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Last Visited:     24 July, 2024
Registered:     26 January, 2009
Location:     Perth, Perthshire, Scotland


Non-Binary Genderfluid

Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

Hi there!
I am Grai – part of the organising team at Leeds First Friday, which is the UK's largest trans+ social in the UK. LFF has to be one of, if not, the most active trans+ socials on the planet! We get between 150 to 350 of you descending on the incredibly friendly and accepting city of Leeds each month. And it’s growing all the time, with a dedicated newcomer meetup, cocktail socials, group meals, and daytime taproom tours all happening under the Leeds First Friday umbrella each month. I’m sure there will be more to come. 🤩

LFF has been running for 15 years in its current form, but there have been groups and meet ups in Leeds going back to 1975. A succession of incredible people: Susan Platt, Cindy Lopez, Rachel Leeds, Tanya Carr, Janie Marie Swann and partners, friends and a myriad other people in the background have shaped and adapted Leeds First Friday, generously helping newcomers find their feet and welcome them to the community. All volunteers and did this to help our community for years 🥰 Originally a meet-up for those in the area during a pub quiz in the Old Red Lion pub, LFF grew and grew and now spans sixteen or more inclusive venues (as safe spaces to adventure further in the city) and with hundreds of trans+ people, family (yes we have partners, sons and daughters popping by) attending from around the UK and internationally. Now we have teams of people hosting events and helping out online. It’s a massive community and you are very welcome to become part of it.

If you haven't been out publicly before. You may be full of doubts about transphobia, appearance or logistics. You are not alone. Many of us including myself (and I remember being a bag of nerves and excitement on my first LFF) had those same worries, and have gone on to start journeys of discovery and joy. All I ask is you reach out to me... ask any questions that are really causing concern and I'll do my best to answer. Just message me. Also join our discord and Facebook groups to find out what’s going on and to meet the people coming ahead of time. Lots of help, advice… and nonsense. There's no pressure to attend LFF and you may find out that something that was bothering you may not be such a worry at all. 😌

If you have been out publicly before. Grab your bags, head to for the latest info and we will see your fabulous self there very soon🤩

Now on to the silly part of the profile...

Being non-binary and part of the wider trans space is so deeply infused. I love it! I am very proud and privileged to be part of this incredible community. It's like a super power! (Cue stirring orchestral music... 🎶mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🎶).

+++ sultry tvchix voice +++

Lips - Super tasty like sweet sweet strawberry. Oh my god.
Hair - Sleek tousled wisps. Pure. Platinum. Playfu… Hang on my eyelash is caught. There we go. Where were we?
Skin - Shimmery. Soft. Like a sweet little cute baby dolphin. Mmmmmm.
Eyes - Sparkling. Smokey. Squinting. Who are you? No. Who are you?!

+++ enough of that +++

I love, love music! Loud! Shake you to…

Whoa! Whoa! Hol' up. ...before we get started... I gotta tell ya. I’m here…working on me…right now. I really am. And…🥺…It’s hard. And hun... this profile AINT gonna pay for itself! So… you might see a little sponsorship here and there…a you know what? That’s ok. Sistaz be hustlin. Uh huhhhh.

Just so we’re on the same page, my lip gloss addiction is totally under control right now. I'm getting great help. Rrrillly great help. The girls at the clinic are like totes besties. I...just... need... to borrow... a teensy bit of Gloss Bomb to see me through the weekend. Please!!!! Oh I’m sorry. I’m not like that. It’s just the upper lip. To catch the light. That's all. I’m allowed! Honest...👄...hey... HEY! WHERE YOU GOIN???

--------YOU CAN SKIP THIS AD IN 10 SECONDS -------

“Hiiiii! Welcome back to my youtube channel 😘 I am FINALLY ready to reveal my new A. MAY. ZING tutorial. You guys have been asking me to make this video FOR EVERRRR!!! I am SO excited. You are not gonna believe what I’ve got for you in this episode! Today I’m going to show you how to UN-REMEMBER how much you spent on clothes! I know right?! This hack will not only make dresses cheap...they'll be freakin FREE! And…. Hold on…I promise by the end of this video you’ll know my secret too!!! It’s IN...SANE!!! Oh...wait wait ... this bad boy works with make-up too! I'm literally crying right now. It’s so good. all my Graigrai’s out there, go check the video, don’t forget to like and subscribe 💋🥰, stay gorgeous and I’ll see you all in the chat. Kisses! 💋✌️”

--------SKIP AD--------

Okay, enough. Your coffee is getting cold. You may have moved on from coffee at this point...I don't blame you.🍸🥳 Let's wrap this shiz...

I love, love music! Loud! Shake you to your core!!! Dance, House, and D'n'B in particular. Have been known to party long after the chemically-enriched have fallen by the way side. Slackers. 🙌

I love getting to know other amazing people across the whole trans+ community (so many, it's quite breath-taking) and I'm lucky to count many as good friends. I find it insightful, thought-provoking and probably the most genuine aspect of my life. One day all of this will be widely accepted/widely ignored and we can all live our lives a little easier.

Take good care of yourselves, and hopefully see you around. Oh and come to LFF. It’s awesome.

Grai x

Useful links:

Interests: Attached, Photography, Art Exhibitions, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Music Festivals / Gigs, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Holidays / Travel, TV/TG Activism & Awareness, Charity / Voluntary Work, Historic Places / Architecture, Web Design, Books & Literature

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27/07/2024 05:43:56