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work hard, play harder :)

Last Visited:     04 October, 2024
Registered:     21 August, 2017
Location:     Bournemouth, Dorset, England


Can Accommodate Can Travel


Favorite Look:
Classy / Stylish

hello you sexy people,

ok , time for yet ANOTHER update, as its been wayyyyyyy to long, and an awful lot has happened in my hectic life !!

first and foremost, i am now legally me, i changed my name in june 2023, via deed poll, so im now OFFICIALLY Scarlett Jayne M**** , i am on face book under my new name, so if u want to chat/connect etc, just message me thru here and ill give you my full name .

ive also changed jobs aswell, due to the bullying and harrassment, so changing my name was the perfect thing to do in time for my start at my new job , i am now an IT support assistant :)

i am also going to try to include a regular 'lifestyle' type blog to keep u all updated :)

please also feel free to rate my pics, its an enormous confidence boost to know that im doing something right :) xx


hello again to all you wonderful boys and girls :)

its update time again, and oh boy, its a doozy !! lol

over the past month ive had some issues with my left arm , resulting in my fingertips bieng extremely sore, sensitive and blue .
at first they thought it could of been Raynauds, gave me some pills and sent me home !!

i KNEW something wasnt right, so a week lata i went back to the docs, thankfully this one kinda knew something was badly amiss, and had me str8 down to see a vascular consultant.

an ultra-sound and CT scan later revealed that i have a blocked artery above my heart, which they now want to put a stent in, as i am in danger of losing my left arm :(
the problem with that is, im at high risk of having a stroke during the procedure :( , so im kinda crapping myself :(

so, now i have to inject my tummy everyday with blood thinners, which is a lifetime thing, along with blood pressue pills, and statin pills, again, a lifetime thing :(

its only been a few days, and there has been a significant improvement in my hand , so the blood flow is better , so my arm is safe, however, the tips of 3 of my middle fingers arent, and it looks like im going to lose them :( better that than the whole arm tho !! lol
they are going to monitor everything very closely for the next few weeks, mainly my blood pressure, as its way too high , once everything has satisfactorily stabilized , they will then look at the stent procedure :(
needless to say, i have now completely stopped smoking, its a no brainer tbh, having already got COPD , i should have stopped a long time ago, and this is why i now have this problem, if i continue to smoke, i WILL lose my arm, and they prob wont operate on me, as im not helping myself, so its the kick in the ass that i needed to stop me smoking, and in all honesty, it hasnt been a struggle, i have an E ciggy, and thats working for me :)

i would just like to say a big thank u to all the girls at AJs party on Wednesday for being so supportive and kind, not to mention having the patience in listening to my woes :)

thank u girls :) xxxx

heres wishing u all a very merry Xmas and new year, and hope Santa is kind to all u good (and naughty- wink wink) girls and boys :)


Thank you ALL for such kind and wonderful birthday wishes and comment :) , too many to reply to individually, so thank you, i hadnt expected that kind of response what so ever, so it greatly added to my birthday smiles :) MWAHHHHH xxxx

02.10.19 UPDATE

OMG , i cant believe its been i have let time fly by so quickly !! apologies for the lack of updates :(

so, an awful lot has happened since my last one, too much really to bore all you lovely people with, but ill give u the short version :)

i now have an IG account, which i am rying to build up, mainly to get Scarletts Web 'out there' , its a very long and slow process so far, but i have had a few lovely girls come and visit, which has been fantastic :)
so, please, if you are feeling generous , drop me a follow on there and help build up the reviews for it, my IG is :-

As you can see, ive added some new pics to my profile, in fact, i have a whole load more, but unfortunately u can only upload 20 :( which seems a little low, compared to other sites where u can upload hundreds , which , i have to say, i have done, i know i know, im a show off :) but what the hell, you only live once huh ?

many many thx to all of the wonderful people that have made some very kind and flattering comments on my profile and pics, it really does mean the world to me, so a big hug and kiss to each and every one of you :) MWAHHHH

24,04.19 UPDATE

this is just a very quick update, there will be more to come, but life has exploded and my social life has gone beserk :)
but, i am now on hamster, u can reach my profile there hopefully thru the link i will put here. if u cnt , please let me know and i will rectify it somehow :) im not the most savvy at tech stuff !!

