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Long legs and short skirts

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Last Visited:     16 March, 2025
Registered:     22 August, 2008
Location:     Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland



Favorite Look:
Smart Tart


07/10/24 - so over the summer months, I started frequenting to office as myself, and while it was a shock to people, they have all gotten used to seeing me, and treating as they did before. It was scary at first and you never know how people will react to you, but I've been getting more and more used to it, and wearing what I feel comfortable in as opposed to wearing what I think would make people more comfortable. Had a lot of compliments on my outfits, and a couple of people have given me some tips, which is good. Also been on 4 work nights out in Edinburgh, again very scary at first, and for the 1st one, a colleague travelled with me on public transport to make sure I was ok and didn't get any hassle. Since then I have used the tram on a few occasions, and on my own, which is daunting but so far no problems. Anyway I have uploaded some new pictures of me xxx

26/06/24 - just realised it’s been 6 months since I last updated here, so thought I’d update.
In terms of my partner there is still no change, so it does make some things awkward still. However on the plus side, I have still been getting time to be, and dress, as myself, which is good. Also friends have been fabulous and I have places to go. Been back to the supermarkets, and will post some pictures from one trip with a female friend who has been just wonderful.
Also she took me for lunch in May, a little local cafe, and I met her partner who was just as nervous as me. He’s not had much, if any exposure of trans people and didn’t know what to expect. Everything was fine and we had a good laugh. No issues with anyone while I was out, and after a bit my nerves calmed down.
All in all a good few months xxx

17/12/23 - wishing everyone a merry Christmas and all the best for 2024.
Thought it was time for an update, seeing as it’s been a while. Been out and about a little more, trips to Asda as well as trips to my friends. Introduced Suzy to a couple of people who absolutely embraced it, which was fantastic. I have some really wonderful friends, and friends I didn’t appreciate how wonderful they are, that has changed 🙂. Still no progress with my partner, but as long as I can have time as myself then I will be happy. Will see what 2024 brings, but hoping for nights out, and more trips out, plus going into the office xxx

18/09/23 - well it’s been a chaotic 3 months. Lost of things going on in my personal life that I’ve been trying to sort out, but everything should hopefully calm down soon. On the Suzy front, there has been some more updates. So I came out to more friends and again they have been very supportive and encouraging which has been great. I’ve also been out, almost once a week to meet my friends (have been having a weekly catch up for years), and they have accepted me as Suzy.
And now today I went to the local supermarket for the first time, and it felt great, albeit terrifying as well xxx

27/06/23 - so far everyone at work has been fine, no issues so far but always a concern. It did give me the confidence to come out to some friends, who were shocked but once that was over they’ve been fine and even met me (as Suzy), even calling me by my name, and apologising when they got it wrong. Well I have known them 20 years so it takes time, but they made every effort which I fully appreciate. Means I can be me when I see them and no issues. It does feel wonderful, but also a little weird, as I get used to being me with others xxx

19/05/23 - so, what can I say? Today I came out to the team at work, went on camera as me. Some shocked faces, but on the whole everyone is supportive. Others it will take time for them to adjust, especially those I’ve worked with for many years xxx

15/04/23 - last week was a first for me, my best friend took me out for a coffee in Starbucks. Was nervous and excited. I had a great time, and it was the first time my friend had met Suzy in person, although she has seen her on zoom before. My friend has been very supportive since I came out to her xxx

30/03/23 - been a really busy month for me. Came out to another couple of people, and it went really well again, which has boosted my confidence again. Also been out a couple of times too, and I’m more comfortable leaving the house as me these days which feels wonderful, and so liberating xx

16/02/23 - wanted to say thank you for the valentines cards, I really appreciate it xxx
Went out again last night, nothing much, just a visit to my counsellor, but left the house as me, and drove. Really felt good to be out no matter how small xx

