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A synonym, by any other name?

Last Visited:     02 May, 2024
Registered:     07 March, 2007
Location:     Donegal, Donegal, Ireland


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
Smart Tart





- And for what it’s worth, HIV Status is negative Dec 19 with 4 COVID inoculations received by end-April 2022.

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Christmas-time 2021.
In these days with Covid persisting, various threats to peace, stability, security and freedom, ongoing misfortune and fascism, political gymnastics & double dealing, global warming, poverty, and a myriad of other troubles in the World, please keep yourselves safe, physically & mentally well, retain a sense of humour and remember why we celebrate Christmas.
Sarah 😍🥰😍🥰

April 14, 2020



07 Mar 17

Ten years here today.

Some fine people here .....and a minority of biased, bigoted, nasty and vituperative doggerels. That's life.

Some straight and very honest souls that you'd be glad to have as friends or lovers ......others brimming with deceit, bias, bullying and nastiness. You get that everywhere, maybe it becomes more obvious 'round 'ere!

124880 views - that's not bad - about 35/day every day....

Over 820 matches - encouraging!

No longer a rose subscriber for reasons which are better left unstated for fear of a complete fall from grace and being cast into the outback. No longer - and unlikely ever again to be permitted to be - a regular contributor to those in need - but loitering with grammatical & syntax playfulness & intent in the relative safety of the side streets of word association and disassociation games and occasional forays elsewhere.
Hopefully this time, the self-righteous clique of intelligentsia won't find itself upset and I can stay safe from unexplained castigation and isolation by the morals police or the thin-skinned forumistas.
And by the way, pointing out a fact or asking a question isn't intimidation.......unless you're afraid your own narrow-mindedness or lack of knowledge will be exposed by answering the question in the first place. There are, unfortunately, some here who spoil the experience for reasons which can not not be guessed at but how about some of these reasons -
- afraid that someone will know more than they do in a subject they consider their area of expertise or an area in which they would like others to think they have acquired some competence.
- afraid that a “subordinate” of theirs - or worse still, a stranger, a foreigner - will upstage them and make them look bad, or even challenge their ”authority”.
- afraid of being left out. Every conversation, any comment might impact on them or their reputation or they might miss something which they might perceive to be complimentary of themselves
- afraid people will find out that beneath the make-up, the bluster and blusher, the smoke and mirrors, they aren't all that sure of themselves (or all that competent either).
- afraid that if they lost their status here, there would be nothing left except shame.

It's been fun, I’ve enjoyed it and still mostly long more can it last ........?


(Where deserved) 😘😘😘

😃Hi and thanks for dropping by!
To avoid confusion... Sarah's home is in Donegal, North West Ireland, that's where she dresses; but her male alter-ego resides for lots of the year near Uppsala in Sweden (where dressing isn't possible for Sarah).. don't ask - while it's not hugely complicated, it's not childishly facile either!
[There's a bit of a blog further down so you can see what's current in my life. Do have a look - or if you prefer, skip straight to the pictures!]

I’m Sarah.
I’m a cross-dresser, transvestite, transgender or whatever label you prefer.
Or, as a recent correspondent suggested, I may be transexual - I just haven't acknowledged that to my inner self - yet!

I don't think it's critical to conform to particular descriptions, characterisations, identities, nicknames, epithets, titles, "handles", monikers, or formal denominations, just because it suits someone else's concept of the extent of ones inter-sexuality.
I could be "tagged" as bisexual (moderate hedonist might be more accurate), and though this is of marginal importance to me being on chix right now, it does seem to figure large in the eyes of some girls here.
I am also a keen naturist (weather permitting and in these isles, that is often a very big ask!).
At the moment I’m unattached, though I have a number of (principally female) friends whom I value. I regard them as friends rather than potential “conquests” or bed partners, so should something physical or emotional happen, we'll work to make it better from there on. If not, then nothing gained or lost, the friendship will endure.
I get immense inner peace and satisfaction from being dressed as a woman. I become a different person – in outlook and behaviour – when I’m en femme. Don't ask me to explain it, I can't, even to myself. It happens. It's wonderful. I want to do it again and again and again. I enjoy being Sarah.
No, I’ve no particular desire to undergo surgery or to take feminising hormones (though having fuller, more natural breasts with bigger & darker areolae; bigger, more sensitive and erectile nipples; and a more rounded, shapely & less "bulgy" front view "down there" - not that there's all that much to bulge about - is a very appealing idea).
No, I don’t do the femme, fawning, little, lost schoolgirl type of voice.
Yes, I do get a certain frisson of “that type” of pleasure from dressing, but that’s not my reason for doing so - I simply enjoy being dressed as a woman. Being en femme seems to relieve me of some of the social and self-imposed pressures of having to be male, and there are many.
Being en femme, being Sarah is a nice place of escape, a refuge and I cherish my time there.
I don’t want to dominate anyone, nor do I want to be dominated; I don’t really understand the bondage, rubber or latex thing, nor do I have the inclination to experiment in that direction; as for being gagged, caned, slapped, flogged or whipped, no thanks! But if there’s clean, uncomplicated fun to be had, can I be included? Please?

I separated from my wife in 1994 and was eventually formally divorced 11 years and so much acrimony later. Energy, emotion and time wasted. And for what? It’s in the past. Learn from it. Don’t make the same mistakes. Don’t dwell on it. Move on!
I was lonely back then - lonely, nervous, and scared. Afraid I would never again meet someone with whom I could be intimate, share life’s pleasures and sorrows.
For some time, the internet became a past-time rather than a companion. I happened upon one or two articles about cross-dressing men, transvestites and transsexuals. I became interested, a switch clicked ON.
One thing led to another and after much self-questioning and agonising, my curiosity & unacknowledged desire led me to the doors of Transformations in Dublin, where I had a 4 hour make-over.
Of course, it was over-priced.
Of course, when the next credit card statement arrived, I knew that I had been unforgivably extravagant.
But Transformations advertised a service when there seemed to be nothing else available to budding girls like me at the time.
So don’t knock it – without Transformations, I and many, many other girls on chix, whether they think it PC to admit it now or not, would never have taken that first step.
It was my rite of passage.
There was no turning back after that first visit, that first time totally en femme. I had crossed the Rubicon.
There is no turning back now.
Purging, thankfully, hasn't reared its ugly head and long may it stay buried, where it belongs.

I wanted to dress often; to learn about make-up (how can RGs make themselves up in 7 minutes flat and look $1m while maybe suffering from lack of sleep and a hangover when it takes someone else, who knows what she’s doing, 2-3 hours of hard work to make me vaguely presentable?); to have female clothes, shoes, a wig, not just undies, tights and stockings; to meet other girls like myself; to understand this new person I had discovered, who makes up rather well [blush blush] and whom I quite liked.
Sarah is here to stay - she is part of me and I of her. It's futile to try to get rid of her - she'll only keep coming back to haunt me, so I have come to accept who I am/we are and must try to accommodate both in one body, mind and life.
I’ve been dressed in front of very few other people, ever! The principal influence in my dressing history was a very special girl called DeborahX (she used to be on chix) who has done so much for my self-confidence and outlook. She doesn’t do make-overs any more, being involved with other aspects of gender identity issues. She is an incredible lady - one in a million - and I and a number of others are so fortunate to have met her.

