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Mature tv now a little older

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Last Visited:     10 March, 2025
Registered:     19 May, 2011
Location:     Wokingham, Berkshire, England


Can Accommodate Can Travel


Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

Update 21.02.24. It was my birthday on the 19th. And I was duly humbled to find that no less that 30 members of our exclusive 'club' had taken the time and effort to offer their best wishes to Joanne in my guestbook entries. A big thank you to all. Some I know but most are unknown apart from being kindred spirits. Over time, I will try to say thank you in person in messages and maybe even more if potential friendship is possible and ultimately a meet can result. Love and hugs from Joanne xxxx

Updatate 18.01.22. Just added two new pics taken a few days ago showing a contented Joanne

Update 21.02.21.To all those lovely Chixters (all 29 of them) who gave me their best wishes for my birthday on Friday, may I offer a humble thank you for your thoughtful comments. I may not be able to thank you personally but happy to chat with you all over time about our dreams and thoughts etc. Take care and stay safe to all. Love and hugs from Joanne xxxx

Two new pics added showing Joanne relaxing during two recent walks on the wild side.

Update 12.06.20. It has been my fortune to have found a like minded TV local to me who shares my ideals and principles and we are rapidly forming a strong friendship through mature mutual understanding. She is honest and sincere and great fun to share time on Skype with for now while we wait for lockdown conditions to ease permitting more personal togetherness. You know who you are my darling and thank you for being you and your support in helping to ease my current personal problems. She also says I should severely edit this weighty tome! Cheek!

Update 19.02.20. WOW Thank you so much to the no less than 20 Chixters who wished me well on yet another birthday. It gets harder as time goes by to disguise the fact that Joanne in no longer in the first flush of youth and her coming of age was a long time in the past. But, her spirit and emotional drive to express her feminine side remains indomitable and long may that continue. I will endeavour to thank each of you in a personal message as and when I have the time to do so.
Best wishes and good luck to you all.
Love and hugs from Joanne xxxx

Update 19.02.19 - Another year, another birthday and WOW no less than 16 Chixters kindly wished me a Happy Birthday in my guestbook comments. Many thanks and very humbling to myself to have earned your best wishes. In truth, I have had better days and am suffering from an ongoing rash problem for over two months now and not so far touched by what the medics have thrown at me. I will try to thank all of you in turn when time permits and maybe gain some new friends in the process. Membership of this site has been an inspiration in the jump from Joanne's previous shadow existence in the closet and has taught me to be proud of who I am and the value of continuing companionship of so many others who happen to share my desire to express my latent femininity. Be happy and similarly inspired everyone.
Love and all best wishes from Joanne xxxx

Update 23.12.18 - Oh my where has this year gone too? Seems all too short but never mind here we are again on the run up to another Christmas. What's happened in Joanne's life?. In short very little due to my personal circumstances. My one especial wish remains unresolved. Finding the elusive genuine male admirer to explore a fruitful relationship as occasional boyfriend to explore Joanne's feminine desires remains unfulfilled despite several possible candidates coming and going over the year. There must surely be a guy out there willing to take on the challenge. I continue to nurture new tgirlfriends of course who are always my first love. If I have not replied to your message, I will do so shortly.
So may I wish you all a fabulous Christmas and for all, a successful new year ahead in whatever life throws us. Love and all best wishes from Joanne xxxx.

