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Mature full-time transwoman

Last Visited:     05 October, 2019
Registered:     27 June, 2007
Location:     Daventry, Northamptonshire, England


Can Accommodate Can Travel

Post-op Transsexual

Favorite Look:
Classy / Stylish

Hello there - Looking for someone to chat to with the possibility of meeting and having girly trips out?

Read my profile - perhaps your search might be over!

Update 7th­ October 2017

Well, that­'s done! T­here's def­initely no­ going bac­k now!!! F­our weeks ­since my G­RS and I'm­ feeling
F­-A-B-U-L-O­-U-S !! Sh­ame it cou­ldn't have­ been done­ when I wa­s 7 rather­ than havi­ng to wait­ until I w­as 70! Bet­ter late t­han never,­ as they s­ay, and it­ sure as h­ell was wo­rth the wa­it. I've l­ied and to­ld all my ­CISgender ­friends, v­illagers e­tc that I'­ve had an ­operation ­on my back­ - my bodymods are ­no busines­s of their­s - they're j­ust for me­ to know. ­Back on ho­rmones aft­er a 2 mon­th gap bec­ause of th­e operatio­n so I'm b­eginning t­o feel rea­lly great ­again. If ­anyone's g­ot any que­stions by ­all means ­message me­. x x

[[[ (Update Nov 2015)
According to my GIC doctor, I'm shortly going to have a fat arse and will turn into a moody cow. That at any rate, he says, is why they call HRT for transgenders "feminising hormones' . Great, can't wait!! I put on my first Estraderm patch yesterday after a hell of a wait caused by an operation for serious cancer this year.

My 24/7 life as Trines continues brilliantly. I seem to have been accepted rather than just tolerated by the whole of my large village (pop 1800). Rather than lose friends as I expected to do, not only have they all stayed with me, I have gained new and real friends, especially amongst the women, because of my transition. Not one person has said anything untoward to me and my friends report that whilst to begin with I was talked about a lot within the village none of them had heard anything said that was nasty or unpleasant. Most people have said they admire my bravery in doing what I've done.

As Trines I live a better social life than perhaps I did when I pretended to be a man - and it wasn't bad then!. I continue to sing bass in the church choir and at choral festivals (standing tall and fragrantly feminine amongst loads of hairy male basses!), I am cast in the village plays (I play mainly male roles as I see no conflict in pretending to be a man on stage - something I've done all my life), I'm an active member of a number of other societies, I'm the host of the village's very big quiz competitions, they like me to be the p.a.announcer and dog show commentator at the annual fair and fete, I take an active part in the twinning with a French village, I am welcome in the 4 pubs and am never short of people to sit and talk with, I am a volunteer waitress in the charitably run village cafe. I am also the newest member of a small, inner circle of ladies who meet regularly at each other's houses to let their hair down, empty a few bottles of gin, scandal mong and generally put the world to rights. They all hug and kiss me and insist they really do regard me as one the gang which of course makes me cry. All my neighbours continue to be absolutely fantastic. On the work front I still run my boat training business without my transition having had any negative effect and I manage the local marina one weekend a month and do other work for them on an as and when basis in between.

Life really couldn't be better. I have been at utter peace and in complete harmony with everyone and everything since I 'came out'. I really am a completely different person.

I am now certain the huge barriers of fear about coming out and being ridiculed are more in our imagination than in reality provided you plan and implement everything well. Public transition is not for everyone but for those it is DO IT NOW! unless it will involve hurting someone near and dear. If like me you have to wait then content yourself with the knowledge that the pure beauty of having arrived makes any wait worthwhile.

[[[ (Update Aug 2015) After a lengthy planning exercise and personally informing everyone beforehand and handing out 250 illustrated leaflets about me, I TRANSITIONED FULL-TIME and 'came out' in my large village on 1st June. It all went brilliantly - far in excess of my wildest dreams. I have been not only tolerated by everyone as Trines but also really accepted by almost everybody. I have not heard one adverse comment and unbelievably neither have any of my many close friends (or so they say!). I still sing in the church choir (only lady bass in the diocese???), hold my part-time job in the local marina where I deal with the public, still practise my own boat handling training business, and remain an active and welcome member of many local clubs and societies. I actually have a busier social life now than before and have made a number of new and good friends BECAUSE I have transitioned!

But Fate does not like to see you have too good a time, does she! 2 weeks into my new and very successful life, it was discovered I had a badly cancerous kidney. This has been successfully removed but has left my remaining kidney not working brilliantly. This all means female hormones are banned, re-assignment surgery is no longer an option and even the laser clinic is now refusing to treat me for hair removal because I have been treated for cancer. What an absolute bummer !!!

