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Trans woman
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General / Everyday wear
I am a post op trans woman of legal age, average perhaps height and weight, average perhaps intelligence, blonde girl, gone-with-the-fairies, perhaps eccentric, living in South Lincolnshire on the backbone of barely discernible hills, in the driest town in Britain.
I have blue/grey eyes, my own boobs and a full set of digits minus one, and live quietly under the stairs among the jars of preserves and baskets of potatoes.
I have a nice man who I’ve been with for elleventy years, with hairy arms and gingery ears, known as Cupid or Mr Nicey.I’ve been off and on chix over the years, but fancied a return to its existence, so I’m here again, to make you all happy.
I’m friendly and chatty and my main hobby is sleeping, although I’m fond of certain grape varieties and comestible adjuncts of the cheese world.I hate sport and piped music and I loathe heels.
Do drop a line if you’d like to and try to pique my interest with matters of more than one syllable, as life’s a bit boring and I require entertainment of a modest kind.Please don’t try and hook up for sex as I’m barren as a blown yogurt and uninterested in activity with randy strangers, so friends only please, and that’s an iron rule I have.
Also, I don’t drive and have no private jet in the attic, so meets need to be very public affairs, as I tell my mannie everything and I never fool around on that score.
Having said that, it’s nice to have friends up and down the country, and if we don’t meet we won’t get to know one another much.
Thanks for reading my profie and I look forward to chatting soon.
P.s please note I’m a sixty odd year old girl post op trans woman, so not remotely interested in telling you what I’m wearing, what I do in bed( pickled onions )or letting you in on what turns me on (picking my nose) or indeed if I’ve been vesting about a damp city late at night on ill fitting shoes while the wife’s away.Ask not the said questions.
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