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Old School Tranny Anachronism

Last Visited:     08 February, 2025
Registered:     23 May, 2005
Location:     Yorkshire, Lancashire, England


Can Accommodate


Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear


"It may help if I elucidate one of the driving forces that has exerted an important influence upon me. The conceptual existence of the 'Bird Of Play' aka 'The Hilario Raptor'."

Question: What is the biggest drawback to being a tranny?
Answer: Other Trannys.

"Mad magazine made me bent."

short films:
Bibrau Is The Maid Who Waits In The Blue: Click here

Cover Version of 'Sisters' by Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox. (By Glenda and Me and reworked from a Transgender perspective.) Click here

Living Is An ArtYou've Got To Get Click here

You can hear some of my own music at:

If you would like to see my flickr pictures Click here.

Flickr only allows 3 minute vids on free accounts. And have not subscribed to a pro account yet. Until I do. You can hear a full version at: It is the second track on the list.

Mature Curvy Natural TV

I am mature, very femme and passive. Sensual, affectionate, I like spending time indoors with friends. I love to cook and enjoy quiet nights in with friends. I am neither attempting to pass as a woman or trying to hide the fact that i am transgender. But having said that I am not trying to look like a man. So just a common garden variety "Transvestisensual" really! LOL. I have a body, quite a lovely one actually for my age. some of it femme some of it memme. Completely Human (perhaps a wee bit dog & cat). And i certainly don't feel trapped in it! Definately not an "Ordinary" girl. But extremely REAL!

WHY DO I DO WHAT I DO? Because I can do, It doesn't harm anyone, and i want to!
I have my own long hair. My own hair is shoulder length and some where in between dark blonde and light brown with a hint of auburn. I do not dye my natural hair. But i do often wear wigs because I do like t change my hair colour and style depending on my mood.. My eyes are blue. I am 6 feet tall.
I do actually prefer getting to know people.
I prefer my friends to be in their thirties or older.
My mobi number is available on request.
If you are looking for natal or chromosomal women I believe roughly half of the worlds population is one.

Concerning Tgirls, cross dressers, and TS's etc. I was considering putting up the "No Tgirls" badge but decided to put this statement instead. In general terms I am not really interested in meeting other dressers for romance, "dates" or sex. In that respect I am looking for men. Having said all that I do not mind contact from other tgirls but just not requests to meet for romance or sex please.

And when it comes to men I am interested in the active, top or even dom types not the ones that are looking for a man in a dress and that something extra (I only use mine to pee with) but those who can recognise appreciate and complement my passive femininity. there is nothing versatile or switch about me really.

If i do not reply to you it is usually one of two reasons.
1.) I have not got around to it. But i will. I am a busy girl and not just to do with fun and meets. There are other things going on too. So give me a bit of time and I may get back to you.
2.) I do not reply to guys who i don't fancy meeting. This can be for lots of reasons so please don't take it personally. There may even be clues in my profile as regards the kind of guys I want to meet. And some times it is just an intuitive thing. But the clue is if i don't reply within a cpl of days or if you have pmd me several times with no reply then chances are i think you are not my type. I know many of you think this is rude but I have thought about it and i don't feel that i am being rude just practical and discrete.

I do not accept a diagnosis of gender disphoria as being appropriate to myself. It (gender disphoria) is imo mainly attributable to the discomfort caused by the dominance of the gender binary combined with the over self consciousness of being trans and the 'transgender guilt' of many on the trans spectrum. I know that GRS transition is not an appropriate remedy or protocol for myself. I accept that it is beyond possibility to actually change ones biological sex. But is not impossible to adapt ones life style to reflect my own or anyone else's very real gender identity choices and expression. And why not. I do accept for many that GRS is the way to go. And do support them in this. I also believe that any of the protocols on the GIC route should be available to all. And also do not believe that there is anything wrong with cherry picking from that list. I do however see a correlation between the escalation in numbers seeking referral to GIC's and aspects of post modern society, consumerism, a medical establishments endorsement of mechanistic and symptomatic treatments. ETC. I do find it impossible to ignore the possibility that it is the stigma of being trans that drives some of the motivation to seek GRS. I also do accept that there are others like Overtaci. But probably not as many as the escalation in referrals for GRS might be thought to indicate.

