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Last Visited:     14 June, 2024
Registered:     24 August, 2017
Location:     Bath, Avon, England


Can Travel

Non-op Transsexual

Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

Jan 2024
Not a great fan of this time of the year bring on the Summer !

Getting all excited for Christmas, chance to shop shop shop! Lots of lovely things I want from Santa
or any nice admirers out there so just drop me a line and maybe I can give you something in return?
Bath Christmas market has been packed weather though horrible wet and flooding everywhere in West Country!
Thanks for all the lovely messages from girls and guys on Chix always nice to hear from people
Speak soon

Hi everyone its autumn where does the time go?
Halloween is on its way chance to dress up
Spent a lovely day at the Girl Inside what a great makeover venue so relaxing and lots of great outfits and wigs to try on. Would recommend to any girls looking for a days pampering.

A big thank you to everyone for all the lovely Birthday messages
you are all so sweet and I am glad you enjoy the profile

Been a while since I wrote anything here, where does the time go?
Main pic on profile was taken on a lovely evening out in Bath.

Thanks as always for all the lovely messages from people out there on Chix
You get Jan and Feb out of the way the days get longer and you start to think things can only get better weather wise and then it snows!
I am not a big fan of cold weather hate it but nice to wrap up in a nice warm jacket and wear a cute hat!
Our old friend the Ugg boots seemed to have been making a comeback worn with leggings and puffa jackets but not sure how great they are in the snow?
Can't wait for the sun to arrive though roll on the Summer

January Blues

Hi everyone
Hope you are all okay? January is not a great month for me
Bills to pay, terrible weather here in England, just got to get it done I suppose.
But did manage to visit my good friend Hills last week at 'The Girl Inside'
Such a lovely guy and he kindly took a few pics of moi in some Winter outfits.
At the moment on the high street it's all puffa jackets, faux fur, shiny leggings + boots.
If you want to find a bargain always try the charity shops I managed to pick up a full length
black faux fur coat it's so gorgeous.


December 2022
We lost the cold weather and now have rain! Still very pleased as treated myself to a lovely pair of long black boots which will look great with jeans/trousers or a jumper type dress. Just got to make sure I watch my weight over Christmas!
Still freezing cold down here in West country but at least no snow
One week to go for us to all rush out and buy those Christmas goodies!
A big thank you to everyone who has sent me lovely Christmas messages hugs and kisses to you all out there in Chix land
Also please go to TikTok or You Tube and watch the Spanish Whiskey advert 'She, a J&B tale' it just shows how far the Trans community has come in the past few years amazing.

November 2022
Apologies for not having added much to my profile recently
as always a big thank you to lovely Hills at 'The Girl Inside' for taking these latest pics as someone who worked in the fitness industry it is always nice to dress up in some lycra!
Christmas is on the horizon a time for all us girls to go out and buy lots of nice goodies!

Slim blonde blue eyed mature T girl in her late 50's
Live near the lovely city of Bath
Have been on Chix before and left a couple of times for both personal and guilt issues
but have come back each time (As we all seem to do!) as I can't seem to resist this site and my feminine side.

Have been dressing all my life and the coming of the internet opened up a whole new world for me to meet and chat with other 'girls' and 'admirers'.
I enjoy chatting to ladies who like T girls, and yes I do enjoy their compliments about my bum!
I did have a couple of admirers on Chix before who were sweet but I am not into clubs or pubs dressed.
I am a discreet mature t girl who likes to explore the whole Transgender world which has gone mainstream. Really enjoy the gay pageant scene, drag divas, and also love showgirls.
Prefer to dress in privacy of home or meet other Tgirls or admirers at their homes.
I have tried a few makeovers in the past love Susie at 'Chateau Femme' such a gorgeous lady.
Also Hills at 'The Girl Inside' is a real sweetie a real friend of the Trans community such a nice guy.
'The Girl Inside' is near Bath situated in a nice discreet house with private parking it is a great venue for Tgirls, a place to get away from it all to relax and be pampered. All the makeup is done by trained professionals, Hills takes the pics and girls have access to a large wardrobe. See link at top of my profile

To keep my girly slim body I am really into fitness do not drink or smoke enjoy working out - aerobics, yoga, running.
I am short and slim (Size 8 -10) so love to wear swimsuits with heels. furs, long gowns, lingerie, high boots, just enjoy looking nice and wearing girly clothes.
My main hobbies are fashion, photography, travel, reading, cinema, good food but am a terrible cook!
I like to chat so please mail me anytime.


