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Mature t girl

Last Visited:     01 July, 2024
Registered:     25 October, 2021
Location:     Glossop, Derbyshire, England


Can Accommodate Can Travel

Post-op Transsexual

Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

Thank you for all the birthday wishes I am totally amazed how many lovely people wished me well. Thank you It means a lot to me. I had a great weekend thanks Manchester on Friday 28th June (My birthday eve eve) Sheffield yesterday 29th June my birthday eve and been washing and ironing today on my birthday just wondering what my birthday boxing day has in store for me xx
Feb 24
Thank you for all the valentine cards i received, I was amazed there are some lovely people on here who I am proud to call my friends. Thank you you know who you are xxx
January 2024.
I would like to wish all my readers a Happy New Year.
2 Years full time WOW where has the time gone. Application submitted for my Gender Recognition Certificate. Been informed it will take up top 30 weeks before a decision will be made. Just hope it is successful.
November 11th 2023
Just arrived home after a 15 night Caribbean Cruise. I was a bit worried about going on my own but wow what a great time I had, from the formal nights on the ship to exploring the islands of adventure it just went too soon. Met some wonderful people on board. I would certainly be cruising again. Took plenty of photos some I have put on here.
Oct 7th 2023
Just got back from 4 days in Portugal stayed at Carvoeiro. What a lovely place. Stayed with some friends and talking about going back soon, cant wait. Only 19 days to my cruise. That will be interesting going alone for 15 nights, Lets see what happens.

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. I have had a fantastic day and was spoilt rotten. In Manchester tomorrow night 1st July, if you see me please come and say hello.

In the words of Daniell Koepke

You don't have to be what other people want you to be.
You don't have to be interesting or agreeable or entertaining.
You don't have to tone yourself down, quiet your voice, or hide your feelings.
You don't have to be outgoing or spontaneous or sociable.
You don't have to be this or beautiful or anyone's definition of attractive.
You dont have to be anyone other than who you authentically are, and you sure as hell don't have to spend your time and energy trying to convince people that you are worth keeping around.
The right people are going to recognise your worth. They are going to respect you, appreciate you, and accept you, without forcing you to compromise who you are. Life is too short, and your happiness is far too important, to make room for anyone who treats you otherwise.

Thank you for all the Valentine Cards it was very nice of you all Thank you xx

Back on looking for the friends I had prior to leaving.

Why did I leave? Well, I was getting divorced and had to move house also at that time I was considering transitioning and starting on hormones. When I left I got very depressed and was in a really dark place. Also, one or two people who I thought were friends were extremely unkind and made me feel even worse. so I came away from everything, deleted my account, and tried to get through life. I am happy to say that the sun is starting to come out of the clouds now and I am feeling a bit better about life.

So a bit about me then
A mature TV that has been dressing all my life it has cost me my wife and family but it is something I cannot let go of no matter how many times I have tried.
I am 5' 9 sizes 8-10 skirts and 12-14 dresses. I am of a slim build and very friendly and outgoing. I am an open and trustworthy person. I believe if told something in confidence then I would never break that trust placed on me.
I was starting to transition and was taking hormones until the depression set in.

Glad to be back and looking forward to reengaging with old friends but not the nasty ones who shall remain nameless.

Restarted on hormones. I have updated my status as transgender as that is what I am I am a Transgendered woman. How far I will go? That is anyone's guess, but after all the poo I took off people I have now decided that this is my life, not theirs. Get over it I will live it as I want, after all, you only get one chance at life so enjoy it.

Thank you everyone since I have been back I have been overwhelmed with the support from everyone I am really glad to be back with my Chix family xx

Now made an appointment for laser treatment first appointment is on Thursday 16th December looking forward to it. Finally feel I am moving forward. Had my appointment was like someone sticking me with pins not too bad though 1 down 7 more to go.

18th Dec. Wow, number 18 in top mature babes I cannot believe it. Thanks to everyone who voted for my pictures you cannot believe how much that means to me. Thank you so much xxxx

Came out to my BFF on Christmas Eve and was really worried that she would reject me as others have done before. I was amazed at how supportive she is. After I told her my life story and all the hurt that has been in my past we both ended up crying. Left her house rather merry and left her making arrangements for us to go out.