I’m 5'11" tall (without heels); said to be handsome as a male; some of my own teeth - crowns are such a God-send!; brown/blonde hair(wig), otherwise grey, balding and a No 2 cut; well built ; great legs (hold-ups are my preference); 42DD or 42E (it's the silicone boobs in my bra-cups, you know, Dahling!) - would love bigger boobs, but how do you large-breasted RGs carry all that weight around? An F to a JJ cup would be interesting, but I don’t want a shopping trolley to carry them in! I've a “cute” bottom, apparently and my eyes are a strong point as is my smile.
My star sign is Libra - the scales, so I guess I'm either balanced or I have an equal-sized chip on both shoulders!
Favourite perfume - Coco Chanel.
Grey, expressive eyes (my best feature some say, although my legs and bum have both drawn very favourable comment); size 16 (skirt) - 20 or 22 (top), so dresses make me look as if I’m in a tent; shoes 9.5 (43/44) and boots 1 size larger. I like to shop in Marks & Spencer and Debenhams, both being safe, anonymous and allowing use of their changing rooms to try on, so my "style" tends towards the Secretary/PA "look", sometimes the Smart Tart and hopefully not the granny's wardrobe!
I’m hairless all over now as a result of regular waxing, usually every 5-6 weeks.
Girls! Shaving just isn’t the answer – you’ve really got to try professional waxing for a truly smooth feel and appearance!
Some unfortunate spare tyre [it's no space-saver spare either :-( ] at the waist (38") which seems impervious to any amount of exercise or diet. I weigh about 100kg, giving a BMI of around 30.
I like to think I’ve still got a few active brain cells; have some knowledge about “things”, places and events (sports – pass!), can solve a hard Sudoku puzzle and the Sunday Times cryptic crossword and being a smoker no longer can still move the body nimbly when needed (dancing – pass!).
I enjoy the English language, both spoken and written (properly, not txt spk n npunkchu8d), speak French, some Swedish and some Arabic and have a great sense of humour. I’m reasonably well travelled and have spent some time working in Africa, Northern & Eastern Europe and the Middle East. I’m a happy person and try to exude fun and happiness when in company.
I don't take life, myself or others too seriously; there are enough real worries out there!
I am clean and discreet.

My dressing and sexuality are private matters - I share them with people I have come to know and like and whose business it may be to know, but who can be trusted with such personal information.
I don’t want to be involuntarily outed, for example – I’m sure many chixers don’t want that either.
So privacy, respect and tolerance are fundamental personal issues for me and dictate how I deal with others.

I want to get out and about more than I have done up to now. I would love to try daylight forays into (unpopulated) public places en femme. I want to meet RGs, other girls and (F/F, CD/F & M/F) couples whether it’s in a social setting or in time, something more intimate. But, I AM TERRIFIED!
I’ve been “outside” – in the hotel corridor (my first venture outside - got wolf whistled. What an ego boost!); outside the door (dusk and darkness); even went for a mad-cap drive on my own around the block (silly girl just took off and forgot her driving licence, wallet and mobile phone – just think what might have happened, but luckily she had clean undies on in case there was an accident! - Remember what mother always cautioned!) but none of these is the being out and about I think I need.
Dressing is sometimes a spur of the moment thing – a quick, but ultimately unsatisfactory fix – but the piece de resistance, for the moment, until I really do get out, is the full dressing session, from the preparation, through the clothes shopping to the full make-up and pics. The peace and serenity of being dressed and looking good as Sarah is awesome. It’s liberating and empowering. I think I could get away with going out if my make-up was professionally applied and if viewers disregarded some of the more obvious male posture traits etc – some fellow chixers seem to think I look quite good, according to my guestbook at any rate.
When Sarah must go back in the suitcase, it’s so very sad and upsetting.

I’m not into male admirers, for meetings or anything else – not my thing, thanks!
I don’t really want to be anyone’s trophy, either.
If you’re not getting “enough” elsewhere, you’re not going to get it here.
As for “she wouldn’t/doesn’t/couldn't understand”, well, neither do I!
If you've "grown apart", you're not going to "grow" anything close to me and if you've "drifted apart" then you'll run aground somewhere but not on me!

I don’t really do chat first as I would much prefer an e-mail – some of the chat up lines I’ve received are copied below (the replies are those which I should have sent at the time, rather than simply terminating the “conversation”)
"I'd love to stick/push/insert/ram my big ^^^^ into your *o*t*/^^$#"
(What an offer - I'm so flattered....I think! You need to get a grip, although I suspect you may already have gripped something, most likely not all that big in the first place, somewhere South of your own Mason-Dixon line!);
"I'd love to lick your **** or suck your ^^^^ or c~m in/on your *^*^"
(Perhaps we should be introduced, clothed, and face to face in a social setting and establish some communication first, before getting to such intimacies?);
"Are you dressed now?"
Maybe, maybe not, but probably wearing tights on their own, tights with panties, either inside or outside, or hold-ups and panties);
"Are you wearing knickers?"
(Most likely, yes);
"What colour are your knickers?"
(They're nearly always blushing-virgin-snow white, all 56 pairs (at the last count) of them; pure, pristine white generally, though now with a few pinks, cerise, leopardskin, polka-dots, dark greys, yellows and creams; always washed and perfumed after wear; always microfibre; usually full briefs from M&S or figleaves, unless I see something I really like elsewhere on the internet or in a lingerie shop; often with lacy panels on the sides or back, but not on the front; sometimes bikini briefs; sometimes panty-girdles; perhaps an all-in-one body-shaper in lilac, white or black; less frequently a thong; never boy-shorts; never, ever, ever a red and black overpriced one-size-fits-all concoction of thin elastic, bad stitching and 2 square inches of rough lace; seldom multi-packs unless what I want only comes packaged so; yes, everything is fully covered, there are no "bits" hanging out of the leg openings, hence the preference for full briefs; yes, my panties probably have a cotton gusset; no, it's not wet/moist or stained with any bodily fluid; no, I'm not going to sell/send them to you; No, I'm not going to t%$s off in them for you; No, I don't want your fragrant/used/stained ones; yes, when I wear a tight skirt, I do have VPL (oh so sexy on RGs, I think) and the tighter the undies and/or skirt, the more pronounced it becomes, especially if I have to bend over. Are you suffering from information overload yet?);
"Are you horny?"
(After an opener like that, NO, quite the opposite. In fact, everything has suddenly shrivelled up with embarrassment from your question and has gone into hiding!);
"I'm horny!"
(Good for you. I may have been - it's not why I'm on chix anyway - but that feeling seems to have passed rather suddenly, in fact since this conversation started. I wonder why?);
"Ever tried a Tampax in your pu%%y?"
(Please re-read the little book on the facts of life which Mother may have given you when you were younger. Tampax is only a brand name for a particular make of menstrual tampon, used internally in the vagina for menstruation which is a singularly natal female (Real Girl) characteristic. As I have neither a womb, vagina, nor menses I have no particular need to try female sanitary products of any type);
"What do you like to do?"
(Oh please, spare me this! Read the damned profile or just go look at some of the pics in the XXX gallery to get your thrills!);
"I'd love to look/lick/touch/put my hand/head etc up your skirt" and this is on a par with the real gem, "Sit on my face!"
(How flattering! And what an opening line! I have no doubt you've used that to such good effect with so many real girls. Or perhaps you reserve it just for girls like me? And, truth told, aren't all girls on chix, of whatever category, just looking for a good sh~g anyway? So that gives you licence to be rude and treat them badly? Do you really think so????);
"XXX or Kiss, Kiss, Kiss" or "Hi sexy!" or even "How's you?"
(Thanks, but do please try to use some of the other keys on the keyboard to form words and start a cogent conversation or an e-mail)

I don't want to and I won't become your bit on the side – I wouldn’t like my partner having a secret bit on the side - honesty is the best & only policy. I have enough issues to cope with in not being able to confess my transvestism to nearest and/or dearest and I won't complicate others' lives by covering up your infidelity.
So, if married or in a long term relationship, say so at the outset - you know it'll come out in the long run.
[I have a particular reason for saying this as I happened to be in a friend's house one evening when his wife, who earlier that day had been visited by the husband of a woman who was in a sexual relationship with my friend at the time, confronted her partner with his infidelity. There followed an unholy display of a range of emotions on both sides and being friendly with both, I couldn't just get up and go and was really stuck in the middle of WW3. I vowed then, never to involve myself in any form of deception or two-timing, because the consequences usually bring on such extremes of sentiment. I am still struggling to find the courage to confess my dressing to those who care dearly about me.]

As Sarah or my other self, I abhor deceit.
And just because you’re wearing knickers and nail varnish, the accepted rules about honesty, fornication and adultery still apply to you.
So for good or bad, my pics aren’t Photo-shopped.
You can see my face.
That’s a form of honesty on my part.
If you want us to chat openly and perhaps become friends, then I expect a similar level of honesty from you.