Am pleased so many people have been in touch and told me how much they enjoyed reading about the books and articles etc I have posted here. The Chix world continues to grow and its great to get messages from alover about Trans issues and now we have the web you can delve in and hunt around to remember some of the other girls who were so important to me.

One of the first Female impersonators who caught my attention in those hazy pre internet days was the american actor Christopher Morely. If you needed a pretty guy to play a woman on film or a clunky cheap tv series in the 70's and 80's Morley was the person you went to. He was so pretty and looked amazing who can forget his role in the film 'Freebie and the Bean'!

Morley specialized in cross-dressing roles in the 1970s and 1980s. He played numerous parts in television and movies, most known for his parts in Freebie and the Bean (1974) and General Hospital (1980). In General Hospital, Morley played Sally Armitage, owner of a bar and a friend of Laura. The role was played straight and attracted the flirtatious interest of Luke until Morley's character finally revealed he was a man. Once revealed as a male, Morley's character became part of a plot to hold Luke and Laura's lives as ransom, in exchange for hidden gold. After the gold was found, Morley's character was killed in a gunfight.
On an episode of Magnum, P.I., he played David Bannister, a disgraced operative for the British MI6 intelligence service who was dismissed for being openly transvestite. Bannister becomes a deadly efficient ruthless international assassin available to the highest bidder, always operating in female guise, often as nuns in full habit (an advantageous disguise for various reasons).

I remember first seeing him in the Robert Wagner tv show 'Switch' in a episode called the
'Cruise ship murders' I looked for this episode on You tube for ages and it eventually popped up a couple of years ago wow he/she was so gorgeous.

In this other great clip we see Chris play an entertainer in a tv series called
'Partners in Crime' starring Lynda Carter and Loni Anderson made in 1984 this was big hair and padded shoulders time and Chris plays another gorgeous woman who is really a man in a episode unsurprisingly called 'Is she or isn't he?'

Morley was featured as a female impersonator in a pictorial article in the May 1975 issue of Playboy, photographed by Mario Casilli. Another famous picture is of him dressed having dinner with Liberace.

In the 1980s and 1990s Morley was one of the foremost Marilyn Monroe impressionists, starring at the La Cage aux Folles Dinner Theatre in Los Angeles. Later he toured with their various road shows, An Evening At La Cage, playing Las Vegas, Toronto, Taipei, and Helsinki.

Chris is still around on facebook and has a great collection of film clips on You tube which are well worth a look if you enjoy a pretty girl!

One of the other girls I really enjoyed watching on You Tube and reading about was the lovely singer/entertainer Grae Phillips. A Canadian singer Grae was labelled as a real life 'Tootsie' unable to get work as a male singer he decided to dress up as a woman and perform as a female singer.
Here is the male to female transformation once Grae did this he realised he should have been a girl!

Grae was so gorgeous and had a great voice here is a clip of him putting on his makeup and getting ready to go out wow !

After appearing on stage as a woman Grae seemed to find her feminine self. Grae was married to a woman but as he began to embrace his stage persona he left his wife and came out as gay.
Here is a clip of Grea appearing at a Aids benefit in New York singing 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend'

I remember reading about Grae and loving the way she performed but then one minute she was here with a website and the next she was gone what happened to her?

I had a look round the interweb and dug out a few articles for you ro read enjoy

Female Impersonator Performs in Adams House
By Alec Permison
March 16, 1993
Crooning in a lovely soprano voice--only occasionally dropping to a husky low whisper--New York cabaret singer and female impersonator Grae Phillips captivated an audience of more than 100 in the Adams House dining hall last night.
"I thought people were going to dress up," exclaimed the performer as he took the stage, dazzling the crowd in a glittering red gown, flashing earrings and a stylish coiffure.
Aiming to "lay to rest the rumor that Adams is becoming sober," Professor of English Marjorie Garber introduced Phillips, who has appeared at the Helmsley Palace and on a variety of talk shows.
Phillips opened the show singing. "Why Don't You Do Right, Like Some Other Men Do?" and be followed with several other seductive numbers.
"This is a cafeteria, isn't it?" asked Phillips, launching into a rendition of "Send in the Clams," and singing, "Isn't it rich, isn't it queer."
Audience response was enthusiastic for this and the other numbers performed, including "Condoms Are a Girl's Best Friend," during which Phillips tossed condoms to the crowd, and another song about a gigolo chauffeur.
Phillips ended the show with an alluring encore performance of "You Give Me Fever," accompanied by the audience snapping the tune.
Garber, director of Harvard's Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, which sponsored the performance, said this was to be Phillips' only appearance in Boston on this trip.
After the hour-long performance, Phillips described his background and fielded tough questions from the audience.
"What skin cream do you use?" asked an envious female member of the crowd, noting Phillips' "nice" hands. Phillips confessed that he doesn't use any cream on his hands, though he said he applies makeup heavily to cover his beard.