Update 19.02.18 - Valentines day dawned on the 14th and wonder of wonders drew no less than 5 cards from well wishers. One guy I knew and have done so for some time. The others left me in a state of frantic head scratching but no answers came my way. Seems Joanne does have some dedicated well wishers. Some I may indeed know but no clues were offered. I would love to be introduced to ALL of course so kindly make yourself known to me so I can at least thank you personally for your kind thoughtfulness xx. Not only that but my birthday today prompted 9 lovely people signing into my guestbook to wish me a happy day. Thank you one and all and I will get back to you with a personal reply as soon as I can. Such events as these are really humbling but at the same time stimulating and proving the value of this fantastic contact site. Thank you Stella for your fortitude and drive for keeping TV Chix going for us all xx

Update 21.12.17 - Once again the year end is nigh and Christmas just a few short days away. But hey, tomorrow Summer starts its comeback and that's good news in these dark and dank short days of late we have all had to endure. As ever my friends, I am still fighting that message overload but good news. The backlog is reducing and one day, will become manageable. Happy to report that I have made new friends in the last year who have endured my late replies long enough to at least say 'Hi' to me. I thank all who have written and trot out my usual year end promise that Joanne WILL reply to all in due course. My mission is to make as many new friends on here as I can and hopefully some very good friends for more intimate occasions shall we say! In the meantime, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a hope that our worthy chancellor of the exchequer leaves us a few pennies so we can maybe buy a beer or two in the New Year! Love and best wishes to all from Joanne xxxx

Update 09,06.17 - Will be away from base and Chix for a week from Saturday as I sign off for a well earned rest (who said skive) from all the trials and tribulations of the daily grind. A holiday on the sunny south coast beckons so my southwester kit is packed along with long johns of course. Oh and the obligatory wellies naturally. Just re-read my message posted in Feb to find i promised a drastic re-write of this now largely geriatric piece of garbage called a profile. I would if I could my friends but you are keeping me busy in replies to all your lovely messages. One day it will happen, probably when I finally enter my dotage and hang up my bras and knickers forever. As ever my darlings, feel free to message me and I will write and chat when I can. Love from Joanne xxxx

Update 15.02.17 - Thank you one and all for the Valentine's cards which I read and felt duly humbled to have received. I will be updating what is now a weighty tome in the near future and, as ever, I am struggling to reply to lovely message senders which is taking priority when I can do so. Love and best wishes to all from Joanne xxxx

Update 20.12.16 - Christmas draws near and a New Year dawns shortly thereafter and Joanne is once again embarrassed by the numbers of unanswered messages from all you gurls and guys out there in Chix land. Resolution for the New Year - Must do better with my correspondence with all my friends and potential new friends and allocate more time to replies. Or I'm going to lose you and that is too horrific a prospect to contemplate. Please be patient, as ever my darlings and I will get round to everyone eventually. In the meantime I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year ahead. My love and best wishes to all from Joanne xxxx.

Update 05.08.16 - My apologies to my friends and others who have messaged me but not had a reply so far. Just to say off on holiday this coming week from tomorrow and returning home next Saturday. Can only say sorry to all and will reply when I can. I really do value your support and for new/recent contacts your potential friendship. Love and best wishes to all from Joanne xxxx

Update 23.12.15 - To my friends I have made and those I hope I will make, may Joanne wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2016. For those who have written messages to me which remain unanswered, my sincere apologies to all. I will reply when time and other life issues allow me the luxury to do so. My love and best wishes to you all from Joanne xxxx

Update 15.08.15 - Hi all, back home after short break and back to replying to all my mails. Sorry if I am taking longer than I would have liked but time on Chix has been limited due to personal circumstances unrelated to Joanne. Please bear with me everyone and I will reply when I can. Love Joanne xxxx

Update 14.02.15 - A very special thank you to those lovely individuals who sent little ole me Valentines's cards. I really appreciate that gesture and I love you all. Joanne xxxx

Update 13.01.15 - A brand new year but same old problems. After suffering from being dumped by a lovely guy from another contact site after 10 weeks of being actively 'courted' on line, Joanne is in somewhat lethargic mood. Result - the mail inbox is in danger of collapsing from the weight of unopened and unanswered messages in that period! Sorry girls and some guys as well, I will get round to you all eventually. Don't give up on me as I love you all. Joanne xxxx

Update 26.08.14 - Best laid plans and all that ----! Cut short our holiday due to awful weather and other half not feeling too well. So back in harness again much earlier than anticipated. Will reply to all girls messages but please feel free to drop me a line whenever as I love you all!!!!! Joanne xxxx