If you want to chat or expect me to reply to your mail, I’d like to see your pics, full body if possible, face blanked out if you're shy - you can send one to my e-mail address ( if you feel you can't post one on your chix profile.

The statistics for my replies are misleading – female admirers, RGs, TVs, CDs & TSs will always receive a reply. Male admirers might, though usually brief and candid, suggesting a read of my profile and highly unlikely to be encouraging of future correspondence or in the positive for anything else of any nature.

Just so potential mailers, daters or chatters-up have no doubts, what follows is as I wrote to a girl who suggested we meet after about a half dozen text-style messages here on chix. It dates from about 2009.
"As you'll see from my (admittedly rather long) profile, I've disclosed quite a bit about myself and I've included 10 pics, mostly with my face on view. I don't have any pictures of you and your profile tells me little more than I've outlined
I'm not averse to (eventually) meeting another girl in a private setting... but as I write in my profile, I need to feel some connection with the girl in question. So far, I don't think we have that connection and if we are to meet eventually, we'll probably have to have a coffee in drab in a public place before I could decide on a meeting in more private surroundings. My sexual orientation (bisexual) & dressing are private to me and I don't easily share them with people I don't know reasonably well - hence the need on my part for a "connection".
I hope you understand this - I'm not being snooty, pedantic or awkward, nor am I trying to lead you up the garden path - it's just me and the way I am!"

I dislike time-wasters, whether it’s petty, meaningless chat, e-mails or some vague and roundabout promise of setting up a meeting in the hope you might get your jollies, whatever I might get (probably nothing)!
Three one-liner e-mails from you aren't enough to make me want to meet, not to mention anything else - I need to get to know something about the inner you before I could even think of meeting up en femme. Also, I would like my correspondent to be somewhat literate and realise that the context in which we use the words your and you're OR there, their and they're are different and should be respected. Text speak is ok for texting, let's avoid it in mail.
Being en femme to me is the full experience - the clothes, make-up, wig, pictures to treasure afterwards, not 5-o'clock shadow and some scatter-brained encounter.
Maybe the ambience isn't important to you, but to me it is part of the experience.

AND BY THE WAY...What is it with people who try to arrange meetings in car parks - which are usually notorious dogging sites, gay sex venues or over-policed anyway - on dark, cold, wet, miserable evenings? Forget it!
Get in touch with our reality and stop touching up your own bits'n'bobs!

If you could only visualise the excitement of the build-up; the adrenalin rush; the difficulty in getting the body-shaping undergarments on; the stockings without laddering them; keeping the 16 suspender clips attached to the stocking tops and straight (impossible in my experience, unless there's someone to help and that’s why I prefer hold-ups!); the silicone boobs at the right height/angle; the whole make-up thing (PUBLIC CONFESSION - I CAN'T DO MAKE-UP WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE WHAT'S-HER-NAME FROM THE ADAMS FAMILY ONLY 10 TIMES MORE SCARY); the leap of faith to get out the door and to a rendezvous in one piece only to find NOTHING!
So please don’t waste my time and I won’t waste yours. Deal?

Not into......
tattoos - they're not for me, they look good (in moderation) on some people, but consider what they might look like when the wearer reaches 80 years of age and the skin isn't as taut as at 18!!
excessive piercings,
water sports (a term for something neither "sporty" nor watery, in my view!)
smelly bodies or body parts,
sweaty shoes,
those with no recent hands-on experience of deodorant or an aversion to soap,
HPWs (Hairy Panty Wearers, for the uninitiated) per se. We all had to start somewhere & unshaved/unplucked/unwaxed/unthreaded panty wearing has been a start for lots. But most of us, in developing our transvestism, try to move on from those states into something more femme. I am there, others not at all and others still, part way along that physical manifestation. I prefer those who are mostly hair-free and whose transvestism extends beyond only panty-wearing. In any event, there's no big deal any more with men doing some body hair removal - it's only a signal that they've removed body hair, not that they're transvestite or gay or.....or.....
So, no....
hairy backs,
hairy fronts,
hairy faces,
hairy legs - hairy in tights or hairy in stockings,
Amazonian rainforests masquerading as body or pubic hair,
beards, OR
moustaches. [None of these is particularly femme, in my view.]

No unsafe penetrative sex! ...pauses to catch breath...
Only safe, well lubricated sex when/if it happens (remember, it's not always either necessary, expected or guaranteed in order to have an enjoyable or "good" time).

Can we meet?
Can we correspond?
Can you include me among your admirers?
Can we chat?
Can you ask a question?
Yes, of course! I don't bite unless you anger or disrespect me!
Just treat me with a little courtesy, a little understanding of my fears and insecurities.
Let me know that you have personality rather than penis, character rather than chit-chat, tact rather than tights and understanding rather than underwear.
No pic - no reply and don't insinuate yourself on my admirers list, regrettably you'll be removed.
If you feel that you're sincere and still want to be an admirer, then send a mail and we'll see.
If I like what I read in your profile and see in your pics, I'll probably add you to my favourites and drop a line in your guestbook.
Feel free to mail, to comment in my guestbook, to rate the pics
(go on you know you want to – but please be kind! I post new ones after each full dressing session and sometimes do some self “portraiture” when I’m feeling a bit naughty)
or just to throw your eyes to heaven, yawn and move on!

Thanks for dropping by - all [90k+(as of Jun 12)] 112k+ as of my eighth anniversary here - of you who have done so.
Thanks to all who have voted me into the Top 25 Mature Babes listings on more than one occasion.
Thanks to Stella for running chix, a place I treasure so much, which has opened my eyes to my feminine self and without which I would be lost.
Thanks to so many other girls for the encouragement; the kind word just when it’s needed; the offer to come visit and stay over; to meet up; to go shopping; to chat and the reassurance that I’m not alone, that there are understanding and caring girls like me out there.
Thanks to very many RGs who have dressed me and made me feel good, look better and feel femme. For their sense of fun, serious advice and companionship.

An immense thanks to my most recent "dresser", suziesequin  - a truly outstanding lady.

Eternal thanks to Deborah for her outstanding skills, her encouragement, humour and friendship - I wouldn't be where I am today without your help, beautiful lady! Having been dressed and made beautiful by you, I had crossed the Rubicon and won't ever go back. Though you're no longer with us on chix, wherever life leads you, stay safe, beautiful & let your heart be always full of the cheer and generosity of spirit you've shown to me.

Thought: Share a smile with a stranger and see what happens!

Sarah xxx

∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞

It is recommended that other chixers who wish to try to preserve control over their profiles and/or photographs, post a notice similar to the following:

NOTICE: To any person or institution using this site or any associated site(s) for study, projects or any other purpose.

#1. All Rights Reserved.
#2. You do NOT have my permission to use my profile or pictures, in part or in whole, in any form or forum, either current or future, without my prior written consent.
If you do or have already done so, you may have violated my privacy and may be subject to legal action.
#3. TV Chix has my permission to display my text and my pictures.
You don't.
You won't until you ask and I agree.
If there's something useful to your study or project here which you really want to use - try asking first.
Tell me me the Who-What-When-Where-How-Why.
If you are polite and your reasons for using some of my stuff are verifiable and genuine, then I might just say yes!
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Contact details: (Until I can make my facebook page entirely independent of my alter-ego FB account)

••• •••    •••    •••    •••    •••  

(in other words, A BIT OF A BLOG!)

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

I have recently been advised by Stella that, on the recommendation of a majority of the EAPS Forum moderators, my ability to post in that Forum has been suspended indefinitely. This is said to be as a result of a minor dispute between myself and one or two of that Forum’s moderators some time ago. The consensus among the EAPS moderator team is that since the dispute, some of my replies have not been constructive, and in some cases those moderators have viewed my replies as an attempt to undermine the work which they do in that Forum. 

I am both non-plussed and upset that any of my posts could have been interpreted in the manner reported - my background is to analyse it, to call it as I see it and try to figure out feasible solutions to the problem - but since it appears they have been, then some soul searching has become necessary.