However, I console myself knowing I am now successfully living as best I can as a woman even though at 6'3" it is not easy for me to pass, and I have my community's widespread support. Life could be much worse !!!!! ]]]

WHAT AM I? A difficult question for most of us I should think! Crossdresser? - Yes. Transvestite? - According to my understanding of this word I don't really think so. Gender dysphoric? - For sure. Transexual? - More than probably yes but not SRS though; I lived as a woman, except when at work, for five months after I left home, much to the consternation of my new neighbours (this was the early Seventies after all!) but it was clear my 6'3" height, large frame, booming basso-profundo voice and fairly masculine face realistically made any form of a more permanent transition a real 'no brainer' and any attempt to pass as a full-time woman was doomed to failure. I cried buckets then - and still do occasionally. Straight? - I've always thought so but I've never been put to the test!

So:- "Cross-dressing, gender-dysphoric, transsexually-leaning t-girl who thinks she's only interested sexually in GG's"" seems to be a fair summary! Thank God for that then; all those years I have been led to believe that I'm possibly not quite normal when all the time it's been everyone else who's been a little off-beam!

WHO AM I? A friendly, mature, greeny/brown-eyed, blonde/brunette/black/red haired, big-footed (big everything actually!), open-minded, open-hearted, outward-looking, completely honest, fairly witty (at least I try to be!) tgirl, proud of who and what she is. In my pics the backgrounds have been removed for security reasons but otherwise they are untouched and, fortunately, full-on flash seems to fill in the cracks and crevices far better than any Polyfilla! By mature, I mean MATURE!! I got my free bus pass & winter heating allowance a few years ago and I am now in receipt of my state pension! If this revelation hasn't got you rushing to the loo to be violently ill, then please read on!!

WHAT AM I DOING HERE? Looking for tgirls or GG's, to regularly chat and joke with by email in a meaningful way (one-liner mails like "ur triffic luv wot culler nikkers u got on?" just will not do!) NO male admirers please, I am not the girl for you. Real life contact for girly days or evenings out would be really nice too.

WHAT AM I ­UP TO? Qu­ite a lot ­these days­! Sadly my­ wife died­ ten mon­ths ago af­ter a very­ long illn­ess during­ which tim­e I was he­r carer an­d this sev­erely curt­ailed my c­ross-dress­ing and ac­counts for­ my long a­bsence fro­m TV Chix which ­is why my ­'reply rat­ing' stink­s but plea­se don't l­et that pu­t you off.­ Trines is­ now very ­much to th­e fore and­ I have spent almost every day over the last 10 months f­ully dress­ed, both a­t home and­ abroad. I­'ve also s­pent a sma­ll fortune­ on updati­ng my ward­robe which­ was begin­ning to lo­ok antedel­uvian; I'v­e never lo­oked so a ­la mode in­ my life! ­I've also ­lost over 3 sto­nes (an ex­cellent di­et called­ " Th­e shove le­ss food do­wn your go­b plan") so I c­an now buy­ clothes i­n 'normal'­ shops!

Part of my­ agreement­ with my w­ife, who was aware of Trines before she agreed to marry, was th­at my cros­s-dressing­ was alway­s kept sec­ret from our children­. Now she ­has predec­eased me i­t left the­ problem t­hat when I­ pop my cl­oggettes a­nd my chil­dren go th­rough my e­ffects wha­t on earth­ would go ­through th­eir minds ­when they ­find all m­y clobber?­ So I pluc­ked up the­ courage t­o disclose­ everythin­g to one o­f my daugh­ters the other ­week. I me­t her at t­he station­ fully dre­ssed, took­ her to a ­very posh ­restaurant­ and then ­we hit the­ shops! I ­bought her­ clothes f­or her bir­thday and ­she bought­ a dress a­nd some sl­eepwear fo­r me! She ­was comple­tely under­standing a­nd accepti­ng , thoro­ughly enjo­yed her gi­rly day ou­t with dad­ and can't­ wait for ­the next o­ne. Clearl­y, love tr­anscends e­verything.­ It was on­e of the m­ost enjoya­ble days o­f my life!­

WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? Still reading this drivel (unless by now you've slumped into a coma at your PC) and deciding whether I might be interesting enough to make contact with. I like to reply to all emails but please make it worthwhile by letting me have more than just one sentence. No male admirers please and I definitely will not be interested if there are no pics of you that show your face. Emails from the 'headless' or which are very short will be automatically junked. Mails written in decent English are appreciated, those in that appalling 'text speak' gobbledegook are not!!

Well, what are you waiting for? Try me - I won't bite, promise, even though I do still have all my own teeth!


Trines x x x

PS - And if you have a few moments to spare you might like to rate my pics. It's always nice to know which ones are the more popular so I can change my display accordingly. T. x x

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Groups, Panties, Petticoats / slips, Email chat, Wigs, Leather Skirt/Dress, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, I am Sub, In the Closet, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Can Travel, No Male Admirers Please!, Mature, Experienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Outdoor Fun, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, I am a smoker, Females, Single/Unattached, Friendship, Photography, Art Exhibitions, Museums, Good Food / Wine, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Holidays / Travel, Historic Places / Architecture, I have Piercings, Dresses, Skirts, Leggings, Playsuits, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Books & Literature, Theatre, Social Meets Only!

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