Update 21.07.14 - Now have met a wonderful new girlfriend who has really brought Joanne well and truly out of her shell. She wishes to remain anonymous and why ever not. We are building a relationship and have something very special between us. More to follow as well as new piccies of Joanne and us together. Mmmm, I am just soooo happy with my lot at the moment and sooo very lucky to have chanced upon someone I can really relate too at last. Thank you my dearest for sharing a genuine friendship with Joanne xxxx

Update 23.04.14 - Joanne has returned after her short break in reflective mood having had it confirmed that her sister-in-law she has known for the best part of 52 years has a malignant and very aggressive tumour on one side of her brain. That has come as a great shock to me and my family. Also, just heard today that a longstanding friend who serves in the same charity as myself has just died. News like this really focuses the mind girls doesn't it?

Update 10.04.14 - To someone who means a lot to me. A true girlfriend and friend to be cherished. To my Vicki thank you for making me so happy on Monday last at our first face to face meet after over two years chatting and messaging each other. It may have been short due to personal circumstances but was very sweet my love and Joanne hopes for more get together's soon. xxxx

Update 18.02.14 - To those lovely individuals who sent me a Valentines greeting, many thanks and much appreciated. Must be doing something right. My love to all from Joanne xx

Update 03.01.14 - Added two recent pics of Joanne in her new outfit just being herself and enjoying an evening with her tgirlfriend, who kindly took the images.

Update 29.12.13 - Just a note to say to those girls (and a few guys) who are waiting for a reply to their messages, my apologies to you all but my Chix inbox, like some of the rivers around home, is overflowing right now with unanswered mails. This is truly embarrassing for me but, as promised in my original profile (and I stick to my promises), I will reply to all in due course. I will also be contacting several new admirers who have registered on my site recently. All I ask is for your patience and understanding of my current predicament and to please be aware that Joanne is not ignoring you. I love you all and to my new contacts, look forward to getting to know you. Love and best wishes for the New Year ahead from Joanne xx.

Updated 16.12.13 - To all my friends and wonderful girlfriends Joanne has made on this site since she joined over two years ago now, may she wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to come. To all the other lovely girls I have met or have yet to meet on this lovely contact site may I offer you similar seasons greetings. For the former, I hope to hear from you again soon and for the latter look forward to getting to know you all. All my love from Joanne xx

Dear All. Happy to report that I'm back on line with my repaired laptop and now have a lot of mails to catch up on and reply too. Sorry, these things happen but I hope you will give me a bit of time now to get on top of the backlog that has built up. I love you all dear friends and especially my girlfriends but you all mean a lot to me in that which we share together in this sisterhood. Love Joanne xx

A big thank you to one and all. Recently, Joanne registered 5,000 hits on her modest page. It's pleasure to welcome you all to my humble page on Chix. I keep promising myself to spend a little time adding some more piccies to the page but most that I consider for that dubious pleasure I think will tend to frighten off everyone and that is certainly not what I want to happen. I will have to have another trawl through Joanne's picture album and swallow my pride and then.............NEW PICCY ADDED YESTERDAY!

Dear tvChix, Having previously registered on the site, I have been putting off preparing a profile for far too long so here goes nothing!.

I first cross dressed at the tender age of 8/9 by trying on my grandma's old dress. I was hooked from day 1 and over the years (I'm now 69 years young) have continued to dress in private gradually accumulating a small cache of clothes and shoes. All up until recently, usually too small and mostly my wife's cast offs but with some bought items, cosmetics etc.

And so I happily dressed and made up as my alter ego Joanne when alone in the house and especially when my wife was staying away with other family members. Highlight was (and still is) a carefully devised walk around the housing estate I live on and generally after 1.15 am in the morning to avoid potential problems.