Phillips started as a female impersonator when he auditioned off-Broadway in 1982 for a normal role. He said Boy George was popular at that time, and "so they thought 'Oh, well, he sounds like a girl, why don't we dress him up like one?'"
It took Phillips a year to deal with the idea of performing as a woman, he said, but finally he accepted the role and opened at the Helmsley Palace.
Phillips said his wife helped him "with the little things" of acting like a woman.
"A lot of me is her," he said. "[Often] I'm actually doing my wife.

From tabloid TV to tiaras
This article was published more than 21 years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

After conquering Montreal's Fringe Festival last summer, drag performance artist extraordinaire Grae Phillips is leaving his mark on the Centaur Theatre's Wild Side Festival, which runs until this Sunday (Jan. 30). His show, titled Everyone's Fu#%ing But Me, features the obligatory collection of drag numbers, with songs like Condoms Are a Girl's Best Friend alongside personal meditations on the biz.
But perhaps what's most intriguing about Phillips is his story. A struggling actor living in New York in the early 1990s, he was taken aback when, during a singing audition, someone suggested he try drag. Soon enough, Phillips was belting out songs in frocks and rapidly gaining attention in chichi Manhattan nightclubs and cabarets for doing so.
Phillips, meanwhile, was also in the closet and married to a woman. His claim to heterosexuality led to a lot of media attention; the drag queen/married fella double life led to appearances on Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael, Geraldo and Montel Williams, among others and to a fair bit of negative feedback. Phillips reports receiving piles of hate mail from gay folk who felt he should be up-front about his orientation.
It all sounds a tad surreal: a drag queen who's in the closet? "It was an odd time," agrees Phillips, who has since divorced his wife and embraced his gayness. "I was trying to assert my masculinity while signing up for hairdressing school. I finally learned to get in touch with myself."
An odd time, indeed. Does Phillips harbour any regrets about his years of confusion? "I wish I'd managed to appear on Oprah and The Joan Rivers Show as well."

It's a Man's World?
One of the first things I learned was when I entered the feminine world was how I lost almost all of my relevance when talking to men. I remember vividly jumping head long into a conversation one night with three men and getting totally patronized. I thought "Oh! Is this the way it is going to be?" Well, it was...and worse. Soon I learned I had lost most of my intelligence too.

After I had transgender transitioned into the world for a while, I learned the truth. The idea men run the world is a myth, except for Washington. And, how is that working for us? As I absorbed what I needed to live as a woman, I learned the feminine rules I would need to survive in the real world. In other words what women did to talk around men or how they would bide their time until they got their way. The two "P's" of my new life became all too real. Passive aggressiveness and patience. Both were needed to get by in my new life.

So it may indeed be a man's world but women run it.

Sometimes I wonder what a person like Grae Phillips would think? Did he ever become so engrossed with being a female impersonator that he lost any perspective about being male at all. Or did presenting himself as a guy presenting as a woman provide him with the publicity to build a career? Since he does not read Cyrsti's Condo that I know of, I will never know.

Speaking of Grae, Connie had her own take on Phillips career being an entertainer herself:

" My guess is that his act is no longer relevant. Also, age is not a woman's best friend - especially in the entertainment industry. Shows like "Dragrace" have taken the novelty to an extreme, and this is (to paraphrase) no country for old queens. Not that Grae was ever really a drag queen, but that could be part of the problem of relevance today. Most likely, though, the whole act lost relevance for him. After all, he says that he only did the female impersonation because he was getting nowhere in show biz as a male performer.