I do think that it is more masculinist then feminist to focus so much on sexual organ's. But who am I to say I identify as both trans and feminist but I was born biologically male.

Please don't feel obliged to read beyond this point. As the salient details regarding my profile are all pretty much contained in the material up to this point. What follows are personal opinions and jibber jabber. Please feel free to peruse them. But only if you want to.

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Soumes Says:

"After all these years of transmogrifestation I have decided that there is a cause that I consider very important and even worth making sacrifices for. On a political, cultural and even moral agenda. This is anal sex. The Elephant In The Room!"

"When is the next meeting of the Transvestic Fetishistics Liberation Movement?"

"Of course one of the paradoxical ironies of labels is that rather then increasing communication and understanding they are mostly used to dismiss."

"I come from "One Nation Under A Groove" of which there is substantial evidence of in the States. Also I try and occupy a state of consciousness as often as I can. Much of which I trust is going on amongst statesiders too."

"As usual you are excelling your self at shrieking 'Dumb-Ass' Postings. If you act like this out in the real world without the cushion of the internet I imagine you get quite a lot back in your face."

"Not to worry use them or don't just do not get hung up on them. I treat them as throw away utilitarian devices and nothing more. Many do invest them with way to much power. But I predict that many will evolve past that when they settle into life on the spectrum.

For many years I have thought we only really need one descriptor for the spectrum and I believe it encourages togetherness. I am quite happy to use transgender (Tranny to my friends) for that purpose. And then allow everyone complete latitude as regards the sub groups. Because diversity is cool.

I am really looking forward to seeing the establishment of the HPW Liberation Movement! Hooray!"

"Yes it is rather difficult posting exceedingly witty, erudite, intelligent postings in a world of twitter style mini sound bites. It is a dirty job. But someone has to do it. Actually i have exactly the same problem with the short attention span terseity of the vast majority of postings in the entire world of blogging. It sounds like a foreign language to me. Gobbeldy gook in fact.

I am feeling so superior now that I doubt I will be able to get thru the door and out into the world. Until the swelling has gone down."

Getting The Horn:
"The horn? I cannot recollect the last time that I experienced sexual frustration / desperation. I think it was when I was a teenager. I am fairly amenable to a bit of sensuality with the right person. And enjoy pleasuring myself and all. (Onanism). I certainly don't deserve the reputation for wantonness that I seem to have accrued. (Altho I have been there and got that tee shirt!) That was a long time ago. And of course I am very very attractive. LOL"

"I am a great fan of the Drop and Drag method of computing. And this has developed into a philosophy that influences most aspects of my life these days."

"It is not just Trans women whom are not closeted. Thou knows. Unless you count those living in stealth. I imagine that most Trans women have spent some time in that so called closet. As they rarely arrive fully formed without having gone thru stages. Altho judging by the versions of some of them you would think not. I know better."

On Caitlin Jenner:
"Any and all of us, either; out there, in the closet or in stealth are 'courageous' if you like. Because there is prejudice to deal with. Altho in the UK the situation has improved enormously since I was seen walking up and down the Kings Road and hanging around Covent Garden / Drury Lane in the late sixties in mini skirt, boots, crop top, afghan coat, my own long light brown trusses flowing free in the wind. We was gorgeous!

Altho very prominent in the media kind of a way. Caitlin is really rather well isolated and protected from most unwanted attention in the physical proximity of her personal space. Palatial fenced multi million dollar property, Limousines, Body Guards etc.

And as for flopping in Hollywood give it time. There be Sharks in them waters."

QEII's alleged nazi salute:
"Anyway what is all this fuss about Queenie giving out with nazi salutes. Obviously she was just waving!"

Is Woka Woka the new LOL??:
"NO! it is the new "Boom Boom" and I do not recommend trying to compete with Basil Brush in the style icon stakes. Yes Jaimie not even you. Hardy har har, Boom Boom!

