvestite with a partner who was probably a bit unsure about things in the early days, but who is fully supportive now.

Not too sure how things started for me I know I did all the mums undies in my pre teen days. But not much thereafter at least not until I was in my late 20’s maybe early 30’s and even then it was probably just pants and stockings. And then just for a thrill in private.

I got into dressing in front of my partner when we had a little too much wine, one thing led to another and I ended up partially in some of her undies. It became an occasional thing until we were clearing out the wardrobes during a spring clean. The wife had lost some weight and was clearing some things out so I had a rummage and she donated. I think she was very unsure about it back then. She had lots of worries about being gay and the like those where eventually laid to rest.

My dressing at home coincided with all out kids flying the coup, so I probably went a bit overboard. That was probably why the boss lady got worried. Personally I think I was just taking advantage of the situation for the first time (realistically I felt like the proverbial kid in a toffee shop). In those days I didn’t even own a pair of shoes (girls ones LOL) so going outside was not something that was even considered. I had wanted to try some makeup but that was at the time a big no no. I think the wife considered that a step too far. Me, I only wanted it for the photos, who can be a tranny without photos, but it was a big thing for my partner.

I think because of me dressing at every opportunity, and wanting to take that extra step with the make up it did cause some strains between us, certainly for a few months. Anyway purely by chance I had a very quiet day at work the same day as the wife had the day off. We went into town did a bit of shopping had a couple of drinks and some lunch. My partner explained to me her concerns. To be honest there was some laughter and a lot of clenched teeth. However I think I set her mind at rest that day. It must have worked because she bought me my first pair of shoes that day, and I got a make over that night.

I would like to thank Marcia a very good friend of mine (you know who you are) for helping me with my first teetering steps outside. What a night. With Marcia’s help and with Liz’s (my partner) we went from the Campanile Hotel to Pink Punters the exhilaration and trepidation I felt that night was something that was totally indescribable. I was so scared I wouldn’t even go into the bar of the camp for a drink something that I have rectified since thanks to the BNO.

2008 was a pretty bad year for me for the first time in my life I had some health problems, hopefully those are now sorted and after a minor operation due in early 2009 I shall be fully back to normal.

I am 5’9” tall and weigh 85 KG going bald so brunette wigs are mandatory. One of the great things about being a tranny is I have small boobs and a set of larger ones so I can adjust the size depending on what I’m wearing. Tessa seems to be taking over a bit I have a wardrobe in my home/office that only has her clothes in it. Think I’ll have to take a tip from the boss lady and clear things out. I had my ears pierced during the last year so my collection of clip on and magnetic earrings are now kinda superfluous. I seem to be gathering shoes like Imelda Marcos.

I am always interested in meeting like minded T Girls for gossiping and socialising I have been known to abuse them with my culinary skills I said culinary.

I have never come out to my kids although I am pretty sure at least two of them know my daughter bought me a pair of girls’ slippers for Christmas 2008

Christmas 2009 was great Liz and I had a great day

Boxing Day 2009 well I did it I came out to the world well my little bit of it, Guess what the sky is still there.

Further to coming out

I have one friend who is uncomfortable with the situation. However, my son and daughter are very relaxed with it. Most of the friends I have told are delighted for me so I am a lot more comfortable with myself now.

Am having an official coming out party on the 23rd of April 2010 (St Georges Day) at pinks in MK, as they are having a bit of a function that day why not say hello if you see us. That is going to be a strange experience will be the first time I have had been out with my kids and straight mates in full Tessa mode Gulp.

2010 has been great so far and is looking to get better

Time to update
Over 2013 and 2014 I have probably been dressing quite a bit less than I used to. I am not 100% sure why, I think a lot of it is work and weight. I work for myself and have had to dedicate a lot more time to work to keep my head above water. I also stopped smoking back in 2010. I went from 60+ a day to none difficult at first but oh so worth it now. As a result my weight shot up for a while at one point I was over 105 KG. So a lot of the wardrobe had to be reassessed.

I’m starting to get the weight off a bit now (slowly, slowly) so hopefully by the summer months I’ll be back to slipping into my mini’s. Mind you I’ll be 55 then so pencil skirts are probably more suited.
The wife and I attended Benidorm Pride in September of 2014. Thanks to all the girls who came along to our little night in the Drift bar I think a great time was had by all. With a bit of luck, and work allowing I’ll be back in 2015.

I bought a personal registration number this year so the world sees Tessa every day.

Resolutions for 2015 all the usual eat less, exercise more, be a better person. However, due to the lack of dressing over the last couple of years I think I’ll spend at least 1 day a fortnight in Tessa mode just to keep the fashion and make up skills honed.

Update the end of August 2015

As the year has progressed I have not managed to have 1 day a fortnight in Tessa mode I have been as much as just over a month without dressing. But then I have had full weekends so I suppose it is averaging out. The eat less, well, I suppose I am eating healthier, I am defiantly exercising more could have something to do with my daughter acquiring a dog and me ending up as chief dog walker.

My mother died in mid August. I did not have the best relationship with her. Particularly in my younger days. I was brought up by my grandparents and didn't know my own parents until I was 11. Being forced into a new family at 11 didn't do my relationship with my sisters a lot of good either. They suddenly had an older brother who they didn't know and probably couldn't understand, them having a lutonian accent and me west of Scotland. My relationship with my youngest sister has been reasonable since early adulthood. I wouldn't say we are close, but we have been known to throw away the cork on a bottle and discuss our favorite authors into the wee small hours. We do stay in touch more frequently than Christmas cards. I believe she genuinely likes me and I have a lot of respect for her. My other sister is a different matter we have never had a good relationship. At best we have tolerated each other, and until this month I have had no contact with her for over 10 years. the 3 of us had to meet up to decide the arrangements for mums funeral. and that meeting went better than probably any of us planned. There has been emails exchanged but I think we will stay at several arms length apart even if only for the sake of my blood pressure. My relationship with my mother did improve over the last 10 years or so, I don't think I was ever very close to her, but I did care and have genuine affection for her in her later years and she seemed to reciprocate. The funeral went well, as much as a funeral can. My mother always loved a good funeral so we gave her one.

I still have my IT business it's ticking along but I have no inclination to expand it or to increase the customer base. I have started a new business with my friend as an off shoot of the IT that we both work in. That excites me more, I honestly don't know if it's the challenge of getting a new business off the ground, but I seem to be focusing more on that at the moment at least.

I think now I am looking forward in my life for the first time in a while. We always planned to move abroad by our ruby wedding anniversary. We are 35 years this year so I guess it is time to focus.

I've just reread this update, and I'm not sure if it is appropriate, but I'll leave it in for a bit and maybe read it again a a few days

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Online chat, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Couples, Panties, Hair accessories, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Can Travel, Trendy/Modern club wear, Swim/Beach wear, Mature, Role Play, Uniforms, Tights/Pantihose, Outdoor Fun, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, Attached, Friendship, Art Exhibitions, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Holidays / Travel, Sporting Events, Girdles, Computer related help/advice, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Kilts, Social Meets Only!

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