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Shine bright like a diamond✨✨✨

Last Visited:     05 July, 2024
Registered:     09 March, 2016
Location:     Norwich, Norfolk, England


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
Femme Fatale

Uploaded some much needed new pics. Unfortunately I'm not around in here as much as i used to be. Hope everyone has a fab 2024.

Back to Pink Punters this Friday for May BNO...

March BNO booked. Getting a bit regular this is...... say hello if you see me, always happy to chat and meet people.

Hotel booked for February BNO. Open to possibly sharing if anyone is interested....

November 2022......lots been going on, several trips to Pink Punters in October, which were fabulous as always.

In December I'll be back at Pink Punters for BNO. Looking forward to seeing lots of you lovely people there.

Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It's very very kind of you all xx

March'22 Off to Pink Punters. Can't wait to be back there.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all. Thank you for all the lovely cards and messages.

Well 2022 has arrived, but sadly no Michelle time has been forthcoming. Hopefully that will change by February/March. Looking forward to returning to both LFF and BNO once again this year, with more visits to London thrown in for good measure......

So, November BNO was our first one since the first lockdown in March 2020. It was great to be back there,and in the company of fabulous friends again. Also it was just great to see lots of new faces getting out and being to welcome some of those to our group. Let's hope this continues.
Next outing maybe December BNO.

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Broadland Belles social evening at the Catherine Wheel on Saturday. It was great to see you all, and hopefully there will be more of these on a regular basis.

Broadland Belles social night at the Catherine Wheel, Norwich, on Saturday October 9th. All girls welcome to this friendly and welcoming group meet.

Really looking forward to going to Leeds First Friday on October 1st.

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes...xx

Yay, so 2021 has finally delivered with a lovely evening with my absolute bestie. So good to be out after over a year of hope and optimism. Lets hope it may continue to improve as restrictions are eased through the year.

Happy New Year to you all. Let's hope 2021 is a lot better than the last one.

Well it's nearly the end of a year of what can only be described as one of few highs, and many lows. But with strength, determination and desire we will overcome to fight another day. Best wishes to all of you lovely people here, big hugs and love to you all for 2021...xx

Finally managed a night of Michelle time in early December. New profile pic from that night. Hope it tickles a few fancies.....

November 2020...So, not much of an update, as there's not a lot to report. Michelle has made a couple of appearance's but only behind closed doors. Still holding on to the prospect of getting out over Christmas, but will just have to wait and see.

A big thank you for all the picture votes. Shows I've still got it, just not sure where at the moment........

A very big thank you to everyone for my birthday wishes. Had a nice couple of drinks down the pub followed by a lovely meal with my family.

Looking forward to the pubs reopening on my birthday.........😁😁

Well, one month back at work and it's going really well. Missing the usual buzz and atmosphere that is lacking due to there only being a few of there but at least we're doing something to keep busy.

I've been given the green light to get back to work from Monday 4th May. That'll be six weeks since I last went in, but I'm looking forward to it. Little bit of normality to help get back into a routine. Take care out there everyone.

Happy Easter everyone.

One week into lockdown and not doing too bad. Bit of retail therapy has helped.

Keep safe out there everyone. We can get through this and come out the other side to once again be who we want to be...xx

Well another fabulous BNO last night. So many lovely ladies as always. Made more friends and lovely memories to add to those already banked.

BNO coming up soon, Friday 13th of March. Can't wait as always, and looking forward to seeing all you fabulous people there.

No.2 in the top mature babes chart, thank you to everyone who rated my pic. Means a lot to me xxxx

Another fabulous night at BNO. So glad I managed to get there again after lots of uncertainty. A big thank you to Marisa for all the positive vibes and encouragement.

Thank you to everyone for the valentine's cards. It was lovely to see so many this morning. Off to BNO tonight, can't wait as usual. Looking forward to catching up with some of the bestest girlies in the land.

So, here we are in 2020. Last year was a rollercoaster of a ride, with some fabulous highs, and some very sad lows. It was difficult at times but with the help and support from some wonderful friends I made it through it all to fight another day. I think Michelle has grown and developed a lot in the last year or so and with luck will continue to do so. Some new and exciting ventures are in the planning stages plus return visits to old favourites too. I'm always optimistic and look to the positives whenever I can. Hopefully I'll get some more evenings arranged at the Catherine Wheel in Norwich this year, it was lovely to see so many new faces out at those we did last year. Please come along if you

Off to the BNO Christmas party tonight, really looking forward to seeing all you lovely people there, it's going to be a fabulous one...........