On Caitlin Jenner:
"Perhaps we have seen a nail being hit on the head here. With reference to CJ's comment: "I look more feminine then Serena Williams". Sounds like that is the big issue for CJ. Looks, appearance, superficiality, passing etc. Not that much of a role model perhaps. Certainly a very dumb ass thing to say.

I think Caitlin and Kellie Maloney are contributing to the awareness and discussion as regards issues relating to the trans spectrum but possibly not in the way they would like. It certainly is opening the conversation up within the Spectrum. As for Planet Celebrity and the adherents of the Cult of the personality. Just let them get on with it. I certainly will be doing.

Considering her comment and at risk of exposing myself to ridicule. I must confess to having had private thoughts myself as regards Jenner's appearance. We are in a similar age bracket. Old. Looking at her image which is every where I have thought: I don't look to bad myself (for a pensioner) and have not resorted to any Hormone treatment or masses of expensive plastic surgery."

On Caitlin Jenner:
"I don't think Caitlin Jenner should be so anxious to appear in the limelight and accept all of these accolades being thrust upon her that are happening just / mainly because she already is a celebrity. Planet Celebrity is a pretty alien concept to me and to be honest I am pretty unimpressed by it. I am not going to question her motives. And wish her well. I guess she is a major role model in the world of Vanity Fair. But what kind of example is she setting and what message is she sending. If you are filthy rich you can pay surgeons, stylists and couture dressmakers to make you as close to an idea of stereotypical beauty and femininity that you can be. How great an example is that really to a transgender teenager living in Kirkholt. . One thing she could do and she may very well be doing already is to make it clear that the trans spectrum is wide and diverse and not just about transitioning the classic GRC GIC SRS direction. I am not looking for role models just fellow travellers to build whatever kind of community it is possible to build a future for all of us on the spectrum with. And Caitlin can be / may be part of that if she wants. I am going to wait and see. I do confess that I am neither that familiar or concerned with her."

Christians can be Trans Too:
"I get the impression that most christian churches are okay about LGBT persons being members of the congregation. (Uk wise anyway, couldn't vouch for the situation. in Selma Alabama or Uganda.) It just seems that if they engage in same sex sexual activities they are sinning. I imagine that there are plenty of church goers whom would feel the same about even hetero relationships outside of a sanctified marriage. And am sure other congregants and celebrants still hold on to the notion that even being married and enjoying sex, having sex for other then the purpose of procreation as well as having a downer on any sexual expression that is not strictly missionary position even with their sanctified legit partner. Do not even mention anal or oral sex or a bit of consensual restraint. Ha Ha! As for the hierophants / priests They can be gay these days in some christian churches and even have life partners. But I do believe that sex is officially off the rules and regulations. Well certainly admitting to it. Seems in some cases it is a situation closely related to the 'don't ask don't tell' policy once probably still practiced by US and possibly other military establishments.

But I guess thats not a problem for you as you are asexual. But I am finding that pic of a rubber gloved finger inserted in someones (possibly your own) anus a bit counter intuitive. BTW doesn't a pic like that actually belong in private pics. Perhaps you should invest in a tvchix rose.

There are Trans Women I have heard of whom are celebrants of one kind or another in the C of E. I suppose there may be some operating in stealth. Have not heard of any: 'out there, full time Transvestite Vicars' yet. But reckon that would be a really major leap forward toward sanity. I am absolutely positive; cause I know some of them, that there are Christian celebrants whom are also tvs in the closet. Be great to see some of them out there and holding forth from the pulpit. Particularly if they are happy to do so without GRC GIC and SRS.

I left the Post Abrahamic ideas of Judaism, Christianity and Islam very far behind in my mid teens. But do not feel any ill will towards you or other 'True Believers'. Altho i do confess to a very small venial sin of feeling a bit smug about it. But i can live with that."

On Gender:
"It is quite clear that biology does not determine gender identity or expression (as regards human beings)."

On Gender Dysphoria:
"Gender Dysphoria is in my opinion quite a problematic term and concept. Very difficult to actually define. Used in a very throw away catch all kind of way sometimes. But mainly it is coming from a place of institutionalised adherence to the convention of the gender binary perspective, belief and way of thinking and centuries of the social construction of gender, the medical / psychological / psychiatric establishment and many other of the institutions, beliefs,prejudices and processes of our society.

