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Last Visited:     14 November, 2016
Registered:     18 September, 2009
Location:     Northampton, Northamptonshire, England



Favorite Look:
Biker Chick


iam 5 7', i am young at heart, slim athletic, and trying to survive, eyes are blue green, hair is blonde.
I am a now not so very new to this , i have come a long way in a short time, and am now more at ease with myself, in no small part to all the very nice people out there who accept without judging, so to all who have passed on messages and given encouragement,,,, a big hug and kiss,,,,,,, thank you xxxxxxxxx

★Merry★ 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˚ _Π_____。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| ˚And a happy new year 2015

I'm passing this on because it worked for me today… Dr Phil on TV said the other day that to reach inner peace we should always finish things we start, and we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around Juba to find things I'd started and hadn't finished. So, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss.

An telum u luvum.

Wuv U gies!!!

Well life goes on, and thankfully getting better as it does, have met some fantastic folks in the last 2 years and happy to call most of them friends not just aquaintances, so here's more of the same.

Please look after those around you, if you see anyone depressed, angry cant cope and drinking to much, most of the squadies i know, they may have depression, they dont have to have been in a war or had a nasty experience, being out of work or not being able to provide is enough, never mind illness or gender or disability, men cry.

PLEASE LISTEN TO THOSE CRIES, DONT IGNORE THE SIGNS Please repost this to get the message out

to as many as you can, and remember


we live in a fragile world, we think we are enlightend because we follow our particular life styles, and choose to say to hell with it i am prepared to step out into the out side world and let others , all others see me and judge me.

So what happens when those that judge us are less than impressed and judge us to be freaks, perves in a bad way and some how a target to be shot at, this will no doubt lead to the disturbing events in question. do we not admit who we are? do we fight those that hurt us? do we stay underground?

How do we move forward and stop this happening to others, by education that means real and free, free from culture, religion and politics, if you look at the world, forget technology, we are still in the dark ages when it comes the perversions and fetishes, when it suits we are seen as the worst of humanity by the vanilla, because they are scared of who they are, who they may become, are we in this together???? i doubt it, my ramblings my thoughts have a great pervy day

I dont mean to offend but this is good

In an Underground station in London.... There were protesters on the concourse handing out pamphlets on the evils of Britain . I politely declined to take one. An elderly woman behind me was getting off the escalator and a young (20-ish) female protester offered her a pamphlet, which she politely declined. The young protester put her hand on the woman's shoulder as a gesture .........of friendship
and in a very soft voice said, 'Madam, don't you care about the children of Iraq ?' The elderly woman looked up at her and said, 'My dear, my father died in France during World War II, I lost my husband in Korea and my grandson in Afghanistan . All three died so you could have the right to stand here and bad mouth our country. If you touch me again, I'll stick this umbrella up your arse and open it.'......................... God Bless Great Britain (What we have left of it!).. :)

If the cap fits

• They joined for many reason, to March, To Sail, To Fly, they went where they were posted but nobody joins to DIE. Their leaders talk on TV what else could we have done? But those leaders lost no daughters and none has lost a son. So heres to all our soldiers wherever they may be.... and heres to all their families, I raise a glass to thee..... Wear your poppy with PRIDE and remember those who died...

My soul mate and friend i would like to say more....... says my eyes are sad, they maybe, if you had seen what i have seen , maybe you would have the same eyes, ?

sorry but has to be mentioned

‎3 things,
stop mp's claiming expenses and housing, live off your earnings as we do stop immigration full stop, and immediatly deport offenders
tell the banks, if they dont lend, then feel free to jump off the gherkin
3 things
not to bad.........
and if they need a hand just ask the folks of uk
i am sure if we are all in it together, then we can achieve

stay safe and slap your local counselor or MP

This country is the shits, why is it that those that have paid into the system, cant get any help when needed, and ESA and ATOS have been given the task of getting rid of all the disabled and mentaly ill, being a tgirl has been classed as mentaly ill, suicide is their only way out, more and more ordinary people to the edge, this includes many ex - military, their suicide list grows and grows, we need direct action against the enemies of this country, OUR OWN F&*"$NG CHEATING LYING MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to rant but we are being squeezed to death.

