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TV seeks open-minded Real Girl

Last Visited:     31 March, 2025
Registered:     01 August, 2009
Location:     A padded cell oop north, Merseyside, England



Favorite Look:
Smart Tart

Until Covid struck, I tried to get along to "Townhouse" roughly monthly when I could. All very friendly there - a nice bunch of people. Circumstances prevented me from getting to the new incarnation of Deeva (the night for TVs), which only lasted for a few months around the last big wave of Covid in late 2021, which probably suppressed many TVs' attendance at Deeva. Pity. Unfortunately, multiple health issues have been preventing me from doing much since then. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back there before too long, though it might be a while yet. Apart from that, dressing isn't something I do particularly often but it is an occasional 'fun treat'.

The first time I went 'out' en femme after decades in the closet was in 2012, albeit at a very friendly and very 'hippy' festival. (Not one of the big horrible commercial ones with hordes of roaming drunk teenagers etc.) At night, in the dance tents, I was amazed at how many people said I had fab legs with many saying I had a pert little femme bum - a couple of GGs (Genetic Girls) even slapped it and copped a feel! :-) Mind you, it was pretty dark!

In subsequent years, I couldn't believe the fab reception I got - GGs just kept coming up to me for a hug and telling me I looked amazing. (That's never happened in drab mode! Lol!) One wearing a catsuit even came up to me in one of the dance tents and said "I really want to see you in this catsuit - let's swap clothes!" It was completely impractical given that it was packed in that dance tent ... and that she was 2-3 sizes smaller than me ... and that (as usual), I was wearing 2 pairs of sheer tights without panties but I just wish I'd had the presence of mind to say "well let's go back to my camper van and try that"!

This naming malarkey is fraught with difficulties. To try to avoid confusion, I list myself as 'lesbian' since 'straight' might refer to my male or female persona. I gather the correct term I should use is a trans-lesbian or "Transbian" but even that could mean I was looking for other T-girls (which, as it happens, I'm not). Anyway, I'm really hoping to find a friendly and kink-tolerant Genetic Girl, though I obviously have nothing against chatting to other T-girls online, of course - but I'm *not* looking for 'male admirers', thanks all the same.

The dressing all started from two kinks, namely Sploshing (or WAM - Wet & Messy), which involves things like custard pie or food fights, stomping around in mud, etc. (basically planned silly slapstick fun but can also be very sensuous too) - and tights/lycra gear, which I do adore. (I definitely have "The Nylon Gene"!) Please don't let those put you off, however - they're both entirely harmless and fun kinks that happen to go together very well. (I love to wear tights myself but I also love to see GGs in them too, as I think they make women displaying long slim legs look even more sexy.)

Also, tights & lycra gear work so well with sploshing, as they hold all the gloop 'where you want it' ;-) and generally return to a wearable condition after a simple washing cycle, as well as feeling gorgeous when the layers slide about over each other and over your skin when completely lubricated with something smooth and sloppy - a great way to turn a huge area of your body into a giant erogenous zone! Pouring smooth-whipped sloppy clay or gunge into them (and in between the layers) is the most amazing sensation. ;-)

The minor kinks mentioned above don't really fall into BDSM but much of the online community tends to assume that they do. I'm really *not* into all that ropework, and 'pain is pleasure' stuff. I find that pain is merely my body's way of reminding me that I'm an NHS patient (joke - I certainly wouldn't want to be without our universal resource!) ... and I'm not looking for someone to boss me around either. Sorry - *not* interested in that at all.

Consequently, I prefer my kinks to be fun and consensual, with as much laughing as possible (and having a mud-pie fight with a GG in the countryside while we're dressed up in tarty lycra gear is about as silly as life can get so there's usually a lot of laughing going on, although such opportunities are, sadly, very rare indeed.) That's the kind of TV I am but I do know when to behave properly and be sensible too, which is the vast majority of the time, of course, although I'm told I do have a good sense of humour anyway.

I love not only the look but particularly the feel of femme clothes - there's nothing to beat soft clingy lycra for sensuousness as it hugs and caresses you in all sorts of interesting places. Blokes' clothes are just so dull and boring and I just don't know how to feel sexy in them. I think that, when I'm 'dressed', it "gives me permission to feel sexy", so to speak. [I do find myself looking at my boobs, arse and legs in the mirror when en femme (which I never do in drab) and letting my imagination (and hands) wander a bit! ;-) ]

I live alone, have worked for many years in a professional occupation (hence the need for sensible discretion) and run a business in addition to that too, so I haven't had as much time to devote to my pleasures as I would have liked but maybe someone special can help me to change that! :-)

I have brown eyes and what was dark brown hair (though it's somewhat greyed and gone from the top these days, hence the wig when I'm dressed). I'm quite tall (~6'4") and relatively slim build (though not as much as I used to be - eek!) so, consequently, I tend to look out for similarly proportioned GGs a few years younger than myself (which means I probably stand no chance, of course!)

If you know of someone who fits that description or you think "hey that sounds like me" and/or you think that what I've been talking about sounds like daft fun then do please get in touch.

Interests: Cross-dressing, Boots, Online chat, Office wear, Panties, Hair accessories, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Full Makeup, In the Closet, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Trendy/Modern club wear, No Male Admirers Please!, Webcams / C2C, Role Play, Inexperienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Outdoor Fun, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Females, Single/Unattached, Friendship, Photography, Museums, Music Festivals / Gigs, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Historic Places / Architecture, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Casual Tops

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31/03/2025 23:15:39