06.11.18 UPDATE

hello again you wonderful people :)

well, finally, i can now say, Scarletts web is now up and running !!!! :)

there is a whole piece on it further down, but any girls that want to spend time just sitting , chiling, chatting and having a laugh , then please do get in touch :)
im running from mon -wed 9am - 630pm , thurs 9am -2pm, and fri 9am - 630pm , i can also do stopovers mon -wed should any girls wish to make a long journey down here :)

my email is

looking forward to hearing from, and meeting lots of you gorgeous girls, and new girls are especially welcome, as i do know how hard and daunting this journey can be !!

love & hugs to you all xxxxx

06,10.18 UPDATE

firstly, many many thanks to all you gorgeous girls and boys for taking the time to send me birthday wishes :), i had a great day, went totally crazy in the shops and got a new kettle , toaster & toilet seat !!! i know i know, im a whirlwind of extravaganza escapism !!

Scarletts Web UPDATE

as many of u know, ( thru clearly reading my diatribe of a profile !! lol ), i was supposed to be moving house , unfortunately , it all fell thru with just days to go !! however, it has left me in a better place, to be honest, ok, i've lost 1 one room, but i still have 2 bedrooms, the other one of course bieng for stephanie, but i do have a very nice and comfy sofa bed in the lounge should anyone want a stop over :)

due to it all going pear shaped, it will be a little later in opening than expected, as im now staying put, the house is off the market and im having a few things done to re fresh it, ie, new heating system and cooker to start with, but im aiming for the first week in november to fully open :)
i have a lovely big bungalow which is far better suited for having more girls round than the other 'new' place was, i was obviously meant to keep it :)




word is spreading !! albeit slowly, but spreading it is :)

' Scarlett's web ' is finally on the cusp of finally 'opening' :)
scarlett's web is in fact, my home, and i will be opening it up for Tgirls and dressers to come and dress, relax, chat, gossip, help each other with make up, fashion and tell silly men stories :) lol, all in a warm, friendly and SAFE environment :)
i'm also going to be having a tgirl lodger living with me, who is going to be helping where she can , with nails and make up hopefully.
A room will also be available to be a changing room, and hopefully, in time, some clothes and make up for the girls that cant or havent got their own. ( donations of clothes , heels or make up are very welcome )
if there is sufficient demand, and going from present feedback already, i'd like to have a holding 'service' , for those girls that are having to hide their stuff, or feel a purge coming on !! why waste the money when i can hold it for u ??:)
if it takes off, i would also very much like to start doing escorted days/eves out, for any girls that want or need that extra hand or arm to hold for their first time putting heels on concrete :)
there is, unfortunately,going to be a 'cost' ( 95% of what ever comes in, will go straight back into the 'web' for clothes , heels, make up etc etc) so in effect, YOU are helping it grow for others to come and enjoy :) , but a fraction of the price of what is currently available , ie, dressing and make over services, which are fantastic for what u are going for, but not if all u want to do is dress chat and chill for a day, or hour, or how ever long u want :)

i can also do pics for u, im not a professional, but i have a decent camera and tripod to use if u need profile pics :)

i have just set up an email for it already, so if you're interested, please email me at ', and ill be more than happy to answer any questions for you :)
or of course, alternatively , thru here :)

one last thing, which is probably very important to mention, i do have 2 wonderful dogs, that are way to cute for their own good, but absolutely fine with us humans :) , so please be aware of that if ur not keen on animals :)

exciting times ahead i hope :) xxx


29.4.18 UPDATE
Has it really been a month since my last update ?? damn !!

well, i'm now back to normal, albeit a slight sniffle now and then, and the odd day of fatigue, but on the whole a million times better :)

so, i have ventured out almost every day since the last update, my confidence is at a point now where i have no problems with going into shops, coffee times, etc, its just the norm for me, but i did have a lovely meet with a tgirl, just a social, but dressed quite provocatively, not to entice, just to feel sexy :)

i then went out in the same outfit, its the pic on my profile with the tartan skirt and handbag :)
the feel of the skirt, the wind between my legs, and the sound of my heels on the sidewalks, was overwhelmingly erotic ! and the looks i was getting suggested i got it right :), even from some girls too :)
so, ill be doing that again :) lol



29.3.18 UPDATE
well, where do i start ??
i am now ,hopefully, fully on the road to recovery , which is mainly down to proper rest and a proper diet, the improvements are daily, albeit baby steps, but they're in the right direction, so, id like to say a massive thank you to all of those that sent their best wishes etc :),
and another apology for not replying to emails/messages, which wil be rectified tomorrow :)xx