Okay ladies, it's time for one another of Broadland Belles get togethers at the Catherine Wheel, Norwich. Any questions then please don't hesitate to pm me.

Friday November 8th, Pink Punters BNO...........can't wait, as usual.

1st November 2019.

Bit of an update. Had a fabulous Halloween party evening at the Catherine Wheel in Norwich. Thanks to Marisa for organising this and to all lovely ladies who managed to come along.

Following on from the successful Halloween party I have been in discussion with the staff at the Catherine Wheel and they are happy for us to get regular, monthly t girl meets organised there. These evening meets are primarily designed to get girls who haven't been out before out there without fear or worry. Of course anyone is welcome, and so far we have around a dozen regular girls who enjoy these very informal and relaxing evenings. Watch out for further details.......

September 2019.

Not been out too much recently. Lost my father to cancer after he fought bravely for 3 years. Hopefully things will start to look a bit brighter soon, with a trip to the Way out Club booked for 12th October. So there's one thing to look forward to.

Saturday 24th in Norwich. Informal girly meet at the Catherine Wheel pub. Come along for a nice social evening, from 8.30 onwards.

Following on from the success of our last girly get together I'm looking at another meet at the Catherine Wheel in Norwich on Saturday the 24th of August. Just turn up and enjoy some girly company, nothing formal, just the chance to socialise and enjoy somewhere relaxing and informal. Anyone interested please message me anytime.....

Saturday 3rd August, what a fab night out at the Catherine Wheel in Norwich. Great to see so many girls come along. Some first timers amongst us too, so that really made all the efforts worthwhile. As always a big shout-out to my bestie Marisa, can't do it without you girl. Roll on this Friday for August BNO.....can't wait.

A massive thank you to everyone who has voted me back to the top spot of the mature babes chart. It really means a lot to me xxxxx

Thank you to everyone for the lovely birthday wishes. It's most appreciated.

Right. Thought I'd update my profile and start from the beginning as a lot my info seems to get lost in translation.

I'm a 50 something t girl. Been dressing now since my early teens when I found some jumble bags of girls clothes which took my fancy. I found dresses very nice, and wore one particular dress a lot, until eventually I out grew it.

I carried on buying and trying different clothes, styles and looks, some with better results than others. I discovered sexy undies too, which still have an influence on me to this day.

I went through several purges and stopped dressing completely when I got married. But as with many other of us girls the desire was always with me, and with the advent of the internet I was able to buy and learn more about the t girl community. Joining this fabulous site gave me even more avenues to peruse, learning that I was most certainly not the only one doing this and that there are infact loads of us girls out there.

In 2010 I told my wife about my secret desire to dress, something which she took very well. Admittedly we played around in the bedroom with undies and stuff, never dressing fully in her presence. Then eventually in 2017 I told her that I had always wanted to dress fully with make up and go out as Michelle. Her response was not of surprise or shock, but more of understanding and tolerance. Since then we've talked a lot about what I want from being Michelle and where I intend to go with it from here.

As I write this in June 2019 my wife has been kind and generous enough to let Michelle go out to events and venues such as BNO and the Wayout Club. She has not as yet met Michelle, but has seen pics of her taken at BNO. We have also been out shopping where Ana has bought me dresses, skirts and blouses.

I've also made some fabulous friends here on Chix, one in particular I consider to be my bestie, and has done so much for me in the short time we've known each other. We've been to BNO and London, as well as local venues which has given both of us confidence and pleasure. We push each other to do more and more things, to go to different venues and to experience what we consider is our right to be out and proud to be trans. So that's about it for now, although updates will be posted when I've been out or attended events. August BNO is on the cards as to is a return trip to London. I'm determined to enjoy being out as much as possible so I'll be going to both local and not so local events. Oh and one last thing being voted No.1 in the mature babes chart in May has certainly been a very proud and pleasing moment in my t girl life.

If you've got this far then we'll done.!!! Everything from here onwards is from my original profile but still relevant.

Fabulous night out in Norwich at the Castle pub. Great to meet some lovely new girls and enjoy a nice social evening.

Girls night in Norwich Saturday June 8th at the Castle pub from 8.30 pm onwards. Be good to see some lovely friends. Come and say hello and join the Broadband Belles......

Just have to say a big thank you for all the votes that put me on the top spot for a month. It means so much to little old me.