And on a lighter note, how did i discover i was transgendered, well all those years ago, before i knew what to call my feelings, i just did not know what to think, at a very early age i knew i liked to dress, and would imagine what it would be like to be a girl as a young boy i was very girly looking and people would often mistake me for female.

As i got older, a teenager, i was involved with a woman who first dressed me up, complete with make up, my hair was long and i did not have any beard till i was nearly 22, and so for many young years i had what i wanted, it started as she mistook me for a girl, and although i told her i was a boy, i found that i liked the idea, and in conversation with her, i told her that i liked the idea, at which point we decided to get me dressed, she got some clothes suitable for me and helped me dress, this was all very under cover, but i did like it and it did feel right and pleasant. I suppose today it might be classed as abuse, but it was not abusive it was done with love and respect, and though my life took a very different path, i will never forget those years, it took nearly another 30 odd years for me to find simone again.


A humorous guide to marrying a soldier.

Congratulations and thank you for the decision to marry one of our soldiers.

You may have elected to take a Private (with starter pack of Basic Training and Good Prospects), or you may have opted for the top of the range Warrant Officer Class 1 (with High Power, and Command Decision Making). We here at the Minsitry of Defence (Army) are confident that if you follow our User’s Guide you will have many years with your soldier.

Lance Corporal or Corporal

Sergeant or Staff Sergeant

Warrant Officer

Commissioned Officer - still being developed at our state of the art facility, the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.

*For details on models, please observe who gives or accepts the most crap.


Married Quarters, Military Family, Military Community, Social Life, Comrades, Pride, and Heartbreak.


Height, Weight, Colour, Body Mass and Parentage are individually preset criteria. In standard models, the only variable component is Weight. This will be directly affected by Partner Maintenance (Please see separate booklet - Keeping Your Soldier and Keeping Him Happy).


Smart, Obedient, Courageous, Confident, Hygienic, Physically Fit and Proud.

RANDOM SETTINGS: (See Optional Extras)

Emotion, Fuel Consumption, Anger Management, Patience, Trust, and *Libido.

*(This may increase in direct response to a period of separation - be prepared).


Our soldiers are regularly tested for endurance and reliability. Notwithstanding this process we do not accept responsibility for the condition of your soldier once he has been accepted into your life.


1. In the first instance, please deal directly with your soldier.

2. Consult friends who have had a soldier for a longer period than you.

3. Consult the Families Liaison Officer or one of the list of agencies in the booklet - (What To Do When It All Goes Pear-shaped)

4. If in desperate circumstances, consult the Regimental Padre.

5. If having followed the aforementioned guidelines you feel you have completely lost the plot with your soldier we suggest that you consult a Marriage Guidance Counsellor.



The British Army reserves the right to confiscate, imprison, mentally, verbally and physically abuse your soldier whenever it deems fit. The organisation (henceforth known as ‘The Army’), may require to send your soldier into life-threatening situations or on extreme and extensive training exercises at short notice.

Our objective is that when your soldier terminates his service with his country and The Army, he is still capable of continuing his life in a new, less arduous role. Albeit as a civilian.


In the unfortunate instance that your soldier is damaged, we will affect repairs at a local Medical Centre or Dental Centre. If required he will be transported to a specialist repair facility at a British Military Hospital.

We will do our utmost to repair him and return him to you in full working condition.

Whilst we strive to maintain our soldiers in the best possible condition, it is regretted that on occasion a soldier may be damaged beyond repair. Should this heart-breaking situation arise, please be assured of our continued support.


Please accept our assurance that your soldier volunteered to be processed from basic civilian material to soldier. He was not enticed, cajoled, blackmailed, threatened, press-ganged, conscripted, or otherwise compelled to undergo military training.

General Nuisance,

MOD Paper Pusher


and the they turn out to be transgendered, fuck who knew, didnt see that coming,,,

I am now a fully qualified psychotheraputic counsellor as of today, got my results this morning , past after 4 years hard work,,,yipee....wibble

Interests: Dressed nights out, No Male Admirers Please!, Experienced, Pubs, Nightclubs, I am a non-smoker, Females, Friendship, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Politics, Historic Places / Architecture, Sporting Events

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