I now wish to formally and abjectly apologise to Stella; to any of my fellow chixers who may have been offended, upset or feel that any of my posts have denied them the support and assistance they deserved; and to the four moderators at EAPS.
To knowingly cause upset, to deliberately give offence, to wittingly show a lack of understanding or to wilfully appear cold to a genuine problem have never been facets of any of my EAPS posts or any other advice given by me in almost ten years on tvchix.
Similarly, point-scoring over any individual or group, forum-trolling, disruption or vote-blagging have never spurred or influenced me to make any post in any Forum on the web-site.
Clearly I need to hone my patience and writing skills.

I trust this apology will be accepted by those involved, in the spirit in which it is offered.
For my part, the matter is now closed.


!5 January 2017

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15 Feb 2017

Thanks to all for the kind (and of mysterious origin!) Valentine's cards.

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

To one and all - I wish you a happy, peaceful and safe Christmas-time. And in the midst of the gift-buying, feasting and food, don't forget a measure of the old religion thing as well - I believe that may have been the original idea of the season & it pre-dates shopping!! And no matter what your creed or practice of it (or if there's none at all or your beliefs don't recognise Christmas), every good wish for health, contentment and prosperity in 2017.

S 😘😘😘

24 Oct 16
Sincere and heart-felt thanks to those who dropped by to say happy birthday recently, took time to leave a guest-book comment or send a mail. There are empathic & kind people in so many corners of chix, even some surprises. Recently there seems to have been some discontent in certain close-knit quarters with my direct approach to certain problem-solving - trends to knock ones self-confidence a bit - and it's good to see that there are people who will judge character and persona in the macro, not the micro.
Thank you all for the heart-warmer!

04 October 16

Back in Sweden now after a two-week(+) visitation to the Emerald Isle.
Unfortunately the weather in Ireland precluded any outdoor nudist sunning and since I returned I've only had two days au naturel in Stockholm. It looks now, with day-time temperatures not rising much above 12℃ and chilly Northerly winds that sunning won't be practical again until next year, probably April/May.
I did, however, manage to meet with a girl from chix during my time at home and I certainly enjoyed the encounter. Sensual, stimulating and satisfying!
I hope we can both meet later in the year for a repeat session and that another equally attractive girl will join in our fun.

08 Sep 16
Home in Ireland for a break for two weeks~ish. Hopeful of a meeting with a couple of sassy ladies. Weather not quite warm enough and maybe a little too moist to chance some nude sunbathing at Trawala.

08 Aug 16
Summer break in rural Sweden over, time to get back to nude sunbathing in the capital and to i8chix!

23 Jun 16
To those who like that kind of thing....Happy Midsummer celebrations for Fri/Sat.
I will be away in the Swedish countryside doing nature-y and maintenance-y type things - regrettably no nude sunbathing - from now until 01 August. Will try to drop by occasionally in the interim.
Enjoy the Summer season, normal programming will resume in August (as will the nude sunbathing!)

⚡️19 Apr 16 ⚡️ ✨
By 07 Apr I made it into the lower reaches of the Top Mature Babes here and 9 days later I appeared at No13. Such a Sarah boost! Now, I'm sliding gracefully downwards again.
It's that little yellow dress (did someone say Kill Bill??), I'm sure - that's the make-up skill and fashion sense of the wonderful Suzie Sequin 😍😍 coming to the fore again!
Thanks, kisses and hugs to all who have cast votes - big or small, size doesn't matter - in my favour.
S 😘😘😘

15 Feb 16
Thank you, one and all, for the Valentine's Day wishes.....if only I knew who..........;-))

18 Dec 15
To one and all, have a joyful & peaceful Christmas and a healthy & happy New Year.
See you all again in late January 2016!
Sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxx

21 Oct 15
Thank you all for the kind wishes for my birthday, yesterday, whether by chix mail or in the guestbook. Hugely appreciated.
S xxxxxxxx

23 Jun 15
Hasn't the weather been absolutely awful? By comparison with last year, I'm milky-white and seem to have spent less than half last year's time at our local nudist beach. Ugh!
Saturday 27 Jun, I head away to the countryside for the annual retreat to mosquitoes and crapping outdoors! Good for the soul, they say 'round 'ere, but I do prefer my comforts. Back here first Monday in Aug, though I may be looking in from time to time....don't go away now!
S xxx

09 Mar 15
Saturday was my eighth anniversary on chix.
So good, so comforting to be among friends, people with whom Sarah can be shared, safely. Time flies.
Thanks, all for your many kind words, praise, encouragement and even the odd finger-wagging by times.
S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

!8 Feb 15

Four days on and I still have no idea who sent the Valentine's Day cards.
Essex? - Pauline? Justine?
Dublin? I'm clueless.Who?
The truly anonymous ones with no indicator at all ... go on give a clue, you know you need to!
Tyrone? - I thought perhaps Joanne, then maybe JoS, Orl....then......
Thanks, all, for your kindnesses.
S xxx

26 Jan 15

Nearly 2 months since I last had something to say and already it's almost the end of January!
Only 332 days left to Christmas!!
I've been looking back over lots of posts in the serious, advice and EAPS forums and it is quite astounding the laissez-faire attitude among some contributors to self-medicating with feminising hormones. It seems to be rather a Clarkson-esque approach (as he runs to the bank with yet another load of our cash) - the utterly naive, "what could possible go wrong"; the "don't tell the doctor, just drop along every few months and demand he gets your blood tested" tack. If it was really that easy. and really so devoid of risk......
Seriously, I think anyone contemplating this should seek proper & professional medical advice; have regular monitoring and source their medications from licensed providers. The medical and pharmaceutical professions are a necessary "evil" to help prevent vulnerable people taking inappropriate or spurious medications. Shouldn't a chix health warning be attached to the start of each of these forums?
Rant over! Happy New Year, girls!
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••
14 Nov 14

Today going into the City by tube, a woman, I'd say in her 40's, quite good looking, sat opposite. In trying to arrange bags and clothing, she managed to pull her skirt up while leaving her thighs apart in such a way that her pubes (trimmed, I thought) were on view through the sheer pantyhose she was wearing.
Perhaps I stayed on the tube a bit too long, though I tried to busy myself with my phone and not drool too much (anywhere!!!!). Two stops past where I should have alighted, she left the train. I left at the next one and walked back to my original destination - physical exercise being good for the soul and purging ones lusty thoughts!
On the tube returning home, I sat opposite a much younger girl whose neon pink panties were occasionally winking at me through lightly opaque grey tights she wore.
My faith in human-kind is restored!
What wonderful ways to cheer a dark and misty Stockholm afternoon in November!

05 Nov 14
There are days when routine things occur that just make you feel good.
Today is a case in point.
I needed to be waxed and went to a new lady - from Kazakhstan - a lady who by her own admission, learned waxing from doing so for her friends and family at home.
Not to put too fine a point on it, this was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. In 55 minutes - normally it takes 2 hours + - I was hairless, smooth and had neither discomfort nor irritation. I've never encountered someone who worked in such a concentrated and efficient way.
The wax was at the optimum temperature for comfort, there was no shenanigans about covering up - as she remarked before we started "I'm going to see you naked and handle your private parts, it doesn't embarrass me, it's my job, so there's no need for false modesty here!" How refreshing!
It' s as if the hair simply melted away and I'm back to being smooth and feeling femme.

08 Oct 14
The sun went in about a month ago and that put paid to the nude sunbathing until 2015! :-((
Days are shortening, cooling off (it struggles to top 11 degrees now) and there's been snow in the far North.
Heading to Ireland in early December, hosting guests for the Xmas/New Year period, but will have another week on my own in January, so hopefully I'll get a little dressing time, Sarah-time and maybe meet one or two of the rather delish ladies who regularly correspond and are interested in meeting and having fun!

26 Aug 14
The weather has been AWFUL - wet, windy, cool and sun-less and I haven't been au natural outdoors at my favourite sunning area for > a week ;-((
The days are shortening noticeably and the thermometer struggles to top 18 degrees. The weather forecasters have already reported snow in the very far North. Can winter and snow-tyres be that far away?

