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Baby Shark

Last Visited:     06 September, 2024
Registered:     20 March, 2005
Location:     Southsea, Hampshire, England



Favorite Look:
Classy / Stylish

IF YOU DON'T HAVE AT LEAST A FACE PICTURE ON YOUR PROFILE PLEASE DO NOT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME IN CHATROOM I WILL BLOCK YOU. I would have written this in bigger letters if I could but it probably wouldn't have made any difference.

Me: -
Rebel Scum.
5 10ish (> with shoeies). Dark blue eyes.
Completely smooth everywhere!
Blonde (very).
Star sign Leo. (mad cat lady).
Not young but FAF.
Sexy Nerd.
Best feature- sticky out cheekbones.
Originally from Klendathu but I'm currently on Planet P right now.
I'm even more annoying than Anne of Green Gables.

Why am I here:?

To have fun, non-serious chit chat with people who enjoy a joke and general silliness. I do use a gratuitous amount of emojis, which are normally meant as an in joke with friends. I apologise if this upsets you :-). I'm still open to making new friends but I'm not a 'scene' T-girl. I was for quite a while but I got bored with same old routine and the time, cost and effort involved. I'm often asked why I have a 'Do Not Meet' on my profile if I'm in the 'looking to meet' room. I've been on this site over 18 years and the most popular room has been called many things. I think 'Main Room' would be a better title. I do and have met people from Chix who I have built up a steady rapport with. Anyhow, only contact me if you have an interesting subject or observation. Anything within reason is cool. Don't private me and expect me to carry the conversation. To save us both a bit of time here are my standard template responses for 99% of private messages I receive... Hi, I am fine, Yes I'm dressed, I'm in Chix typing this message. You will need to fill in the actual questions yourself.
You can manage to avoid cliches. I do NOT require you to tell me if you are dressed this evening.
You must have a face picture on your profile if you want to private message me. I put this at the top of my profile too but it's even more unlikely this sentence will be read either. Just skip to the photos and don't bother me.

things yeeeeah! ;-)

Natty makeup. Keep it simple kids!
walking, running, cycling, riding...exercise in general.
Brighton, London, Southsea bar hopping. Can't be arsed to travel any further from home these days.
Cosplay and costume design. I make all sorts of nerdy crap. Watching Mr Benn as child obviously had a profound effect on me.
Vinyls...mainly collect post punk 80's, early 90's 4AD,XL,Beggars,Island,Factory, Stiff, Domino etc
2000AD...'I am the Law'
Hitcher...’DON'T PANIC’
Dwarfer...'Would anyone like any toast?'
Monkey...'Come back and fight me you demon' (I did actually fight a monkey once who tried to grab my ice lolly. True story.)
Hong Kong book of Kung Fu. See above^.
I drink a ridiculous amount of tea.
Laurel & Hardy...ooh Betty
Ice cream (most flavours. Don't like fish though.)
Peanut butter...yes crunchy, I'm not some sort of complete weirdarse you know.
noodles...sometimes they end up in my mouth, sometimes they don't.
I buy my pants at K-Mart. (lacey, skimpies, usually black that go right up my crack sort of deal, you know yeah)
I can't resist Cats...Currently living with a nice furry one.
Clothing style, anything goes. If I'm at home Barbara Good. If I'm on the town Margo Leadbetter.
Having my feet tickled. Terror and Euphoria.

things naaah! :-o

If we do arrange to meet, please do not sit there all night playing with your phone texting etc. I will/ have just got up and left.
No, I don't want to travel 70miles to meet you for coffee. If you want to hang out with me please have a plan. Something worthwhile, something interesting.
Pvt message attention wankers/wanking.
Trans' who vote Tory = Man in a dress.
The term 'en femme'...thinks Emily Howard.
People who say they've never seen Star Wars.
Stepping on Lego in bare feet, bananas, custard. In that order.


Thanks for reading x Ne x

One last thing... 99% of the time I try to look normal (don’t laugh!) ... contrary to the popular belief that I spend all of my time running around impersonating either Zara Phillips, a well-armed archaeologist or a certain princess from a galaxy far, far away....


Interests: Full Makeup, Convincing, Will not meet (yet!), Uniforms, Experienced, Single/Unattached, Friendship, I have Tattoos, I have Piercings, Cosplay / Costumes

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06/09/2024 18:37:12