As a singer, myself, I can only dream of having a voice in such a high register as Grae's. Still, unless I wanted to do a full-on drag act, there is not much call for a transgender woman singer these days. Of course, I don't see myself as anything other than a trans woman who sings, and I only want to be seen as that, as well. Even if I am, though, it's tough to be convincing when I'm a 68-year-old singing "Making Whoopie." I imagine that it would be the same for a female impersonator, too."

Here are some more links with Grae on you tube this one is on a chat show with 2 other girls

This is a homage to Grae with one of her songs and pictures she was so gorgeous!!

Need a film to watch with a Cross dressing theme on these long dark evenings 'The Red Spider' is a
80's Police drama set in New York. Lots of big hair and padded shoulders worth a watch on You Tube

2 more books with a Trans theme I discovered while drifting around various second hand book shops in the 80's are a 'Sunday Best' written by Bernice Rubens which I found was a good read
George Verry Smith, suburban schoolmaster, is bored; with his wife, his life, his job. Plagued by poison pen letters, suffused with lust for the woman next door, he lives only for Sunday, when he dresses up. On Sundays, George becomes Emily.

The other book I found was 'Even the Rainbows Bent' by Carl Noone.
Main character Adrian is a young man who lives at home with his mother who discover her son likes to dress and now she has a daughter as well. Another good read even if it follows a plot line which has been done before. Both books can be bought online ideal reading for lockdown.

Hope you enjoy speak more soon take care.

With all this spare time during lockdown I have been exploring You Tube a bit more to see if I could find any other Trans themed gems out there. Came across this tv show from Mexico starring the late gorgeous Francis Garcia. For its time and being set in Mexico this show is a ground breaker a tale about a female impersonator and her relationship with a married admirer only problem is it is in Spanish! But click on link below and you will soon get the idea.
Hope you enjoy

Here is some more background info about Francis Garcia
In the 1980s, when Mexico was recognized worldwide as one of the great capitals of entertainment, it was thanks in no small part to this performer: the outstanding and virtuous drag queen Francis, otherwise known as ‘The last great showgirl’.

The story of his life begins in the city of Campeche, Mexico in 1958. Francisco Del Carmen, as his real name was, was raised by his mother and aunt, both seamstresses, who introduced him to the world of fashion design from a very early age. He entered showbiz, first as a costume designer for carnival dancers and pageant queens of his hometown in the early-1970s, and by the end of the decade he had already settled in Mexico City, capital of the country, to dress some of the most popular showgirls of the time.

Life took him from working as a cabaret tailor to a cinematic costumier, and in 1978 he decided to take a step forward and audition for a role in the movie ‘Noches de Cabaret’ (Cabaret Nights), one of the most controversial films in the history of Mexican cinema. Francisco, and a dozen other gay men make a funny cameo as drag queens, in the strangest remake of the German classic ‘Victor Victoria’.

At that time, drag queens weren’t taken seriously as entertainers in Mexico; they were often ridiculed, underappreciated and used merely for the entertainment of an audience that did not understand how diverse gender identity and human sexuality could be. Basically, the butt of every joke.

It was then that he decided to re-dignify the genre, and took it upon himself to do so in the best possible way. Using his knowledge as a designer, along with the experience of working for some the most recognized showgirls of the time, Francisco created Francis, his drag persona, who starred in a one-of-a-kind production, in which he combined the

art of cabaret, drag, and impersonation in an act as glamorous as it was hilarious. ‘The Francis Show’ was such a success that multiple seasons were held at different venues all over the country and in the United States, until the late-1980s, when he became an exclusive feature of the legendary Blanquita Theater, one of the most prestigious venues of the country. Francis was so popular, that his 6-month season at the Blanquita extended to 15 years. A drag queen starring in the country’s most renowned theater for over a decade… Impressive.

Francis lived through the early-00s. He became a recurring character on television and used every opportunity to educate the masses about sexual diversity and gender identity. Sadly, he passed away in 2007 due to pulmonary thrombosis.

Hope everyone is okay? Just wanted to thank everyone for all their nice messages and thank you to Chix for being a place I can come to when I feel lonely and want to chat with other girls in these strange times. Hopefully soon we will be able to get back to normal but in the meantime life goes on in lockdown.