Now, can u imagine my surprise, and mental boost, at seeing i had made the top 40 mature babes :). i really cant believe it, but thank you, to all of you that have voted/rated my pics, its most certainly put a very much needed smile on my face :), wow, what a day :) !!!! thank you thank you thank you xxxxxx


at 4am on wednesday morning, i had to ring for an ambulance, i knew i wasnt well, but didnt quite realise just HOW ill i was, i could barely walk, my back pain was other worldly,
it transpires i have pneumonia !! and having COPD , and just getting over a cold, only made things worse, god only knows where i would be if i HADNT rang 999 !!
im back home now, still not 100%, but better than i was,
but, having mentioned this , some people were more concerned with not being able to have some fun with me, than saying hope u get better soon !! needless to say, i wont EVER be having any fun with them in the future !!
but many thanks to those of u that did send there best wishes xxx


18.3.18 UPDATE
well, it may not seem such a big deal to many, but i took another big setp in making Scarlett a more permanent fixture in my life, i went and finally had my ears pierced, as i was getting fed up of losing my clip ons !! lol
so i now have a pair of 4mm crystal studs in, that have to stay in for 3 weeks, THEN i can put dangly, sexy ones in :)
Scarlett is on the move !!! onwards and upwards :) xxx


02.03.18 UPDATE.
well, although i am extremely relieved at finally finding a buyer for my house, it has hit me quite hard in the realization that im leaving this house behind, along with all the memories that went with it, although i shall carry most with me, its very hard to come to terms with the knowledge that im moving on my own :(
in short, i must apologise to those of you that have very kindly taken the time to message me, only for me to not be in the right frame of mind to put anything witty or constructive down as a reply :(
so, apologies and thank you's :) xxx


27.2.18 UPDATE
As some of you do, but most of you dont know, i have been trying to sell my house since september, as sadly my wife passed away from cancer in july, so i just cant live here anymore :(, however, im happy to say, i have finally found a buyer :) so now the REAL stress begins !! lol


So then, the party,

Every single nerve in my body was saying ' what do THINK you're doing silly cow ? ', and yet my heart wouldnt let it go ! , i had to physically drag myself up there, i KNEW i wanted to go, but the nerves were getting the better of me !!
all that was diminished the moment the very welcoming sue opened the door :), she was so friendly and welcoming,and showed me around the place b4 the rush !! so a massive thank u to her :)

but also, a massive thank you to ALL the other girls that i spoke to that day, all of which, were again, super friendly :)
i'm very much looking forward to my next visit :)

anyway, i digress !
however, since going to the party, my perspective on Scarlett and her future have somewhat moved sideways a little, sure, i like to have fun !! who does'nt ?, but its not my driving force anymore, i would rather get to know many more super friendly people and have some fun along the way :)

i guess you could say im more of a girly girl, i like the very femme look, although some of the new pics would have u believe otherwise !! lol,

But as u can see, i'm blonde, slim,i have blue eyes , and , according to some, a very naughty smile :), i weigh 3st wet !! lol, and about 6ft in heels :)

I certainly do like to treated like a lady, so if you feel the urge to drop me a line / message, then by all means do, but please remember to say hi or hello first !! its only manners !!

Yes, i do have 'meets' , but, u gotta work for it !! lol,
It takes an awful long time to look presentable, so i wont be meeting you in ten minutes for a quickie !!
and, if we do make a date, i expect reg contact from making the date, to the day of the date, otherwise ill just assume its off and you're just a fantasist !! and that will be your 1 chance gone :)
after all, if were chasing linda lusardi for a date, you would never be off ur phone would you !! lol

Oh , and one last , but very important thing, I wear a chastity cage , 24/7 , it doesn't come off , period !!
( however , I would like to feel a gorgeous tgirl sucking me maybe one day !)

well, thats about it for now , til Re-vamp 2.5 !! lmao

have fun sexy girls and guys

lots of love & kisses

scarlett xxx

Interests: Cross-dressing, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Sex, Online chat, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Watching porn, Groups, Couples, Panties, Hair accessories, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Leather Skirt/Dress, Admirers / men, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, I am Sub, Convincing, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Can Travel, Trendy/Modern club wear, Toys, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Outdoor Fun, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, I am a smoker, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Females, Single/Unattached, Friendship, Photography, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Holidays / Travel, Mature Admirers / Men, I have Tattoos, I have Piercings, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Playsuits, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Chastity, I am Bottom

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