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Happy new year to all and especially to those i now well
Well what a good year 2024 was out a lot both on a night n shopping with lots of new silky dresses n French knickers n slips along with other girlie things. Went to Manchester Sparkle again for the weekend plus to most of the Pride events around yorkshire Leeds being the main one.
Christmas night out in Leeds with friends though usually been out most Friday or Saturday there to Following to that New years eve at a house party nearby with 8 of us me only tgirl n 2 male n female cuuples plus 3 rgirls one my friend
So hopefully be out the usual amount of time this year after the bad winter weather which i try not to affect me. So say hello if you see me love Racheal
Hello all and first thing want to say hope everyone i now is managing in this time under lockdown and the fact we havn't been able to go out to bars since November time. I managed to go out just about every weekend to bars between both lockdowns but wasn't the same as before, no real atmosphere and contact with others much,even so better than nothing Then the shopping trips stopped that was the only fun thing and don't really do internet as i like to meet and see people when buying things also its more fun. The only thing with lockdown is im saving money which i can use when its over.
Iv'e lots of new clothes which bought last year to when we could go shopping last year hoping will be able to use them soon this summer in what ever very small groups.
Anyway will try a bit better to update thing
Ps: always love to chat and talk about girlie things when online so message me xxxxx
It's been a while since i have up dated my profile due to being busy going out and working a lot.
I've been out most weekends around Leeds mainly with Louse and FionaLeeds
Also been to most of the Leeds First Fridays, Manchester 'Sparklel and Pride', Leeds and Wakefeild Pride. Iv'e some new photos of the nights out and events on Flickr and facebook too.
I've also had numerous amounts of shopping trips all over the north and having spent a lot of money on lots of new things including some new silk dresses,cloths etc ... But mainly on accessories,shoes and hand bags two of which were Michael Kors very nice.
Still looking for a rgirl and new friends to have fun with both in and out.
Anyway bye for now and if you see me i'm always up for a chat and fun
love'n'Kisses Racheal
Wel/l it's been a while since i have written anything on my page. This year has gone so fast as ever and i have been out quite a lot including the usual Leeds First Fridays and Manchester "Sparkel" Plus the Leeds "Pride Weekend ". Just of late not been out on a night much due to a cruise holiday and not being so well That hasn't stopped me on my shopping trips buying some lovely new cloths which i have to many but a girl can't do without.
Treated my self to a new silk marjolaine night shirt/dress which i can use out on a night out ,plus a new pair of light pink pj's and a Coral pink night slip which i can also wear out.
I tend to buy more things this time of year as theirs more lovely things for the run up to dare i say it "Christmas", then come the sales.
Bye for now
Cann't beleive it's mid of March already but i have been out quite a lot so far this rear, mainly with Fiona,Keryy and lola, out and about in Leeds and "LFF".
Also plenty of shopping trips out with some nice new things for summer and i'm still looking for a nice yellow silk dress for Leeds "pride" beginig August.
New silk underwear aplenty of which iv'e bought.
Anyway feel free to chat if you see me in chat room or even when out in leeds or else where.
Love "n" kisses for now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"HAPPY NEW YEAR" Everyone love and kisses with lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
Another year gone and fun it was, hoping to get out more this year after a minor foot opp.
Plus I have bought some nice silk underwear', nightwear and dresses to go out in, some of which I bought before Christmas and in the sales.If you usually see me out you'll see them if not will put them on either this page or Flickr Page under the same name "rachealsilkpudsey "and in the people category.
Any way love to catch you with you when out or either in the chat rooms or by mailing me.
Love Racheal XXXXX
Hi and happy Christmas to all, can't believe it's come around so soon .
So love and kisses to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all just a quick update. Yes been out lots this year including the Manchester "Sparkel" in July what a fab time the weather was good too which then went on to the Leeds "Pride" a nice sunny day too.
Plus been to most gf the Leeds LFF's except September which I was on cruise holiday around greace and Italie los to see with some nice clothes shops but I resisted splashing the cash and increasing my vast collecting. So I kept on dreaming about a nice LA Perla PJ set in red silk and nude Lace in Venice.
Hope to be out a lot in the run up to Christmas should I say that word, any way I have but it's the time of year and I love it the most, as there's lots of nice silk/satin and sparke in the shops to buy and wear out in the run up to Christmas and new year
Been out quite a bit this year in leeds and as usuall bought to much in silk underwear/nightwear , plus dresses etc..
Having fun so far this year been out a few times but a little quite so waiting for better weather and the summer but bought a lot of new clothes.
"Happy New Year " XXX
Another year gone and lots of fun to come in the new year, hope to be at Jans LFF.