Still hanging on to the top spot of the mature babes chart, really doesn't seem real to me, and I'm so grateful to everyone who had voted on my pics.

16th May.

Little bit of an update on my relationship with my wife and our way of living with Michelle in our lives. I often get asked about it, what my wife thinks about Michelle and how she lives with her. The answer is that it's been hard at times, but being honest and talking about things has proved to help for us to deal with things. We've had our ups and downs, but I'm really pleased to say that my wife Ana has been an absolute diamond. I'm so relieved that she has genuinely accepted Michelle as part of our lives. We're planning on trips away where we can enjoy doing what we want to do together.

Totally shocked, but so happy that I've reached the top spot of the mature babes chart. There's so many reasons why this means so much to me. Feeling quite emotional if I'm honest, its been one hell of a ride. Without wanting to turn this into an Oscar winners speach I'd just want to say a very big thank you to all of my admirers and friends who've made this possible. It really does mean everything to me.....xxxx

....Thank you to everyone for the votes... I do appreciate it..xx

And please feel free to add me.

That was a night out to remember. Thanks Marisa for a lovely local night out.

Please, please rate my pics. I do really appreciate it.

Looking forward to a nice night out in Norwich this Saturday night with my bestie.......

Well, it's a four day weekend and not a pair of hi heels or nylons in least my wife and I had a nice days shopping

OMG.....OMG.....OMG...........Can't believe I've hit the number 2 spot in the mature babes chart......I'm so happy at that, thank you to everyone who's rated my pics, it means a huge amount to me.

Another fabulous night at April BNO with some fabulously beautiful ladies. Marisa, Lucinda, Dee, Candide and Katie all looked gorgeous, thanks for a memorable night girls.

BNO this week, can't wait to return with my friends and have another fabulous night.

Into top mature babes, thank you to everyone who have rated my pics, I really appreciate it, please please carry on, thank you......

Count down to April BNO, really can't wait to get out there again.......

Sometimes it's those unplanned, spur of the moment days that turn out to be the most rewarding. A lovely day out then a lovely relaxed evening catching up with my bestie Marisa. It's days like that that make all this so worthwhile.

Well that was a bit of a shock today......I can find and buy shoes that actually fit me on the high street, plus I'm not a 10 like I've thought for the last God knows how long........ Even some size 8 shoes fit me, which is quite an eye opener for me.

Big thank you to my bestie Marisa for the little shopping trip today, always a pleasure...x

Now booked up for April BNO..... This is becoming a bit of a habit......As always I can't wait to see all you lovely people there.

Had another amazing night at the Wayout Club on Saturday. It never ceases to amaze me when I see so many happy people being themselves, doing what they truely want to do.

Way-out Club this Saturday, really can't wait for this one. Been a lot going on lately, some fabulous and some not so fabulous.

Thank you for all the lovely valentine's.....xx

February BNO.....WOW, what a fantastic time. Thank you to SweetMarsisa for delivering us there safely. I made some more fabulous friends, and looking forward to the next time.

Lovely night out last night with my besties, cheered me up, and now looking forward to BNO this week.....yay..



New look for 2019, more days and nights out planned this year..... Can't wait to get to BNO soon, back to the Way-out club and more...

Visited Julie at Angel Wigs, Canvey Island today. Can't recommend her highly enough, cut and styled my new black wig. Which now looks and feels wonderful. Also purchased a fabulous new wig too.....

Well. The end of another year is fast approaching. This year has seen Michelle develop more and more, and make some fabulous new friends along the way.

All it leaves me to say is to wish everyone here a happy New Year, and that 2019 brings you all good health and happiness. I look forward to meeting more fabulous people as Michelle continues here journey of discovery.

Clothes for Michelle from my wife for Christmas..... What a wonderful feeling to receive them from my amazing lady.

So I have decided to change my profile name slightly as I feel it's more in keeping with how Michelle feels these days.

I had a fabulous night out in Norwich last night. Thanks must go to these delicious beauties, Marisa, Melanie, Susan and Caz for coming out and making the night so wonderful. Until next time you all.x

Treating myself to a nice night out in Norwich this Saturday. Looking forward to letting my hair down and enjoying myself.

Thought I'd add an update with how my situation with my wife has progressed.