On Dec 28 Received a telephone call from BFF who said " Get a face on as Cheryl and I are going shopping in Stockport this afternoon". I was nervous but from the minute I got out of the car I felt as though I had been doing it all my life. After a great shopping experience where she got me to spend some money on makeup and clothes, we went to a cafe for a coffee where I had to use the toilet. On leaving the toilet a gentleman was wanting to go in and said to me Thank you love which made me feel even more special. That's is it now This girl is out and proud with many more adventures planned.

Just trying to arrange my first voice therapy session on 13th Jan on zoom so no travelling (Now confirmed and I cannot wait). Looking forward to progressing towards full-time and transitioning x

Woke up this morning to a start of a brand new year. Wanted to go to Ikea rung BFF (Best friend forever who was busy thinking of sacking her) so I went on my own for the first time and what a buzz. Walking around the store nobody paid any attention to me at all and I bought myself a full-length mirror as in the newest photo attached.

Happy new year everybody and I hope it is as good as mine is going to be.

Onwards and upwards to get the experience of being out before I go full time I went to the garage and filled the car up and then went to Morrisons as Tesco didn't open until 11. Again no notice was taken whatsoever I am loving this new life xx 2 photos are not brilliant but in Morrisons.

8th Jan Went to Cheshire Oaks with BFF spent too much but hey ho it was lovely to go in the shops and try on clothes. Loved every minute of it. Got home and when reversing into the drive a neighbour waved to me I couldn't believe it. When I got in I found a postman left a card to say parcel al local shop? post office. Went in and had a conversation with the person behind the counter and it felt so natural. Yesterday I informed my eldest daughter who lives a long way away that I was transgendered and will be going full-time within the next couple of weeks. She was very supportive I cannot believe how lucky this year is being to me.

Applied for name change by deed poll looks like going full time at the end of the month. I am so ready for this some people still not happy and some family members fell by the wayside. My hope is that they pick themselves up and realise life is too short and families are important. One thing I do know without a shadow of a doubt is that this train is moving either get on or be left at the station.

Just got my change of name deed poll signed and witnessed now just have to let everyone know. This just got real and I am here from the shadows ready to take my rightful place in society.

Went to Stockport shopping today 18/1/22 and whilst there changed my bank account into my new name. How easy it was and the staff were really helpful so waiting for my new bank cards now. Also sent my car logbook off for a change of name. Loving every minute starting to feel really free now.

19/1 Spent the day trying to inform people of my name change the worst was the tax people 2 hours trying to sort it I feel I spent the whole day on hold what a nightmare anyway nearly all done now just a couple to notify and the replies were brilliant addressed to me as Cheryl. Still, some people are a little awkward but send them a copy of the deed poll and they have to comply. Some companies were brilliant as well and made it so easy to do.

Blackpool this weekend really looking forward to it after the last few months of hell. Back on the 30th and I am going full time on the 31st. All drab clothing to be thrown away and this will be the first day of my new life everyone informed me about name change bank accounts and credit cards changed. so this is what I have been working up to for the last couple of years.

26/1/22 Well that is it all my drab clothes have gone to a better home just kept one shirt and jeans for something I have to do tomorrow then they are in the bin.
Was told last night that a GG was telling everyone she could about me and had a photograph so I went to her boss this morning and complained. Told her boss all about me and that I was going full time on Monday (as I am not here for the weekend so really going full time on Friday) and she was so supportive and stated she would see her and deal with it I also spoke to the Pizza shop next door where this girl also works and they were brilliant and wished me luck on my journey. I was then made aware that an old friend who I don't see very often defended me to her and told her to stop saying things or she will have to deal with him. I contacted him and thanked him and told him about me and my plans and he was ever so supportive and stated you were my friend and I respected you yesterday and I respect you more today as you had the courage to tell me what you are planning. This proves to me yes there are nasty people in the world who are delighted to have a go and bully but there are also wonderful people who will stand up against them and I am fortunate to have some around me.

26th Jan Went to Lulus in Blackpool for the weekend a great time. Some photos on my page. Met up with Gordon from Makeover rooms what a wizard he is Thanks, Gordon. Also met Diane McCray what a lovely girl she is and was with her lovely wife. Hopefully, we will meet up again. What a lovely weekend.

1st Feb Received my change of gender letter from the doctors and driving licence and passport applied for how exciting.