Bought some lovely new silk underwear/sleepwear plus a few sequin dresses in the sales which I will use next year , so sexy and fun to wear.
Christmas is here "Love and Kisses" to all under the mistletoe. Lots of fun so far, been to December LFF and other nights too in Leeds with Lola,Fiona and Kerry.
PS Out in Leeds this coming Saturday 20th December for the xmas bash , so far about 6 are going out.
Any one welcome to come meeting in blaydes/cosmo hotel at 08:30
Just a update hope everyone's ok I know and love.Unable to make LLF this month but will be out in Leeds next few weeks and Decembers Lff.
Hi all , what a fab time at both Augusts Leeds LFF and Leeds Pride on Sunday the same weekend. No Rain this year at pride, it started in square out side the civic hall and the parade went through the city centre as usual down into Lower Brigate, the Pink area of Leeds. Stayed out until midnight as I was off work the following day.
As so went out August bank holiday Sunday a bizzy night out and had lots of fun.
Hope to be at next LFF in September so bye for now take care
Ps if you see me out give me a smile and come over and have a chat.
Love Racheal XXXXX
Hi all, another up date of this year so far to all of my friends I love, plus new ones .
Doesn't seem so long since my last update done lots of thing and been on yet another cruise beginning of May, around Turkey,Grease and Isreial followed by a stay over in Marmurus in Turkey. I managed to go to the last three LFF plus a few other Fri/Saturdays nights in Leeds with Fiona ,Kerry and Lola.
The highlight of the year so far is of cause Manchester "SPARKEL" went over Saturday morning and did some shopping, tried a lovely dress on by Amanda Wakeley in silk/satin full length with a wide and thin shoulder strap which had a low scooped back plus a split half way up the leg. The first of her new collection for winter 2014/15 so I will just have to see if any thing else better turns up, if not i'll go for that. So after that shopping trip I finaly got to Sparkel in the park which went on unt Miss Sparkel ended at 7ish after Fionai,Kerry and mysejf had a realy nice evening meal at a Chinese restraint.
After the meal we went to a few bars around canal street meeting some nice people and stayed until around 2ish.
I hope to be out next weekend in leeds and the next "Leeds First Friday" August followed by " PRIDE" on Sunday, so if your out come over, love to chat.
Hi all "LOVE N KISSES" for Easter
Been out quite a bit having fun in Leeds at LFF and other nights, met loads of nice guys n girls
Ps don't eat to many eggs, lucky you I can't. I'm diabetic.
Can not waite for summer and a the lovely warm weather. Have to be a good girl and keep warm myself when out. Been out quite a bit so far this year and hope to be out this coming Friday at Leeds LFF. The last one was good but not so many out as usual.
Anyway take care and see you soon when out and a bout if not just say hello on hear and ill try my best to reply
Lots of Love and kisses to all I know and new one
Wishing a happy "New Year" to all and hope all your wishes to come true and any new years resolutions.
Another Christmas come and gone. Been out quite a few time leading up to Christmas and wearing some new things , you can see them on my "Flickr Page" just type in the same profile name.
"Happy Christmas" to all those lovely people I know and anyone just reading my profile. This years been quite good with its down falls too but hay how" That's life as we know it" as said by many.
Been out too LLF and a few other Friday nights. Not bought as much clothes and things in general but use some of my many dresses and things never used before gathering dust, still fab things. Plus ive met many new t,girls and people in generl wishing all a happy xmas and new year
Hugs and Kisses to all with a bright and fun outlook to the new year 2014. Hope to be out and about more and see everyone I know as well as new ones.
Bye for now see you in 2014 kisses xxxx
Went out to Leeds First Friday this October, havn't been out since August( Leeds pride) been so busy and hols too. Hope to be out a lot more in lead up to Christmas. Been out shopping lots but havn't found much fab, think I will do in the next month as glam stuff comes into shops.
well what a fab summer, been out quite a bit, lff and sparkle/leeds pride plus other things. Not looking forward to thoughs dark nights and cool days but hay thing go on. Bought quite a lot of new dresses and things. Looking forward to Christmas think it will be hear before you know it, always a good time of year for us girls. Maded some new friends this years and still love my exsisting ones you know how you are lots of love to you xxxx byee for now.
love Racheal
ps will have to try better on keeping my updates better .
"Hello" just a quick up date, years gone so fast and been out qiute a bit to start with but just resently not been so well hope to be back out more soon. Missing all of my nice friends "kisses the them" xxx.
Just waiting for the better weather and sparkel/leeds pride.
Love Racheal
Hi all Happy "New year" to all I know and to everyone else too, lots of kisses and hugs for the year to come.