I get asked how did it go when I told her, which was a year ago now. Well, things are very good between us, we talk a lot about me dressing, what I want from it and where it is going. For me my wife's understanding and help means a massive amount to me. Yes, she has asked many questions, trying to make sense from my admission that I want to be femme more now than ever before. One thing I've tried very hard to do is not to push too much on her at once, just small steps to getting closer to where we want to go. It would have been very easy for me to have gotten carried away on a wave of excitement once we had talked about it. In that respect I've not pushed her to see me at home as Michelle, as we have decided for the time being that we won't to tell our two teenage children about Michelle.

My wife's wish has always been that if I'm happy dressed then she is too. I couldn't have asked for such a positive response from my wife, but I realise this isn't always the response from everyones partner or wife but I can only say that if it's eating you up inside and you feel it's the only option to tell them then do it carefully, build it up gently so you don't lump too much on her in one go. I'm happy to help anyone who is thinking of doing the same. I'm no expert but my experience with how it's gone might be useful to someone here.

November 2018.....

My wife and I have been discussing things. She's is happy for me to go out as Michelle, in public. She says I can go alone or if I want she will come with me. This is a huge development, and one which I was unsure if it would ever happen. I feel amazing at the prospect now of going out without the guilt of doing it behind her back.

Having a massive roller coaster of emotions at the moment. Really struggling today. It's amazing how much changes in such a short time. But, my optimism is not diminished, just a bit dented.

OMG OMG OMG what a truly fantastic night at the Way-out Club last night. It was just the most awesome night ever. Soooo many beautiful girls. You all looked fabulous. Wish the night didn't have to end but was sooo worth it that I'm determined to come back again, and soon.

10th November 2018
On my way to London today for a night out at the Way-out Club. Very excited and looking forward to it soooo much.

Off to the Way-out Club in London this weekend. Really can't wait, its going to a fabulous night.

I've got my hotel booked for my weekend in London. I'll be there on Saturday November the 10th, going to the way-out club in the evening, maybe Soho during the afternoon.... Still would like to meet up with anyone from here to join me...x

Getting a bit down at the moment with all the time wasters and dreamers who seem to enjoy letting me down. Is it too much trouble to ask for honesty....? I've had it happen before, but this time it has really got to me and I'm quite upset by it. Trying to be positive, but can't find anything to be positive about at the moment.......

I've got a weekend free on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of November. I would really like to get down to London to the Way Out Club or go to a venue, can be other cities, not just London. I would love to hear from any other girls who would like to meet and go out with me, show me the sights and just have a fab time. If genuine, respectful admirers would like to take me out for dinner or a club then please drop me a like too.

Well, unfortunately I can't go to October's LFF now, bit disappointed as I was really looking forward to seeing and meeting lots of lovely people. Maybe i might be able to go in November.

Thank you to everyone for the lovely birthday wishes and comments. It means a lot to me..xxxx

Just bought an awesome latex skirt and top from Westwardbound, can't wait to get into them and show it off soon......Might need some help though, anyone fancy helping me into it then just say hi and we can see what happens.

Just want to wish all my friends on here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...xxxxxx

Update December 2017

Well, things are ticking along slowly after telling my wife about Michelle... She has been great about it, and looks promising in accepting Michelle as part of our lives. Its difficult to hold back and go further at the moment, but we taking things one step at a time, with good progress being made towards me dressing more and more in the future. I'm hoping to get something nice in my stocking this Christmas. As its party season i am out and about a bit in Norwich this coming weekends so looking forward to that too.


Well, Norwich will never seem the same again. Yes, Michelle made it out in the big wide world real world. And what an adventure she had, not to mention just such a fabulous time. I have one person to thank for this, and her name is Katie Eloise. What an amazing lady, so confident, glamorous and gregarious, i had trouble keeping up. We walked, drank tea, met some of Katie's wonderful lady friends, shopped, ate lunch, walked a bit more, shopped, walked....hope you're keeping up there....shopped a bit more, talked to some more lovely ladies, ate a bit more, walked a bit more, then stopped for a drink....My feet, they must think i've traded them in for another pair. Nearly 9 hours after we started it was time for home. I had a truly memorable day, one that i will never ever forget and will be the catalyst to many more. I even bought undies in M&S, which was a pleasure in itself. Thank you Katie, you are absolutely


Big decisions to make, I'm seriously considering telling my wife about Michelle. It's been eating away inside my head for ages. The more I think about it the more I realise I need and want to tell her. I have read all sorts of accounts of when t-gurls have come out to their partners. All I can say is I'm positive about going ahead with it and the result from it. I will keep my profile updated with news as it happens.