So it is not surprising to me that the med / psych establishment has thrown up this notion of Gender Dysphoria, mainly from the best of intentions I am sure. But in my opinion woefully not fit for purpose. The whole idea of gender dysphoria could only exist in a society that fundamentally sees transness in general as being counter to the gender binary and therefore 'SPECIAL' ( for special please insert any other words you like. I choose aberrational).
Due to its counter intuitive relationship to the so called Gender Binary. NORMALNESS. When in my opinion being Trans is nothing of the sort. Not abnormal at all but just another wonderful expression of human diversity and possibility.

I see more and more trans people using the term gender dysphoria to describe, explain themselves. Whom I am not convinced of in many cases that it is actually a useful term for. I certainly reject it as a term that I would apply to myself.

Speaking for myself I have no doubt that biologically I was born male. But can see no reason why that should prevent me from being trans. Because i am one of those persons whom believes that experience, the process of conditioning, environmental and experiential influences are far more relevant to how one evolves on life's journey then mechanistic biological occurrences.

Of course there are vast collections of persons whom adhere to various belief systems that would postulate the 'Post Abrahmic' notions: "You are either a man or women. Women must marry men and resort to sex solely for the purposes of procreation. Men can not lie down with men." (The same belief systems seem to be woefully unconcerned about women lying down with women. Which i actually take as evidence of patriarchal misogynistic disregard of women.) Another name for this state of affairs is the SEX ECONOMY. Which of course is one of the central columns of the authoritarian paternalistic heteronormative oppression that has pretty much marginalised every one but its own hierophants and those whom believe and conform to its orthodoxies. Altho i would say we are all oppressed by it including its hierophants and adherents.

What psych evaluations are about with reference to GIC / SRS Transition are safe guards. Insurance and indemnity considerations and protections for those providing the care and medical interventions sought by their patients. And very importantly considering the magnitude of the interventions being offered. Protecting, supporting individual patients wishing to have SRS. A cooling off / or adjustment period.

You can make any number of other earth shattering, long term major life choices without having to get a psych evaluation before doing so. So why do TS's have to be singled out. I have often wondered. Well if you have lots of money perhaps you don't. But if you want to / have to go the NHS route you are going to have to play the game.

It is one of those things you may have to do if your imperative is GIC SRS and the NHS is the only route available. I bet we all know someone whom has fudged the questions, used a crib sheet, or given the 'correct' answers. To achieve transition. After all isn't bureaucracy one of those obstacles that sometimes must be either overcome or complied with.

Me personally I would advocate free choice in this matter. Anyone whom wants it should get it. But that ain't how it is.

Having said that GIC SRS is not for me. And that does not make me to any degree more or less trans then anyone else trans. I do not see any degrees of difference. You are trans or not. I am."

On Celebrity Trannies:
"If Celebrity Trannies really want to get engaged on the Trans Spectrum they could do a lot worse then getting a profile right here on tvchix. So come on girls: Grayson, Kellie, Cj, April, Paris, Laverne etc etc etc. Be nice to see you getting down with the hoi polloi. Question is have you got the 'tits' to do it. Apologies to any celebrities who are on here. I am unaware of any other then Jaimie. Woka Woka! "

On Labels & the 'transterisk':

Trans has worked for me for 25 years as the logical all encompassing default. Altho if I had my way I would use Tranny. But as we know that is a bit of a personal choice and there are those whom could not bear it. So for the sake of togetherness Trans will do me. Certainly we should be thinking carefully about letting ideologies from only a part of our spectrum appropriating terminology and so should they. because lets face it most of the persons from those sectors of our spectrum whom I know and that is many close close friends and for long times. Don't give a hoot about that. Perhaps the people from that sector whom need their own significator would like to add the asterisk to their signifier. Rather then mine the one I and almost everybody else already uses to encompass the whole spectrum. Even tho they do have an awful lot of them already. I shut up now.

On Poppers:
"My first experience with poppers was in 1970. In a mini cooper. Hurtling down the A 12. The driver held something in a hanky up to his nose, Took a very large noisy inhalation deeply into each nostril and then passed it to me. I followed suit. My immediate thought once I had recovered some composure was. Not a very smart thing to do while in charge of a motor vehicle. Poppers were poppers in them days."