Been out quite a bit over christmas and new year around Leeds. Met some friendly girls and guys whilst out which makes for a good time.
Hope to see all i know and love when out this year and any new fun people.
Ps love to hear from new people, so please feel welcome to say hello and chat.
Love and kisses
Hi all been a bit busy recently but out at leeds first Friday in August and Evolve the same weekend, which was a wet one not much sun but hay hoo thats English weather for you. Ill be at September LFF this week cann't waite to see everyone and new girls.
Take care all love Racheal xxx
Hello all. Havnt been out for a while been on hols plus the weathers not helped . Finally been out and went to Sparkel arrived Saturday morning to go shopping before arriving at 14:00,stayed until 2am before driving home . Met loads of girls havnt seen for ages.
Will be out next at LFF August and Evolve plus manchester pride.
Take care ;love
Hi all yippie its finally arrived i think "SUMMER" so its time to be out more. If it dosnt rain ill be ok on the other hand itll be "UNDER MY UNBERELLA" by Rihanna doing "SINGING AND DANCING IN THE RAIN" What fun !!!!!!!!!
PS Wil be out this week at Leeds LFF 4thMay 2012
Bye for now take care xxxx
Hello again to all and any new t,girls. Finally its seems like theres light at the end of the tunnel after the winter. Its not stopped me from going out in those dark and cold nights, but i cannt waite for the summer. Also ill get to see more of my t,girl friends and those that have been in hydanation, plus any new t,girls. So if youve not been out to Leeds LNO or LFF please do. I love to meet new girls, sure youd have a fun night out .
Byee for now and take care hope to see you soon
Its Feb already cann't beleive how fast this years go so far , been out to LFF twice and LNO both have been as good as ever. Seen all the usuall girls and new girls out, quite a few from aroubd leeds and nearby.
Still organizing what use to be LIPS whch has now been RE-NAMED "LNO" (Leeds Night Out) and starts in cosmo bar aroud 9ish on the third Saturday of each month. So if your going put your name down and support it, to keep it alive. Hate to lose it as its another fab t,girl night out.
Hello "HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL AND WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST" Hope to see everyone i know out and about in 2012 and chat to those how i know in tvchic.
Ive been out alot in December and seen loads of friends. It all started with LFF as big as ever, LIPS a little quieter and then the Leeds christmas party 23 night before xmas eve.A bit of a rest before the final night out in 2011 a pre new years eve night out . Went shopping on new eve and stayed in with a few to drink to bring the new year in.
Hope to be out lots and up to loads of thing in 2012
Hope youve had a fab christmas and santas brought you some good nice things to play with and eat
Hi all just want to say hello to any one whom i may have missed at Decembers LFF and say have a good christmas and new year if i dont see you out in leeds XXX
Ps im going to put some pics of decembers lff on hear and flickr.When i get some from others as silly me forgot my camara.
Just to say im organizing" November LIPS" and also ive arranged a "CHRISTMAS EVE NIGHT OUT IN LEEDS 23rd DECEMBER" so if your interested add your self in "EVENTS"
Hi all,Hope to be at Nov LFF and think itll be fab as ever
Hi All just to say "LEEDS LIPS IS STILL GOING", So go and add yourself to 15th October to keep this "EVENT"going.
Sunday" Leeds Pride" a fab day started after a walk up to Mellenium Square where there was entertainment on the stage and many fun things going on, i was locked in a police van for giving to charity. The main parade starte at 3 pm and i was on the last float with some 30 ro so t,girls with some 4,000 walking behind. The parade ended up at the pink area of lower brigate , some 30,000 turned out. There was lots of things going on in both the street and bars. I was mainly in mission, blades,and queens court untill i went home at midnight. A long day out that i realy enjoyed and awaite a better to come! Ps ive more pics on my flickr page under the exact name as no here but select people not groups/picture
Well what a weekend started at LFF stayed out untill 4am and wore a silk pink dress off cause what else plus blue/pink flowered shoes. Ps saw loads of friends havnt seen for ages you know who you are ,take care and hope to see you soon.
Hi all thougth id up date what ive been doing . Went to "sperkel" what a fab time a went mid afternoon sat stayed out untill 2 am. Also went to LFF and Lips, plus went to "Speedqueen" reunion at warehouse Leeds where i started going out Sat night dressed in mid nineties
Hi all last time out was at april lff and pics on flicr page was fab night. Ill be at Aprils LIPS so see you there and have a chat if your going.