05 Aug 14
After a month in the Swedish countryside, it was good to get back to "normality" and my favourite nudist suntanning area yesterday. The temperatures soared to 30+ in the afternoon (yes, I know, this is Sweden, but it was 30+ degrees) and it is an ideal setting in the city, close to the water (unfortunately no direct access from the nude area to the water) with a number of like minded individuals in the vicinity.
There I met Ina, a MtF pre-op TS who is a wonderful person, so committed to pursing her true gender and open about her situation. I was dumb-struck, though, by the fact that on a different type of site, she had asked if it was ok to visit the "official" nudist area at Ågesta (South of the city near Farsta) en femme. She told me she had received several private replies from "older" gay men who warned her off, saying that it was a family area, there were kids and naked natal females about.
Rich, I thought - they couldn't reply in an open forum & were quick to use the "family area" excuse while they themselves probably head off into the bushes for another outdoor homosexual encounter (most likely the principal excuse they have for going there).
Anyway, Ina enjoyed herself at Långholmen yesterday, the crowd was friendly to her, she was free to move about and there was no criticism of her whatsoever. Isn't that what "official" nudist beaches are supposed to offer?
More naked sunbathing today! Mmmmm!

19 Jun 14
Mid-Summer, a huge Scandinavian feast, approaches - so too utterly wet and miserable weather :-((
But for those who embrace this festive season, Happy Mid-Summer,
Away for a few days, but back in panties on Monday!

03 Jun 14
The Scandinavian Summer is a little hit and miss this year. This afternoon, we have rain, but a mere 24hrs ago, I was sunning myself, naked, at one of our nudist tanning (and sometimes other things!!) spots. The tan is improving all if only I could get the weather to improve at the same rate...

19 May 2014
Have spent nearly two weeks back in Ireland and while there's lots I didn't do, I've managed to get three days at a local naturist beach. Wonderful! There's such a rush with being naked outdoors, freedom, liberation. I'm told the weather is 'up" in Sweden, to I'm looking forward to continuing my outdoor activities when I get back.

Friday, 7 Mar 2014
My seventh anniversary on chix today - 108k views in that period; lots of acquaintances made, some departed, hopefully for better things; others constant companions here.....and it only feels like about 6 years and three-hundred and sixty~ish days ago!! (lol)
Time flies...lots done but oh so much more awaits.

24 Apr 14
Ist day for 2014 at our local naturist sunning spot today - bliss!

Feb 14, 2014
Many thanks, one and all, for today's greetings cards.
All Anonymous senders? My poor brain cell will have fatigue from guessing!
Thank you anyway - I'm flattered and pleased.
S xxxx
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Friday The Thirteenth!! (December 13)
Back home for the Chrissie - family duties and maybe a visit to Suzie in early January. That old urge to get the glad rags on and strut a little is rising inside me and i even bought some new panties in Stockholm the other day, to wear on the flight home - it's good to be back!!!
Found some old make-over visit pictures while I was searching a hard-drive last night and have included them - just for..........
To one and all, those who have mailed, voted, or even dismissed me out of hand, may you have a happy and peaceful Christmas and every success for 2014.
Sarah xxx

09 Sep 13
I dropped out of the Top Mature babes list yesterday after a month loitering in its corridors, going as high as No 7. Thank you to all who voted. Little things like that are appreciated and validate my presence here.
In Sweden, the weather has remained benign, though there's a noticeable shortening of daylight hours. Temperatures border the twenties most days, so naturist sunbathing is still an option, but today seems to be the only feasible day for being bare outdoors this week, as rain is forecast :-(( It won't be long til we have the big freeze, studded tyres, scarves, woolly hats and sole grips on the shoes again!
S xx

08 Aug 13
Tried the BSRI test today and......
"You scored
- 73.333 out of 100 masculine points,
- 75.833 out of 100 feminine points, and
- 67.5 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points."
Sarah "wins" by a short head, it seems!

05 Aug 13
Back to porridge and old boots, but the memory of wonderful holidays doesn't fade. Honestly, I don't recall the Emerald Isle looking so good as it did during the few weeks I was there - who needs Greece, Spain etc?
Thanks to the many who sent a mail or added a kind comment to my guestbook while I was away and for the votes which sent me up to No14 and hovering (loitering?) in the 15-19 area in the top Mature Babes listing here - each and every one very much appreciated.
All over waxing scheduled for next week and the sunshine is still around, so for a few days I may get to my favourite naturist area and start absorbing the rays again!
S xxx

26 Jun 13
Holidays start tomorrow.
Some time to be spent in Sweden (where, incidentally, the weather has been ideal for nude sunbathing over the last few weeks and I have but a few white patches!) and then back home to Ireland for a while before returning to Stockholm about 5th August. I wonder if there'll be enough sun in Aug to let me tan those remaining milky bits??
So for those who may be awaiting a reply or wondering why I'm not around......
And, to one and all, I hope you enjoy happy holiday times! See/chat with you soon again.
I hope to get back to Ireland later this year for a wax, dressing session with SuzieS and perhaps an intimate meet with another girl or two - mmmmmm!
S xxx

18 Jun 13
You'll see an entry below, that I deleted a flickr account because of an incomprehensible and illogical application of their code of common sense.
Recently, with a bigger portfolio of inoffensive pics from visits to SuzieSequin under my belt, I re-opened my flickr account, loaded about 16 pics - similar to the ones you now see on my profile, set their viewing permissions to over 18s and waited!
Sure enough, within 10 days, the morals police from flickr were in touch to say that my pics had all been restricted and telling me that shots of a bare bum were ok but a bare front were not. None of mine contained either bare-fronted or bare-backside (bare-cheeked?) shots, but rather than argue the toss with them once again (and probably lose!) I decided not to bother with this any more, so deleted my profile from their site.
It does seem to me that flickr dislikes we who dress and while not saying so in so many words, will use vague allusions to "rules", codes of conduct etc to make life and the sharing of pics on their site difficult.
Rant over - neither facebook nor flickr for Sarah!

03 Jun 13
I was a bit non-plused when a (male) acquaintance asked me on Saturday night why I had 2 facebook accounts. He showed me my contact details on his iPhone and sure enough there was my male account and my female one too, both listed in connection with either my Swedish or Irish phone numbers, or e-mails, or.....but I never remember using any phone number in connection with Sarah's FB page and Sarah has a separate e-mail account!
I had two FB accounts & I had thought each to be independent of the other...until Saturday night. Anyway, he showed me Sarah's FB page but showed no sign of recognising my pics - thank you Suzie Sequin for your mastery of the make-up brush! I pleaded both innocence and ignorance... it seems I "got away" with it.
Last night I deactivated Sarah's FB account...for the moment anyway, until I can figure a sure-fire method of keeping it and my male account as non-linked entities.
Anyone else experienced this? Any tips?
S xxx

28 May 13
First day this year enjoying some naturist sunbathing.
Most pleasant and where else in the World would you have a capital city with a choice of naturist spots, all within the City limits? Gotta be Sweden!!
Forecast is iffy for the next few days, but some days next week look promising to develop that all-over tan!
S xxx

14 May 13
Back in Ireland for a few days for a family commitment.
Has anyone seen Summer? She seems to have been overcome by Downpour and Gust.
Sliding gracefully (& without displaying my undies on the way, I hope) down the bannister of the Top Matures Listing but glad to have been included for so long. Judith355  from Downpatrick is taking up the mantle for the Irish lassies - well deserved and every success to her.
S xxx

29 Apr 13
New week, new point on the Top Mature's scale - No4 (& 3rd on 30 Apr - wow!)
Well done Suzie Sequin and thanks, all!
S xxx

26 Apr 13
Rose to 5, now at 7 - not so bad for a lassie from rural Ireland!
Thanks for voting.
S xoxoxoxox

23 Apr 13
After hovering around 10 to 12 in the Top Babes list, I've graduated to 6. Wow!
Thanks, all - and to Suzie who did the hard work!
S xoxoxox

22 Apr 13
All-over waxing today in prep for spring/summer nudist sunning activity! It feels wonderful to be almost hairless and heavenly smooth! ;-))
Now.....if only the weather would rise a bit above 12 degrees, I would chance stripping off in the great outdoors, but my hairless body would get frost bitten in these temperatures. Soon, very soon I hope ;-))
S xxx

16 Apr 13
There's a turn-up for the books first thing on a Monday morning - No12 on the Alzheimers (Old Timers, ahem!) Top Matures List, advancing to No10, today, Tuesday!
Thank you all for your votes.
Sarah xoxoxoxo

09 Apr 13
It seems I have just passed a milestone (some think of it in such terms anyway) - millstone or monument to perseverance, stubbornness or.....
My 100,000th visitor to my chix profile passed through today.
Thank you bootstart and thank you all.
Sarah xoxoxoxo

27 Mar 13
Away for the Easter break, back Tuesday 2 Apr. Hope you all have a happy time and remember...

In the beginning, the Lord created chocolate, and he saw that it was good.
Then he separated the light from the dark, and it was better.