On Ornette Colman:
"People what don't like Jazz. Just haven't heard it. You gotta actually listen to it. I feel sorry for the people who can't get jazz. Just does not compute. One of the richest most diverse seams of music if not the mostest of all time. Nothing else is cool. And it has never stopped me being able to appreciate empty headed music like lady gaga, Metallica or Miss Guy and the Toilet Boys either."

On Inter-sex:
" One of my best mates is. When she was born in the (1940's like me) the imperious policy of the medicaL establishment was to make a determination on her behalf and they dosed, stitched and snipped with probably the best intentions until she presented as male. She found out when she was a teen. And has spent years on her transexual journey.I would describe her as pretty sorted by now, lol. I also have known persons whom are intersex whom seem quite happy to remain where they are and not choosing to transition in any other direction. I have also met a few persons whom reckoned they are intersex but clinically are probably not. So what they are happier transitioning then not. We are all human after all."

On Jesus:
"FFs! Everyone knows JC was an admirer. Mary Magdalene was defo a Tranny. imo."

On the 'Wine Rack Bra':
"Wonder if this means I am going to get felt up as well as have my handbag searched, next time i roll up at Naps?"

On the GRC:
"Yes I could get a GRC. But that means going cap in hand to some agency of the establishment and satisfying them of what I know anyway. I count myself fortunate that my state of mind does not compel me to go for body altering procedures in order to convince me of my chosen gender. For me, ones being is contained within, in ones inner sense, mind. When it comes to the superficial, my appearance. I am quite happy with it. When i look in the mirror I see Soumes an elderly gender diverse human being who has been trans for a very long time.
Be happy for me. I am."

'Axis II Disorders in Transexuals'
"In my opinion it is not a disease to want to be androgyne, feminine or even a women just because you are born with a penis and a set of chromosomes. I think it is a lot more likely that 21st century post modern western capitalist influenced heteronormative mechanistic behaviourist centric society is the carrier of this particular pathogen not me! It is the people, institutions and states who cling to outmoded hateful, discriminatory views who are in need of the remedy. Yes of course other societies in these contemporary straits we find ourselves in ain't finding it so easy to accommodate this perfectly innocent and nonthreatening reality either. the Pan African, Catholics, Christians and islamic set ups to name check a few. But i am going to concentrate on the UK. Because for the last 50ish years since Wolfenden At least some laws have been made and perfectly normal situations like gender and sexual diversity have been de- criminalised, even made legal and people of those diverse demographics have been able to openly campaign and lobby for rights, recognition and tolerance. The situation is certainly a lot more visible and viable for people like us then it was when I began to realise how much I was attracted to the "women's room" in the late fifties. That is not a sexual attraction to women but a leaning towards the culture and concerns of women. Not that weird really. Unless you have a serious problem with common sense and are in a fixated enchantment, enslaved to questionable conformist oppression.

Altho I am more then just in favour of and very supportive of peoples rights to chose the SRS option And live openly as Transexuals or in stealth as trans- women or even as women who psychologically must deny their history for their peace of mind. I do think that there are many problems attendant, more then several elephants in the room and much that needs to be questioned, addressed and debated openly.

I am sorry but since I do not experience my own tendencies as The famous litany probably kicked off by Betty Cowel. Certainly it was in her book written in the early fifties that i first came across the expression. "Born in the wrong body". As regards this pov i count myself an agnostic not an atheist in regards to that particular orthodoxy. I simply do not know, The evidence is entirely anecdotal, and not empirical or biologically proven. Who knows, that is a wait and see scenario. And really does it matter.

What I do know is that i want to. Not that apologist stand "I have no choice as regards the matter i was born in the wrong body and that sets me apart from people like Soumes who do not genuflect before this orthodoxy." Also quite relevantly an orthodoxy that you must embrace whether you believe it or not if You want to get your SRS on the NHS in the UK or in the USA to get your medical insurance to pay. As far as I am aware.