Here are some fitness links for all you girls looking to keep in shape during lock down.
Pamela Reif is a gorgeous German model who does great fitness workouts on You Tube.
These exercises are ideal for working on Core strength, toning different parts of the body and help give you a nice slim female figure.

Check out Pamela's sexy Puma workout gear as well!

Thanks to everyone who has contacted me over the past few weeks and to all those who enjoyed my pics. All the girls on chix have their own story and how we ended up to be here. Gabbie started as a shy girl on UK Angels and over the past few years has come to enjoy herself on Chix and make many friends and admirers who have been so kind. Not sure where all this will end but am enjoying myself and hoping to find more happiness in the future.

As some of you may know I am a big fan of fashion designer Phillipe Blond just love her style and the way she is out there and so mainstream. Another new rising star who has caught my eye is
Mattis Rump a student at the London School of Fashion. Mattis has great style and looks gorgeous I just love the androgyny and shows how far things have changed in the last 10 years.
Watch this video of Mattis using 'Work It' by Marie Davidson as a backing track hope you enjoy!

Now that Trans is so main stream wanted to share a link to the 2019 Fashion Show of my favourite fashion designers David & Phillipe Blond. Phillipe is gorgeous and is so comfortable with her look and models all her own outfits on the catwalk with the other models. Here is a link to a clip about their Disney themed show back in Feb in New York. Paris Hilton is one of the models as well!

Have also added a link below of some Vegas Showgirls
Just love the change of costumes in this clip. These girls look great
Pretty Trans girls who can look and dance like this earn a fortune in private clubs and parties.

One of my other fave pageants is 'Miss Trans Europa' great link here to the rehearsals for the 2018 contest.
Watch as all the lovely contestants are put through their paces for the big day.
Hope you enjoy

Here is another great pageant 'Miss Trans Nacional Mexico 2018'
Lots of big angel wings, a few high heel wobbles but all lovely girls!

Courtney Act Britain’s favourite drag queen and Celebrity Big Brother winner had her very own variety special on Channel 4 on Christmas Eve and it was a queer delight.
The show featured Courtney busting gender stereotypes about Christmas and encouraging Britain to embrace themselves whether straight, gay, lesbian, trans, cis, white or a Simpson.
The heartwarming special, which also featured queer artists such as the Briefs boylesque troupe, Le Gateau Chocolat and Drag Race icon Bianca Del Rio, celebrated the LGBT+ community on national television in a way that we haven’t seen before. Making the Yuletide gay, indeed.
Not only was the show full of festive fun with the gorgeous Leona Lewis and Courtney singing a duet in sexy costumes and spiked heel boots it was also super important, reflecting on issues facing the gay community.
20 years ago who would have ever expected a programme like this on mainstream tv? All we got then was the lovely Danny La Rue or Stanley Baxter and his long girly legs which he loved to show off in a dress at every possible opportunity!

Have had some great messages about the pre-internet days and how cross dressers
found information and pictures about other girls and Cross dressing.
One other thing I remember about those far off days were those expensive premium rate phone numbers you could dial to get all sorts of services/sex stories who remembers 'Dial a disc'?
I can remember phoning some which were advertised as Sexy Tales of Cross dressing.
(Yes I know it does sound tacky and expensive!)
When you got through on your old land line phone a female voice would tell you a story
One I remember was about a guy dressing to work as a bar maid in a pub
I can always remember the voice on the phone saying
"Oh you look so pretty all dressed up you will pull more than just pints tonight darling"
The stories were kept as long as possible so you ran up a huge phone bills listening.
Now of course we have You Tube and things like TG Fiction World

Thanks for all the replies about looking for info on cross dressing in pre-internet days
This got me thinking about some more of the books I found in those days
'Regiment of Women' by Thomas Berger
Set in a future where women are the dominant sex and men dress as women.
Rich older women known as 'Sugar-Mommas' keep pretty boys who are known as 'Mattresses' at home as playthings but when they lose their looks they are dumped.
In one part of the book the main character a male called Cornell is driving through a up market suburb
where he sees these young pretty boys longing in bikinis alongside swimming pools. A open jag drives past him and goes up up a long drive to a big house. Out of the car steps a gorgeous Red head no more then 18 wearing a stunning off white dress who flounces into the house.