07 Mar 13
Today is my 6th anniversary on chix.
2192 days, 98722 visitors, several forays into the Top Matures listings (and sliding gracefully (I hope) downwards after the latest visit), friends and acquaintances made (and some lost), but overall a wonderful feeling of belonging here, being among likeminded people here and being content on chix.
Happy days!
Thank you Stella and thank you all!
S xxxx

19 Feb 13
Now there's a shocker. No4 on the Top Mature babes listing.
Thanks, all who were good enough to vote, though the real merit goes to Suzie Sequin.

14 Feb 13
Thanks for all the Valentine's Day wishes - if only I could figure out who are my anonymous correspondents!! xxx

25 Jan 13
Back in Nordic land two days ago. God, is it cold! -23 the other night, -12 by day. It's not to last (phew!) and by the middle of next week should be a balmy -2 or so by day. The pundits are forecasting an Arctic gloom in Feb & Mar :-(((
Slipped out (quietly) from the Top Mature babes chart today, but not to worry - the new series of pics may transport me back in due course. Thanks one and all for your support.
But...more worryingly, there is now no Irish representation in the Top Matures, so come along ladies, gather your skirts and let's get at least one colleen into the listings.
S xxx

15 Jan 13
I spent a delicious day in Dublin today - being waxed all over at my favourite salon and then going to Suzie Sequin for a make-over.
Suzie's just super, and quite a looker herself!
Pics of the occasion posted.

08 Jan 13
Holding my own at 9 for two days now - this is fun!
Waxing session next week, and on the same day, a dressing event with the gorgeous Suzie Sequin. What a way to start the New Year.
S xxx

06 Jan 13
10 yesterday, 8 today. Wow!
S xxx

04 Jan 13
Onwards and upwards! 12 today.
Thank you all.
S xxx

02 Jan 13
Woohoo! Back at 14 in the New Year!
S xxx
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

29 Dec 12
Mmmm - #17 yesterday, #14 today - slow but steady progress!
Thanks for your support and votes!
S xoxoxoxxo

27 Dec 12
20 yesterday, 19 today - things are looking up!
Hope all enjoyed the big day and the subsequent sales!
S xxx

Christmas Day
At 21 on the Top Matures list for the third day.
Could it be said I'm "holding my own"? LoL
Happy Christmas, all!
S xxxxooooxxxx

22 Dec 12
No 23!
Wow! Blush, Blush!
S Xxx

20 Dec 12
It seems I have cropped up at No25 in the Top Mature Babes list - what a nice Christmas present!
Thank you, one and all!
Hopefully some more pics in the New Year after another visit to SuzieS.
Thanks again,
S xxx

15 Sep 12
Sincere thanks to those who have voted me into the Top Mature babes list at number 8. The praise really goes to SuzieSequin!
S xxx

14 Aug 2012
Another milestone - I spent a most pleasant day in the company of Suzie Sequin in Dublin, being made-over. This lady is empathic, kind, understanding, has an eye for fashion and is both pretty and sexy. I could not recommend her highly enough for any girl in need of a dressing session. She is a wonderful lady, provides a valuable service to us and I am privileged to have been made-over by and become acquainted with her. Pictures now included, I hope they delight the viewer, as much as they do the subject!
S xxx

13 Aug 2012
Despite the obvious need to dust, mop and polish, I have foregone domesticity to spend some (actually, lots of.....well, in truth, every available moment of) time in the great outdoors during our recent spell of sunny weather.
For nearly every day of the last 7, I have enjoyed the many pleasures of a naturist beach not far from my home in South Donegal. It gives one such a wonderful sense of freedom and liberation to be able to walk for miles au naturel and, like the other nudists using the beach area, to be unconcerned by clothing, body shape, size, or anything else.
Certainly, naturism is to be tried once and in my case to be repeated often. I missed out on Sunday as i was busy elsewhere and I do believe I may be suffering withdrawal symptoms!!
Luv it!
S xxx

08 Aug 12
The builders finished on time and within budget - can this be a record??
The flat-pack furniture is assembled.
The dusting-polishing and touching-up has commenced.
Clothes washing and ironing ;-(( in progress.
Slowly but surely, my grip on my house & my life is being restored!
But....the weather's up!
So the Scandiehooligan methodology of time-management comes into play. Work during darkness and spend the day taking the rays. There really is nothing more liberating than nude sun-bathing close to home on beautiful, virtually deserted beaches, here in the North West.
S xx

22 Jul 12
I've found a wonderful place quite nearby, to sunbathe au naturel!
Peace, tranquility and sunshine (in between the rain droplets!)
S xx

19 Jul 12
This is D+4 of the house refurbish and already I am reconciled to the loss of my sitting room and the goggle box. So I sit at the kitchen table (only 2 chairs and a stool remain - all else stored) while the dust rises and the work moves along....s-l-o-w-l-y!
Three weeks, they say, so I'm taking myself off on a small break away from the noise, smells and the dust and will return to the fold in early August.
After that it's the big clean up, replace furniture put everything back in its place and regain control of my life!
Then, I have a dressing appointment to make (new pics in the offing, for you to yawn or drool over!!) and a long outstanding meeting/dressing event with a very pretty lady from these pages to follow through on.
S xxx

05 Jul 12
Waxed all over again yesterday, so look and feel wonderfully smooth.
Now if I could only get the house repairs started, I could then busy myself with a pleasant dressing session!
S xxx

03 Jul 12
Here's a thought.
This morning I continued the clean up of my contacts on chix. I tidied up 20-odd pages of favourites. Two things surprised me.
Firstly, the number of girls who had been on site already today.
Secondly, the number of girls who have not been here for ages.
Some stayed with us for only a few months, others for years.
I didn't see any case where a girl announced she was having doubts, had found a new lover, or was even depressed and suicidal.
I wonder where they are now?
What drove them to leave?
Are some of them still dressing?
Was it just an insane perhaps even drunken moment of madness that made them sign up, only to leave next day, week or month?
Will we ever see them back here?
Have some of them passed on?
I wonder what the turnover of girls on chix is?
How many stay long term, how many flit through and are never heard from again, how many come, go and then return?
S x

27 Jun 12
In Ireland for a while now due to a house-maintenance issue which looked expensive to start, but thanks to house insurance, I may get away with only a small fee.
Today seemed like a good enough day to do some housekeeping, so apart from chez moi, I have done some tidying up of my friends and acquaintances list here on chix - dropping girls who appear to have become "non-effective", re-jigging girls I haven't heard from in yonks or who haven't reacted to being favourited.
More work to be done tomorrow.
S xxx

23 Apr 12
In view of what has been suggested elsewhere (hopefully in jest) I now categorically deny having any business interests whatsoever in the "new" TrannieHaven in Dublin. Being a girl from rural Ireland, who spends a considerable amount of time in Scandinavia, I have had, regrettably, little time to visit or invest (even had I been asked) in this new venue, although a visit is at the top of my "must-do" list and I look forward to the reported welcome and friendliness of the clientele and the professional management of the principals, Amanda & Emma.
S xxx

07 Mar 12
My fifth anniversary on chix! (I've been online nearly every day since I started - and not a sign of a purge!!!!).

