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Male Admirer
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General / Everyday wear
Hello all, I’m a male admirer from Northern Ireland looking to get to know and get friendly with people from the TV community with a hope of meeting up. I’m pretty shy if I’m being honest and would like to meet up eventually with someone understanding of the situation and also the fact that I’ve never done anything like this before.
It’s a strange situation I feel and while people may say I’m in denial and don’t class myself as gay… put it this way, I don’t walk down the street going “god he’d get it” but the thought of being with a TV is a feeling I’ve longed for for years and keep trying to suppress my feelings. Maybe somebody has been or is in this same predicament.
I am athletic weighing in at 13st and my height is 6ft 3”. My eye colour is green/blue and dirty fair short hair. I do enjoy being active and keeping fit when work isn’t getting in the way. Any questions don’t be afraid to ask and hope to hear from you soon.
Online chat, Email chat, Erotic nights in, I am Sub, Can Travel, No Male Admirers Please!, Inexperienced, Relationship (casual), Friendship, Sporting Events, DIY Help / Advice, I am Versatile, E-Stim
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