Have been thinking more about the pre-internet days and what it was like for cross dressers then.
I remember visiting second hand book shops and the local library looking for anything on the subject.
Apart from books on panto and the theatre I remember reading about the Chevalier d'eon a male French diplomat in the 1700's who went to live at the Russian court as a woman. Another book was about males who cross dressed in the Victorian period. One story I still remember in the book was about a man who begins to cross dress and he describes the excitement and joy of his first time being tight laced in a corset and wearing a long gown. From this moment he dresses more and more and eventually he starts going out fully dressed as a woman and even describes a journey on a train dressed sitting in a carriage with other passengers. Another book was called 'More Letters to the Happy Hooker' by Xaviera Hollander a book written in the 70's. One of the letters was from a 26 yr old in Canada who dressed. Xaviera visits him at his house and he tries on all his outfits for her. She is amazed at how good he looks and invites him to a Drag Queen Ball to be held in the city he goes along dressed in a gown all dolled up and loves it he wins the new babe talent competition. The ball changes his life he calls her a few days later and admits to meeting a guy there who turned him on and that he had now decided to try a boy for a lover something he had always thought about but had never done before.
Then there was 'King Rat' by James Clavell a book set in a Japanese pow camp in Second World War one of the prisoners Sean is ordered to be the woman in the camp plays at first he is reluctant to do this but once he starts he finds he enjoys the dressing and gradually the woman in him takes over and he becomes completely feminine.
Then there is the 'Triple Echo' by HE Bates about a soldier who deserts from the army again in the second world war and is hidden by a farmers wife whose husband is a pow abroad. She disguises him as her sister at first he is reluctant to do this but gradually he starts to enjoy it and the farmers wife realises to late what she has created. This was made into a film with Glenda Jackson and Oliver Reed.
Wow I still remember the excitement of reading all these stories.
In 1991 I was visiting Las Vegas and as I walked around the strip I saw a huge bill board advertising the gorgeous Female Impersonator Kenny Kerr who at that time was the number 1 drag queen in Vegas starring in a show called 'Boylesque' I remember just standing there staring up at this amazing woman with her big hair and long figure hugging sequined gown feeling so jealous and wanting to be her I was so turned on!
If anyone has any stories or old films / tv shows you can remember would love to here from you
please let me know.

Thanks for all of you who got back to me about the pre-internet days for x dressers

For us older girls who can remember the pre-internet days being a t girl
could be a lonely business.
I am sure alot of you will remember watching Danny La Rue on the tele
or glancing at the adverts tucked away in places like Exchange and Mart!
Trans fiction was always something I was on the look out for and many a
happy hour would be spent in the local library trying to track down books with a
cross dressing theme.
With the arrival of the internet we now have access to thousands of Trans fiction stories.

Cassandra Cass a transsexual actress, performer, model and Fantasy Girl.
Cas has appeared as a showgirl in CSI, the US daytime show Tyra, Transtasia, The Movie
and can also be seen on Fantasy Girl calendars.
Great clip of her in this link in CSI playing a showgirl my ultimate dream...!

Now that Transgender is becoming more and more mainstream there are some gorgeous guys who now work as female models in the fashion industry. Following in the footsteps of the lovely Andrej Pejic, is the stunning German model Alex Veit.
Here is a link to one of Alex's clips on You Tube so pretty!!!

Here is a great link to a selection of contestants in the Miss Continental evening gown section
from 2000 - 2015

Check out the lovely girls who competed in the 2013 Miss Continental Swimsuit competition
lots of boobs, curves, and heels!!

One magazine I love reading is Frock Magazine a great read and its free!
Just click on link below

Current Miss Continental 2017 is the gorgeous Shantell D'Marco

For all info/pics/ latest gos on pageants and pics of the lovely Shantel go to

Interests: Cross-dressing, Fetish clothing, Shopping, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Online chat, Office wear, Lingerie, Panties, Hair accessories, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Admirers / men, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, I am Sub, In the Closet, High Heels, Can Travel, Trendy/Modern club wear, Bridal/Wedding wear, Swim/Beach wear, Mature, Role Play, Uniforms, Tights/Pantihose, Gloves, Corsets, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Furs, Females, Friendship, Art Exhibitions, Museums, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Holidays / Travel, Historic Places / Architecture, Sporting Events, Girdles, Mature Admirers / Men, Cosplay / Costumes, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Playsuits, Knitwear, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Books & Literature, Vintage

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