11/2/22 My new passport arrived today it was great to see me as I really am and my gender as female can't wait to use it now.
Had to lodge formal complaints against the Porterbrook gender clinic and my GP as my medical records have not been received by the clinic and they have taken me off the waiting list although my GP says they sent them several times so we will have to see what happens but I am not happy.
Well, my nails were done last Thursday and they are still looking good back next week for a manicure and redone. I get why ladies love it I have got the bug and am going to be a regular and the beauty is they are my own nails I don't need false ones. Went to Manchester last Friday and had my hair highlighted, cut and styled no more wigs hurray. Just need it to grow a bit more but it is getting there back in 5 weeks to be cut and styled again.

14/3/22 Just been informed by the Porterbrook Clinic my complaint has been upheld and I am being put back onto the waiting list from February 2019 so hopefully should be seen in the near future. At last, some good news and hopefully another stride in my journey to find the real me who has had to hide for so many years.

9/4/22 Well finally got my first appointment with the gender clinic letter arrived today. It is on Monday 16th May and a Video Consultation which should be interesting.

Went for a family meal tonight 16/4/22 to celebrate my daughter's birthday most of the family was going to be there in a local Italian restaurant many had not seen the real me before. After being quite nervous about going due to past problems when I first came out I was very nervous but bit the bullet and turned up (Photo of what I wore in photos below) What a great night everyone was extremely supportive and all my worries faded away. Could this be a start of reconciliation I certainly hope so?

16/5/22 had my first appointment with the gender clinic today. It took an hour and a half and probed quite deeply into the old memories and feelings. A report will now be made and I have been referred to a doctor for the second evaluation as I think that is what it is and then he/she will decide if I should be prescribed hormones. Just one catch it can take up to 6 months for the appointment which will be at the clinic and not over the internet.

Well went to LFF on 1st July for the first time in fact I stayed the weekend as it was my birthday on 30th June. Thanks, John a great weekend. What have I been missing all this time Grrrr?
Leeds is an awesome place with great people great shopping and great bars what's not to like. Saturday night put the icing on it for me, we had been for a meal and went back to the Marriott for a drink at the bar when a GG came up to me and told me I was stunning. I nearly burst into tears I have never seen myself as stunning passable sometimes yes but stunning never that totally made the weekend. She didn't seem drunk but you never know.

Well, it looks like Thailand for the final surgery as prices have gone up several thousand in this country. Hoping for September time as I always wanted it done by the end of the year. I am really comfortable in my space now just need a man to share it with me who isn't married and not kinky. Am I asking for too much I hope not?

14/7/22 Got a video appointment with a surgeon in Barcelona regarding SRS on 28th July cant wait hopefully I might be able to finalise things and set a date for the operation.

18/7/21 Was sitting at home having my tea when a neighbour knocked on the door and presented me with a bunch of flowers and welcomed me to the street (I have been here a year on the 31st of the month) I was so taken I didn't invite her in and when she had gone I felt as though I had been so rude.

19/7/21 Was wide awake at 4.30 due to the heat so got up and made myself a cup of tea, as I was wide awake decided to make some Bara Brith (Tea Bread) which I was going to make later on in the day as I had some dried fruit pre-soaked in tea overnight. This evening I took the Bara Brith to the neighbour and apologised for my rudeness yesterday and gave it to her as a gift. We had a lovely chat and the result is that she loves walking as I do and now we have decided to go on walks together around this beautiful countryside. A lady that lives across from her came across and I found out that she makes wax melts and she gave me some apparently her Christmas ones are really good and fill the house with Christmas smells. So another friend has been made. My life just seems to be getting better every day I cannot believe how lucky I just need that one man in my life now to make it all complete. Or win the 191 million on the lottery haha.

Had a lovely weekend in Manchester in the company of Anna Glypta who is as daft as a brush but a lovely person and someone I am proud to call a real good friend. We stayed in the Brittania hotel well what a lovely building but the room was dreadful, and really needs a makeover. Anna found a needle sticking out of the carpet sewing needle, not a syringe. The room was not made up on Saturday at all. Needless to say, we won't be staying there again not when the prices and about the same as the Ibis and other large hotels.
Had a great time though Friday night a lovely Chinese meal in Chinatown and then a 15-mile walk as Anna was following google maps and I am convinced the Village kept moving every time we got near but a great night in the Village as well when we eventually6 found it haha.
Saturday a shopping day in the city what was not to like and in the evening we decided to eat in the Village in case it moved again and a lovely meal at 1 canal Street with 2 Porn star martinis and 3 Bacardi and lemonades what is not to like haha. Ended up in a small pub which was brilliant, everyone so friendly. A great night. Further adventures and planned methinks including Edinburgh. A month in Spain or Thailand later this year and I cannot wait to see where It will be for the operation.
8th August 2022 Well looks like Barcelona on 19th October for the final operation 10 weeks on Wednesday. I can't wait but such a lot to do before then, better get cracking and sort all the medical questions and blood tests out for them.