Chix is a place I treasure; populated with so many good people, pretty, sexy, attractive, funny and kind people; a "consistency" when so much of life all around is changing for ever; a safe haven where it is socially acceptable to admit to wearing femme colours, femme fabrics, stockings and high heels; a place that makes me realise I am not alone and that out there, exists an immense body of sympathy, empathy and friendship from other girls like me and from real girls.
Thanks Stella, thank you all.

Small surgery next week - will be laid up for 2-3 weeks afterwards, then a full body waxing and back into the femme frillies and make-up once again!!
Hugs and kisses to all,
Sarah xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

14 Feb 12
Thank you, one and all, ladies (and/or gents??) for your wishes today. I haven't figured out from whom the anonymous greetings came, so don't be shy, 'fess up and reveal all!!
S xxx

07 Jan 12
Happy New Year one and all - I hope it brings peace, health and prosperity to each of you. Thanks to those who sent greetings over Christmas and the New Year.
As I have a small operation scheduled - nothing serious, just a minor and routine procedure but one which may take a little time to recover from - my dressing has had to be curtailed, but hopefully I'll get back into my frillies and war paint soon again.
S xxx
•••    •••    •••    •••    •••    •••  
14 Dec 11
Has anyone else been the subject of attention by the flickr morality police? It appears my account status is "safe", but my pics are all marked restricted.
Yesterday, having applied filters etc to some of my pics and asked for a review, I was told I had "still missed moderating alot of highly sexualized content". When I asked for specifics and what "highly sexualized content" meant to them, I was told "Flickr guidelines are a common sense guide, not a list of specifics".
Confused and confusing!
So, cutting a long story short - now that's uncharacteristic(!) - flickr were unhelpful and didn't/couldn't/wouldn't clarify; nor would they justify how a glimpse of lacy stocking top (but nothing in the genital region nor underwear on view) in one of my pics could require restricted status when in another profile there appeared to be full-on (gay) sexual intercourse on (unrestricted) view. I deleted my profile. We parted company.
S xxx

10 Nov 11
While I was away in early Oct and indeed during the succeeding weeks, so many girls have taken the trouble to write in my guest-book in a most complimentary fashion. I hope you'll understand that with the builders at work [will it ever end????? ;-(( ], the house in chaos, dust everywhere, my thoughts may not be 100% on my transvestism. So please accept this as both acknowledgement and thanks for your guest-book kindnesses.
S xxx

28 Oct 11
Well, I wibbled and wobbled around the bottom of that list - 25-24-23-25 and today I've fallen off completely, so we'll give it another go soon. Thanks for voting, ladies!
I really wish these builder chaps would hurry up and finish just one room so that I can start hoovering, dusting, mopping and then - joy-of-joys - painting!!!!!! Everything seems to be quarter-completed, abandoned for something else which in turn is quarter done etc etc. I know they have a method (I hope) but........
Are builders the World over so apparently disorganised?????????????
S xxx

24 Oct 11
Now that just goes to prove....
I was away for a few days and didn't post. However, I seem to have briefly made it to No5 on the Top Matures List but have now slid all the way down to 25. Next stop....oblivion!! :-((
Anyway, thanks to all who voted and I hope to return shortly when I get some things sorted out at home and about.
S xxx

17 Oct 11
Now that's a nice way to start the week - No 9 on the Top Mature Babes List.
Thank you, everyone who has voted.
S xxx

13 Oct 11
Jumped another two places to (lucky??) 13 today - goodness!
S xxx

11 Oct 11
No 15 today - feels great!! S xx

10 Oct 11
Mmmm - a good way to start the week - No17 on the Top Mature Babes list.
Thank you all!
S xxx

05 Oct 2011
I see I've made my 2011 debut in the Top Mature Babes list - in at No 23.
Thank you all who have voted and (hint, hint!) for those who have yet to do so, more power to your mouse hand and clicking fingers!
S xxx

04 Oct 2011
This week, I have the builders in residence, refurbishing my home.
The place is a mess.
My femme clothes are locked away, so no dressing at all :-((
I am going job-hunting in Scandinavia on Thursday - Helsinki first then Stockholm (on Friday) for an interview. Some other appointments (in drab) in Sweden next week, seeing old work-colleagues and I'll be back on air on the 26th.
Keep dressing, stay sexy til then, girls!
S xxx

22 Sep 2011
Today was an important day for me - I visited Donna for a make-over. I am on a high several hours after getting back into drab and driving home. Those wonderful feelings about being dressed, which weren't very evident sometimes over the last number of months, are back.
Donna is unique, a girl with a heart of gold, empathy, warmth, generosity of spirit, sincerity and is so full of fun. I can't remember any day in, well ages really, that I've laughed, chatted and simply enjoyed so much. She is a top class hostess, super fun, urged me to be a little more risque in my dressing and made me up accordingly. Have a look at the pics. They're less of the school teacher, a tad more bad girl than before. What do you think?
Feel free to vote. And come back soon as I will upload them over a period, rather than all together!
Thank you Donna - you understand and encourage the girl within me and you are a really special person.
S xxx
P.S. Unfortunately, real life issues intervened and a planned for meeting with another girl after my dressing session had to be cancelled. Such is life, so perhaps some other time......or perhaps not!

28 August 2011
Goodness! Can it be true? Is this the first month since I joined chix in which the monthly contributions appear to have exceeded the site fees? Well done to all.
I was witness the other night to something which ultimately led to the break-up of the couple with whom I was briefly and very intimately involved. Another chixer and myself were dressed and made-up and the other CD's partner - a RG - joined us. We had fun, but something snapped with my fellow chixer and the joy which we three should have felt evaporated in a flash.
What an awful place I am in now!
I realise that what happened to them may have been brought about by too much drink; the mistaken belief that Viagra would overcome all: one of them being unprepared for the emotional and physical reaction when seeing the other partner erotically and blissfully involved with another party; a mistaken sense of the strength of their relationship before we met and, indeed, a myriad of other things. Chix probably isn't the optimum place to mention them. Whatever the reasons, I am desperately sorry that the break-up came when I was close by and I can only hope that they can reconcile at some future date.
S :-((

18 July 2011
Waxed again today - such a pity the weather is not at its best, though I have managed some sunbathing au naturel. Hopefully it will improve and I can lie naked under the rays once or twice more before returning to Ireland.
S xxx

27 May 2011
Another waxing session today. A smooth, hairless body again - just right for summertime fun!
S xxx

19 Apr 2011
Waxed again yesterday and had my brazilian strip trimmed. The temperature is on the rise, there hasn't been rain in daytime in weeks. I'll be ready for the naturist beaches around Stockholm for the coming summer! Wonderful.
S xxx

14 Feb 2011
Thanks, ladies, for the Valentine's Cards!
I appreciate every one of them, but my head-scratching only starts now, wondering who sent what!
Thank you in any event!
Hugs, kisses and all things sweet,
Sarah xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

04 Feb 11
Waxed all over again today - it has become a 5-weekly routine now, - it feels sooooooooooooooooo good!
S xx
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May Day 2010
Tried this for the first time tonight...
"Your COGIATI result value is: 110 Which means that you fall within the following category:
What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither.....Your gender issues are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.
SUGGESTIONS FOR ACTION: .......The primary goal would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have. As an androgynous being, both genders, and both sexes are natural to your expression. Permanent polarization in either direction might bring significant unhappiness. It is not recommended that you go through a complete transsexual transformation.....You are more likely a transgenderist, than a transsexual.........
Well, well, well!
S xxx

02 Apr 10
Happy Easter (Glad påsk), one and all!
Sarah xox

14 Feb 10
Thank you for the Valentine's day greetings, girls!
Now, in Berkshire.....who are you?
The ones who didn't identify themselves in any way at all - I haven't a clue!
Middlesex......Chloe, was that you?
S xxx