Fundamentally it does not matter if you want to or are made that way. In fact in both cases I would say it is a "Have to do situation" whichever camp you fall into.

And i think we should all do whatever we can to overcome the separatism that exists in that dichotomy between SRS Transexuals and all the other kinds of Trans-persons."

Meeting with Marty Feldman:
"I spent an evening in the same pub in Holland Park as Marty Feldman. Not in his company I hasten to add. After a bit i went into the toilet to empty the old bladder. Mid flow the loo door violently crashed open banging loudly against the wall. I turned to see what were transpiring and beheld the vision of an extremely in his cups Marty Feldman literally falling into the room. He carried on in a falling trajectory until he arrived at arms length from the urinal. Stuck his arm out and arrested his drunken sprawl. This left him at approximately a 45 degree lean at the urinal. He undid his fly and got out his pisser and looked up at me with his trademark eyeballs, swivelling and pissed on his shoes."

Transgender kids:
"It is a great weight off my mind that trans gender kids are being spotted early and getting support and help to transition. Because left to their own devices they may very well develop into clitty-pole gazing transvestites And that would be very very bad!" (Sarcasm intended.)

Gender Dysphoria:
"I don't actually believe in Gender Dysphoria. Because that implies that their is something dysfunctional about being trans. While as far as I am concerned the only people whom are behaving dysfunctionally as regards Trans are those who think that their is something abnormal about being anywhere on the trans spectrum. Being trans is as normal as anything human beings do. What we are mainly suffering from is thousands of years of invisibility, persecution and discrimination. It is our society whom has behaved dysfunctionally as regards trans people. This societal shift, Is now out in the open and the transition from invisibility and discrimination to visibility and acceptance is well underway. Where this is all going to and evolving towards is hard to predict.

I think that people are somewhere on the Trans Spectrum because they are. And this may be entirely biological (altho I doubt that) and or because people can be and want to be trans. (Which I find easy to accept). Or possibly a combination of both. But the main consideration to me is does it matter. Not to me. When people are struggling with their own 'being trans' is it really about being trans or is it more about struggling with the neuroses caused by not wanting to be different then what have been erected as social norms for thousands of years by slavish conformity to outmoded and not fit for purpose ideas and conventions?

Lettuce Fondling at the Coop:
"I am a bit puzzled what is it that connects a man whom fondles Lactuca Sativa's in supermarkets with being a straight guy whom fancies transvestites? How could you tell? Or is lettuce fondling a common trait for an admirer to display?"

tvchix time for a rebranding:
"I predict that as time goes by and we become less self conscious and less self oppressing such trivial nonsense will gradually dissipate. In the present milieu of identifying on the tran-spectrum the definition wars can not be won. They will just trundle on as philosophical and societal irritants. until we outgrow them by virtue of societal evolution. Do not forget that pretty much any etymological strand that uses the root tran for describing us has come from outside. And also from a fairly pejorative motive. Since they come from a time and mindset that has not been tran-promotional or supportive. And in the case of tran this has progressed from travesti which is very similar to travesty. It puzzles me a great deal why transexual and transgender are less objectionable then transvestite. I have no difficulty at all perceiving transexual as an extreme form of transvestism. Altho I am fully aware that there are many trans persons whom would find that heretical. Altho if you boiled the broth right down to its constituent base cannot imagine that any of them could give me a good logical explanation or definition of this inherent and percieved heresy. One thing that I am convinced that i do not need or want more of and that is more orthodoxies. If it ain't broke don't fix it altho that is another notion that in the digital age probably smacks of heresy and all. I am quite happy with tvchix. And if I need to clarify the nuances inherent in being on the trans spectrum can certainly do so whatever the site is called. I do not think that constantly trying to rewrite history and control the definitions to conform with constantly changing hair splitting is something to put so much self affirmation into. I advocate just more live and let living and less navel gazing."

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Stockings / Suspenders, Sex, Online chat, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Groups, Panties, Petticoats / slips, Hair accessories, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Admirers / men, Full Makeup, I am Sub, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Swim/Beach wear, Mature, Experienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Furs, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Single/Unattached, Friendship, Mature Admirers / Men, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Knitwear, Casual Tops, Smart Tops

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