Hi went to march lff was a fab time and lots more out than usuall hope to be at lips this comming sat and love to meet new t,girls and the usuall ones.
love racheal xxxx
Hi all sorry no up darte for a while xmas and new year gone seams ages ago and ive maded many new plans to get out more this year. Managed to get to jan lff bespite snow and went to lips plus lff in feb. Im going to this months lips on sat and hope to met new friends you know now you are. If ive missed you and havnt mentioned you a big sorry, ill chatt to you soon. Ive bought loads of new things in the sale some off which ive still not wore yet. I just cann't waite for the sunner and warmer weather.
ps Ive put some new picks on my flickr page under same nane "rachealsilkpudsey" so have a quick look
Bye for now, mail me if you want and ill reply back asap. love Racheal xxx
Hi all hope you have a fab x,mas and new year. I wasnt at either LFF or LIPS due to weather and chickened out but i heared both were fab and quite a few went, i hope t be at next one on 7th Jan 11.
Anyway will chat to you on here or mail me and ill reply back love Racheal xxx
Ive put 2 new pics (lips) on klickr as i was unable to put them on hear, so look at them using my profile name
Another fab night at lips this sat gone but what a cold one any way didnt spoil fun. Met some more new friends and others in gen Mandy towers,CindywithaC, Kirsty scot etc.. sorry if ive missed you, only stayed out untill 2 as turn out was low. Hope to be at next lff when i expect loads to be there if weather is reasonable. So ill be around on here or leave me a message will reply or see you when out next darlings xxxxxxx
Hi darlings ive finaly been able to change name after 3mths to the one i realy what, think its more me and says wherei liv in leeds.
Ps hope every one likes the new name.Id love to hear any comments !
Hi hope every one is fine back from cruise hol had a fab time and drink alot and eat alot but loved it
Im on hols from tues 19th oct and be back 28th oct so if you want ot leave a message ill contact you back and always try to reply love.
hi another fab night at october lips in leeds not as many out as usuall but still a good time with all the usuall girls mandymakeup, cindywithac,mandytowers,fiona,maisey,amy,and many more sorry if ive forgoten you.
Hi all may not be able to go to lips as im going on hols day after but will see you all at lff next. Ps Ive just bought some new shoes "carvela" at kert giger, they were in sale last time but missed them so i jumped at the chance this time. A cerice pink with bow on front and yes podum style heel/sole.Love Racheal xxxxx
Hope to be going to next lips this october and love to hear from all before ,plus any one new love racheal xxx
What a good night at lff thought it was going to be a bad night due to rain. Stayed out untill 3:30,the night always flies by and met the ussuall freinds mandy towers,cindywithac,cindy dom sarah1967,fiona and may other girls i know by face sorry cann't remember every ones name. Also met new friends on hear for first time, to many to mention," dick emary show " one of them shes a live one with a whicked sence of humer and a loving hart.
Hi all ,hope to going to leeds lff tonight ist oct hope to see alots of friend plus many new one,hope the rain stays off as last time took unbrella , touch wood kept it away. bye love xxx
Hi all,hope to be going to lff i havnt been to before , but think itll be as good as lips at same bars. Any way see you there Love racheal xxx
hi to all who went to september lips, again a realy good night, stayed out till gone 3 am and took the following day to recover as i had to be you by 9:30.Thanks again to mandymakeup for organizing it and good friends mandytowers, cindywithac, maisy,kirtie-harding, sarahtv1967 and many more some of which ive forgotten sorry
Im hoping to go to both lff and lips in October and looking for a friend to share a room at the cosmopolitain hotel, any way contact me .
Hi id like to ask if any one going to lips ,who is staying at the compolitain hotel and has booked a room with a spaire bed can contact me as i will pay towards the cos love racheal1234
Hi id like to say a big thanks to all the girls i met at lips (august) and how friendly every one was making me feel at home, the only thing i didn't enjoy was the runaround by people around queens court when i was trying to find the loft any way i can laugh about that now. I have mailed people hows name i've rembered but i have forgotten others sorry, please mail me and ill reply. I Cann't go to lff as im on hols and hope to get to the next lips or any other events . Love racheal1234 xxx
Im Racheal 46 blond brown eyes 5'10 slim build very good legs as commented by real girls. Ive been a tv since my teens and in my childhood liked the feel of my satin hemed bed sheets and mums silk scarfs.After leaving school and having money started my wardrobe of which i have a large collection to date. I like silk designer dresses by jenny packham,amanda wakeley,gucci and others from Harvey Nicks and other shops in LeedsHarrogate. Im looking for other tv to have fun with and go out as i lost my tv friend from the past. I hope to hear from other tvs other r,girls by e,mail so we can get to know eash other before meeting and going out and leading to sexy fun. Love Racheal XXX
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