25 Jan 2010
We’ve had 6 weeks of bitterly cold weather, most of it accompanied by the most horrendous snowfalls imaginable – certainly I haven’t seen anything quite like some of them at home. Driving has been fun (mostly!) and travelling by train exciting. To drive at 100kph in blizzard conditions, knowing that when you touch the brakes the car will stop because the surface is salted & gritted and the studded tyres will grip, all takes a little getting used to.
It hasn’t been so cold as to be uncomfortable, but -25 tends to focus the mind on keeping warm and leaving very little skin uncovered. Tights are so, so good in this weather. The forecast is for more snow and plummeting temperatures over the next week or so, so tights or stockings for another month - goody!
News? Well little enough! Very little dressing apart from the usual undies. Very little going out (New Year, head cold that won’t shift).
I noticed a little stretch in the day today, so maybe the gloom and darkness of midwinter are coming to an end.
S xxx
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08 Nov 09
Settled-in in Scandinavia.
The short days and long nights (not at their worst just yet) are a bit disconcerting, but I expect I'll get used to them. Temperatures are low, but no freezing conditions (yet!). One or two dustings of snow. Mainly rain - so it's not really much different from home.
There's not much to say about the dressing scene here as there is not much of a dressing scene - as those of us in the "British Isles" might understand it - in existence. At least, if there is a scene, I have yet to discover it. But this appears to be such a tolerant society that going out en femme to "regular" places might be possible (if I could get the make-up thing sorted), although I think my cardiac state might not be up to the strain.
I have met a post-op girl whom I consider to be one of the bravest people I've ever met. She works in what might be termed the "uniformed services" and did so before her transition too - all in the one place. Quite something, she's also quite a looker, a self confessed lesbian, living with her girlfriend from her previous life and has a fabulous figure as well!
That's my news for the present. I expect to be in Ireland around Christmas/New Year, so maybe I'll have a chance for a dressing session with Beatrix and/or other girls.
Pussar och kramar (apparently kisses and hugs in the local lingo)
Sarah xxx

27 Aug 09
Packing ongoing. Departure looming. Dread and anticipation combined. It will be alright when I get there, the problem is actually getting out the door!
Heading away this weekend to start another chapter in life - 2 year work contract in Scandinavia. Communications may be a little interrupted, but I'll get back on-line as soon as I can.
Thanks, all, for the votes which propelled me to #3 on the Mature Babes list.
Sarah xxx

22 Jul 2009
To those who have mailed recently, I'll get back to you as soon as I can - busy at work and was abroad for a week...... and then there was the dressing session with Ms Beatrix in Dublin - a personal high-point and I am so happy to recommend her to others.
As a professional domme, Ms B also introduced me (at my own request) to the ecstatic delights of strap-on sex (me being the recipient), which was my first time in such a tryst. Her efforts and my desire for more and more of what she was doing to me produced a gushing and ecstatic climax for me! Though she is a professional domme, she proved to be a gentle and considerate user of a generously proportioned rubber cock at my derrière. She relaxed, lubed and prepared me for penetration and when we were both happy with the fit, she rode me doggy-style to a blissful ejaculation. In truth, she could have done almost anything sexual with me, such was the intensity of my lust. This was good, so very, very good!
I had a small moment of regret, that she was getting nothing out of all this, but..........
Thanks, B - one of the highlights of my sexual "career" and development! 😘😘😘
Let's do it again sometime!!

I expect to be heading away on a 2-year long work contract in September. I will be back in Ireland from time to time, so I hope to get around to meeting some of my old friends and maybe seeing some new ones too!
S xxx

18 May 2009
Wow! What a way to start a new week!
To find, first thing on a Monday morning, that you've been voted Top Mature Babe gives me such an immense boost and humbles me. That a relative newcomer to dressing, who lives in rural Ireland, who can't do the make-up "thing" without assistance could ascend such heights given the beauty, character, dress sense & style and the experience of so many other girls here is, frankly, incredible.
Thank you all!
Huge hugs & kisses,
Sarah xoxo

15 May 2009
I am surprised and delighted that I have been voted to No2 on the Top Mature Babes list on chix. Thank you for voting, thank you for the affirmation of my feminine self and most of all thanks to the friends, admirers and the wonderful girls who have made me look and feel so good.
Sarah xxx ooo xxx

29 Apr 2009
I was supposed to head to Dublin to have a make-over, meet other girls and go out en femme to TrannieHaven with them, but work and (male) social obligations intervened and I was fortunate to be able to get an appointment for a make-over with Patricia, a really lovely lady who provides a make-over service, wigs and pics (bring your own outfits) on Tue 21 Apr. The day was beautiful, the location (a private house in its own grounds in Co Tyrone) serene and I was delighted with her efforts and the pics. Have a look for yourself and if the humour takes you, vote, but do be kind, please!
TrannieHaven? Soon, very soon, I hope.
Sparkle - maybe 2010!
S xxx

05 Mar 2009
I was working around the Midlands and at a whim booked a dressing session with Holly Adams in devine dressing. I really, really enjoyed the experience, being dressed and at peace with myself and the world in general. Holly is a gorgeous girl, very attractive in so many ways and a generous hostess.
S xxx

22 Feb 2009
Thank you for the Valentine’s Day cards, girls - some of whom I know but others I don't. No need to be shy - go on introduce yourselves!
S xxx

09 Jan 2009
New Year, new challenges! Sparkle in July, perhaps? We'll see. So difficult to believe I've come this far over the last 12 months.
Sarah xxxxxxxxxx
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29 Nov 2008
Another step....
Last evening, for the first time, I made it out and met other girls like us.
Having done it, I don't understand why I was so afraid, there was really nothing to it. Other girls, like me, don't have two heads, three arms or strange growths sprouting hair from their upper lips!! So what was the fear all about beforehand? Honestly, I don't know.
Naturally enough, with all the excitement I ended up having a blonde moment and forgot the camera to record the event. Does this mean I have to do it all again???????????
Having spent weeks, being encouraged, exhorted and cajoled, I made it to the Gemini Club in Dublin where I met Natalie and Susan; tall, chic, so beautiful and so very convincing; Natasha; Deirdre; Bernie and Laura (I think - it's the Alzheimers if I got it wrong). Thank you all for your friendship, for being kind, for being so normal and for making me feel welcome and at home.
This couldn't have happened without Orla April who has been encouraging me for weeks, who met me and brought me inside and who's quite an eyeful herself!
And it would never have ever happened if Deborah hadn't given me the courage initially to face up to Sarah and let her breathe free. Thank you.
Happy, peaceful and supremely content.
S xxx

12 Nov 2008
Yesterday I took another step on this wonderful voyage of self-discovery.
I had arranged a dressing session with Deborah – she looked fabulous (as ever) and waved her fairy wand over me.
Instead of packing Sarah away in the carry-on bag, I drove from Belfast to Donegal, fully dressed and unpacked the car outside my home.
The relief, the inner-peace, the knowledge that I have been out on my own and that it’s not something to fear is just incredible. I’m on a high!
S xxxx

26 October 2008
I blush with embarrassment (and not a little internal delight) that you have voted me No2 on the Top Mature Babes list. Thank you.
S xxx

28 August 2008
34,000 hits (+), 540 days on chix - as good a time as any other to revitalise the profile and reduce it from its earlier War & Peace-like dimensions.

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Pvc, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Sex, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Watching porn, Groups, Couples, Panties, Petticoats / slips, Hair accessories, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Leather Skirt/Dress, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, In the Closet, Convincing, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Travel, Trendy/Modern club wear, No Male Admirers Please!, BDSM / Bondage, Bridal/Wedding wear, Toys, Mature, Uniforms, Experienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Outdoor Fun, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Furs, Relationship (casual), Females, Attached, Friendship, Photography, Art Exhibitions, Museums, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Holidays / Travel, Politics, Charity / Voluntary Work, Historic Places / Architecture, Girdles, DIY Help / Advice, Transitioning advice / mentoring, Counselling / Life coach, Legal help / advice, Cosplay / Costumes, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Books & Literature, Theatre, Indian/Ethnic garments, Kilts, Vintage, I am Top, I am Bottom, I am Versatile

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