20/01/23 - well it’s been a very bizarre and somewhat surreal month so far. I’ve changed my status her to genderfluid, temporary or permanent I don’t know yet. I have decided to come out to the rest of my work team, just the timing and what to say that I need to work out. Thinking it will be February as that is Pride history month and may be the right time to do it. Will see.
Suzy is around a lot more these days, and I dress at home three times a week, and feel that when going to male self, that is when I cross dress. It does feel a bit weird at the moment, and again no idea if that’s temporary or permanent, time will tell xxx

06/01/2023 - so been an interesting start to the year. Trying to rebuild my relationship with my other half, after I told her I felt I have gender dysphoria which didn’t go well, as can be expected. Will see how this progresses over the next few months. On the other side, for some unknown reason I came out to be boss at work today. That went very well and he is supportive although it really did give him a shock, but on the whole a positive experience, plus he liked my hair which was nice xxx

21/11/2022 - been a couple of months since I updated. I went out again last month, just to a petrol station. Felt good leaving the house again, although once on the road I suddenly felt very self conscious, but stuck with it and went into the shop to pay. It hasn’t put me off and I’m still determined to get out. I have considered coming out at work, but so far that hasn’t happened and there are huge implications if I did, so will see how that goes xx

30/08/2022 - thought I’d give a little update. Not much has changed in terms of Suzy, still receiving counselling and the other half still isn’t talking about it. However I today, did something completely unexpected, and I went out as Suzy (in daylight). I went into argos and then Sainsburys, and have to say the staff were lovely, polite and respectful. Have to say I’m buzzing, felt good to be out as me. Will post a couple of selfies later xxx

13/07/2922 - been an interesting few weeks for Suzy, been on holiday for 2 glorious weeks, and had a fabulous time. Also had a couple of dressing days as well. As I work from home some days, I now dress on some of these days, which feels wonderful to be able to do. Still going through counselling, which is helping a lot and as I feel better about myself I think it has started to show in some pictures, but make your own mind up lol xxx

08/06/2022 - so a lot has happened since Suzy returned a couple of years ago. The biggest change is that I came out to my other half, which as you can imagine didn’t go well. It’s been a difficult time, but we are working on rebuilding our relationship. She wants no part in Suzy, and would prefer she disappears, however I can’t do that.
I am finding some time to dress at the moment, and have posted a few new pictures as well, in new outfits.

Thanks for all the birthday greetings, I really appreciate them. After the big day, I am now 50 (how the f*** did that happen), and suppose that means I’m mature lol. Definitely don’t see me wearing long skirts and flats, going to keep in the short skirts and high heels for as long as possible 😉😉

I've been away for a couple of years, but wanted to catch up with friends. I'm not here to meet as I'm in a happy relationship. Please respect that and don't ask for meets please.

Hi I'm Suzy a 50 year old transgender girl. I used to call myself a transvestite, however after receiving counselling I’ve realised I’m transgender. When I dress I try to look as convincing as possible, best view is from the back, front needs more work!! I have long shapely legs (so I've been told) and love showing them off. My wardrobe has grown a lot over the last few months, especially shoes which I love.

My Flickr page -


Height 6'2 in stocking feet
Eyes - blue
Hair colour - blonde, brunette or redhead, depending on mood!!
size - lower half 12-14, top half 16-18 depending on outfit
legs - long (35 inches) and slender (I hope!!)
slim to medium build

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Pvc, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Online chat, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Watching porn, Couples, Panties, Petticoats / slips, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Leather Skirt/Dress, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, In the Closet, High Heels, Will not meet, Trendy/Modern club wear, No Male Admirers Please!, Toys, Mature, Webcams / C2C, Role Play, Uniforms, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Gloves, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Females, Attached, Friendship, Photography, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Music Festivals / Gigs, Politics, TV/TG Activism & Awareness, Sporting Events, Girdles, Cosplay / Costumes, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Books & Literature, I am Versatile, I am Switch

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16/03/2025 23:21:29