11th Aug 22. Went to Wales today to have lunch with my sister-in-law and my niece who is over from Dubai. I was a little concerned as they have never met the real me. What a lovely time I had fully accepted and had a lovely natter over lunch. My niece's children called me Aunty Cheryl, how lovely to hear that.
After a smashing day, I decided to stop off at Cheshire Oaks for some retail therapy. A dress pair of Sketchers trainers and 3 pairs of 7 denier tights later Iset of back home. A brilliant day.

14th August 2022 Flights to Barcelona booked for 16th Oct it is becoming real now can't wait to get there and finally be the person I should have been. Getting so excited like a youngster waiting for Christmas

18th October here I am sat in the sun in Sant Cugat waiting for my taxi to take me to the hospital for the operation which will complete me. This time tomorrow it will all be over. A massive thank you to Anna Glypta who has supported me through this and is with me in Spain getting drunk knowing I cannot drink.. Soon to be post op and cannot wait.

Well operation completed on the 19th October and I cannot praise the clinic or staff enough. It looks like my research paid off as I dont think i could have been treated any better.

Met a Greek girl there who had the operation a day before me Pandora spoke excellent English and works in Athens for a Danish company and travels through Amsterdam Denmark and Greece. A lovely girl and I really hope ewe keep in touch.

There is one person who must mention as she became my rock out there I dont think I could have done it on my own. she was fabulous with a capital F was Anna Glypts who I am proud to call my best friend. She put her life on hold to look after me and for that i will never forget.Thanks Anna.

So back home now since 3rd Nov and still very tired finding it hard to motivate myself to get things done but every day it is getting better and hopefully within a few weeks I will be back to my moaning self ha-ha.

Hoping to start cooking again by the weekend as my freezers are empty and need refilling.

If anyone wants to ask me anything about my life changing trip just get in touch if i can help one person to achieve who they are i will be happy but be prepared i will tell you warts and all as it has not been an easy ride and i a sure there are many more bumps to come.

If there is any gentlemen who are looking for a partner who can cook and clean and also enjoys ironing well look no further but be warned i am a girl it doesn't necessary mean we will jump into bed the first or possibly second date, but you never know. Can I just say attached and married men please do not apply as a refusal often offends.

Contacted by Indigo who have taken over my case from Sheffield gender clinic and yesterday 30/12/22 they contacted me to arrange an appointment with a gender Dr which is on Wednesday 4th Jan This is turning out to be a fantastic year already. Last year my new year resolution was to have the operation in 2022 which to be Hoest didn't think would happen until 2023 but I cannot believe how quick that was sorted when you go private and not in this country. This year my resolution is to get out more enjoy my life make new friends and possible relationships and be happy so much pressure off me now I can enjoy my new beginnings. Off to Manchester tonight NYE and really looking forward to it Happy new year everyone and I really hope 2023 is a great year for you all xx

had my first Dr appointment with Indigo today 4/1/23 which went well was on video link and took an hour and a half. Quite enjoyed it have t have a second before they will authorise hormones on prescription and that will take 6 to 12 weeks for next appointment. In the mean time I have to have sone blood tests which they will arrange with my GP. I am so pleased things are actually moving on now after waiting so long.

Got my second appointment on 2nd March 23. Can't wait then hopefully be able to get my GP to prescribe hormones instead of having to go private.

Good news second appoint made with gender clinic and approval for my GP to prescribe hormones Yippee.
Now on prescribed hormones back on the gel.

Holiday booked for October 15 night cruise from Southampton to the Caribbean, a few days at sea but I can handle that and 4 formal nights, having a nightmare deciding what to take with me got some lovely formal dresses. This is my wish come true being on a cruise ship on a formal night as the real me . I cant wait.

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Office wear, Lingerie, Wigs, Admirers / men, High Heels, Daytimes, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Can Travel, Mature, Inexperienced, Tights/Pantihose, Relationship (serious), Single/Unattached, Friendship, Photography, Art Exhibitions, Museums, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Holidays / Travel, Charity / Voluntary Work, Historic Places / Architecture, I have Piercings, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Knitwear, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Books & Literature, Theatre

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