Planning my next night out in Norwich. Will definitely be at the Castle pub, on Ketts Hill, then off to a club in the city centre. I would welcome anyone to join me and my friends at the Castle, will be fab to meet and make new friends. Dates to be confirmed when I know them.

Had a fabulous night out in Norwich with some gorgeous people too, so gad i made the effort and got out there. Can't wait for the next time.

Blue Murder at ever do I concentrate with all those stockings and short skirts on the screen....?

New pics added 2nd October. Need to get out and about more to have some nice pics taken. Anyone fancy helping me...?..x

New pics added Monday 4th September.

SATURDAY 2nd of SEPTEMBER....Staying in North Norfolk will be able to play from 9pm onwards, either at my caravan or some dogging action in the Holt / Sheringham area. PM me for my moby number and see what happens....

Monday 14th August.................NEW PICS ADDED..................

Friday 11th August, TEMPTATIONS at the Annex, Kings Lynn, 11am to 3pm. Can't wait to get there and have some fun. Hope to see and meet a few of you lovelies there.

Can I just ask if your going to go to the trouble of sending me a message can you please make it more than a one line or one word meaningless comment....thank you....x

Sunday 6th August 2017.


Saturday 5th August 2107.

Finally made it to an event, and what a fantastic time I had. I went to the Annex DV8 party, more on the spur of the moment, but so glad I went. Such a friendly bunch, made very welcome by all and had a very enjoyable time. I will be back again, hopefully to the next tg daytime party coming up soon.

March 2017.

I've decided that i need to get back out and about in 2017. So having looked at the events page in my area i noticed that there are regular meets near to me which i shall be trying my hardest to get to. The meets at the Convent sound particularly good. I've already splashed out on some new clothes which i hope will give me even more of a reason to get out and enjoy myself. I look forward to meeting some of you lovey people out there soon.

UPDATE 26th October 2016.....

Finally added some pics to my profile......Hope they look okay....?????

October 2016.

Thought i would update my profile a little bit. Still haven't got any decent photo's yet, which is very frustrating, and disappointing for all you lovely people out there. One day i will get it right, and surprise both myself and everyone else.

Reading through other members profiles it would appear that there are a lot of gurls outs there like myself, which is reassuring as sometimes this can be such a lonely world to be in. I still long to dress and just be as femme as possible, but frustration is never very far away and so dressing often is just not possible. Being on tv Chix has been great though, and encourages me to be Michelle more so now than ever. I hope to make it to some of the local meets, just need a bit of moral support and some encouragement to take the plunge and get out there. Here's hoping to meeting some lovely ladies soon. Bye for now, Michelle...xxxx

Early 50's experienced transgender girl. 6ft tall, slim and always dress to impress. I love make up, slinky, silky dresses and undies. I have been dressing for years, and feel that time is running out, so making up for missed opportunities. Thats not to say i'm past it or over the hill. Far from it, i just don't have the time to devote to Michelle that i did in the past. I'm really looking for similar cross dressers or TV's that would enjoy meeting for social occasions. I've got a huge wardrobe of various clothes. Lots of hi-heels and boots and wigs and sexy undies. Like to look smart but sexy when dressed and must confess my favourite colour is black.....i know sooooo predictable. Please say hello if you see me in the chat rooms, I'm

always happy to have a good natter....x

Interests: Cross-dressing, Fetish clothing, Shopping, Rubber, Pvc, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Online chat, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Watching porn, Groups, Couples, Panties, Goth wear, Hair accessories, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Leather Skirt/Dress, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, I am Sub, Convincing, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Travel, Trendy/Modern club wear, BDSM / Bondage, Toys, Mature, Role Play, Uniforms, Experienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Gloves, Outdoor Fun, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, Smoking Fetish, Furs, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Females, Attached (Open Relationship), Attached, Friendship, Photography, Museums, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Music Festivals / Gigs, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Holidays / Travel, TV/TG Activism & Awareness, Historic Places / Architecture, Sporting Events, Girdles, DIY Help / Advice, Transitioning advice / mentoring, Makeup advice, Mature Admirers / Men, I have Tattoos, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Playsuits, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Theatre, Foot Fetish, Vintage

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Michelle_Hollyoak's profile has been viewed 73295 times.

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Aubade Softessence High Waist Brief

Happy Birthday to gabe123 (Saturday)



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