Before continuing with Joanne's history and expectations you should know that I have blue eyes, reasonably wrinkle free facial features for my age and to my regret the dreaded middle age spread to cope with and for which the search for a suitable corset is ongoing. I am just over 6 foot in height but taller in heels and prefer mid length brunette hair (just below shoulder length if possible) either dark brown or mid brown with blond highlights. I love very feminine lingerie and much prefer to wear loose and comfortable clothing, tops, blouses and skirts of moderate length are Joanne's preferred garments at present.

Joanne's gentle life in the closet took a dramatic turn more recently when my neighbour announced he was to become a she, was already in a clinical programme to this end and was already dressing more or less full time as female. He/she had my full support from the outset and was the catalyst for Joanne's 'coming out of the closet' just one week before he/she moved to the other end of the UK (You know who you are my love). This was the most difficult decision/action I ever took in my life and I was very emotional at the time (and still am when we talk together on our phones). During the last several months before her move, we became friends and she has continued to advise and support Joanne along with a local tv friend to help build a new wardrobe of suitable clothing from scratch and, as mentioned above, Joanne is now able to wear good fitting and comfortable clothes befitting her age and temperament for the very first time in her life. New heels that fit are also now in the wardrobe. BLISS at last but Joanne's appearances inevitably are rather limited by family circumstances.

Coming out in public fully must remain largely a dream at present as my significant other is unaware of Joanne's existence and being otherwise happily married. I wish it to remain this way. Joanne is in regular touch with a local member of the sisterhood and is building a close relationship with this very wonderful tgirl. Our two meets at my home so far have been hugely successful and she is encouraging Joanne to gradually develop her femininity as well as teaching her make up techniques to improve her looks and she is willing to work hard to improve all aspects of presentation despite her height and size!

Will Joanne ever fully leave the closet behind? I really don't know where this is going to lead but have been strongly recommended to join tvChix to achieve a more rounded experience in this wonderful gift that we all share. My aim is to enjoy the role of Joanne whenever possible and to create a conservatively dressed feminine appearance and character as is practically possible and to continue to hone Joanne's feminine skills and mannerisms leading, hopefully, to closer ties and integration into our sisterhood and ultimately to gain many new friends. Not easy objectives given my age and rather large frame but I can only do my best.

I would love to hear from others finding themselves is a similar position to Joanne and will endeavour to reply to all genuine responses knocking on my electronic door but please 'no time wasters' and be aware that Joanne is not into 'escorting' at least for now. Maybe meets can be arranged in due time as Joanne gains in confidence enough to venture forth. We shall see what develops as, despite my age, you can see that Joanne has only just been released form the dark closet she occupied for so long and is in a hurry to join the party she has been excluded from for nearly a whole lifetime!

Joanne's likes - Wearing good fitting, ultra feminine clothing as befits a mature lady, achieving acceptable make up results, sharing that wonderful feeling of contentment and wellbeing when dressed and enjoying the company of other tgirls (so far only one), corresponding with like minded individuals to share our experiences and dreams and finally and most importantly, just enjoying being Joanne whenever she can.

Joanne's dislikes - Any of us being 'read' by spotty faced ignorant youths and being humiliated in public (happened recently to one of my local friends). Nosey neighbours who just don't want to understand our motivations (what harm does it do?). And for that matter, the curse of living close to noisy neighbours!

So there it is for now, so I submit this profile for consideration. I will abide by all the site rules and maintain the anonymity of it members as appropriate. I may wish to add to this profile from time to time to expand upon Joanne's subsequent experiences if anyone is interested that is!


Interests: Cross-dressing, Stockings / Suspenders, Lingerie, Groups, Panties, Petticoats / slips, Email chat, Wigs, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, High Heels, Evenings, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Can Travel, Mature, Inexperienced, Tights/Pantihose, Corsets, Satin/Silk, Relationship (casual), Attached, Friendship, Good Food / Wine, TV/TG Activism & Awareness, Charity / Voluntary Work, Skirts, Casual Tops, Smart Tops

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