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Female Friend / Associate
Favorite Look:
Classy / Stylish
Hi, Im Tracey
I’ve met so many wonderful girls
You don t know what a difference you’ve all made to my life xx
It’s been a pleasure meeting you all x
And many more to come !!
A real girl that appreciates all the lovely people I’ve met on Chix
Be it on a night out at Bno, Lff , or more recently
Birmingham belles.
I just love the whole scene and will help encourage and give
Confidence to those who arnt quite as confident as others x
I have a professional listing on Chix , in the makeover section
But I can assure anyone my love for all things fem
Is not all about the money x
you can find me on
Tracey Trasha
I've been on chix since 2014 .
I have never looked back since!
I have chatted to and met some of the most wonderful people ever !!
I really enjoy the nights out and have attended BNO and LFF on many occasions .
i am not interested in meeting anyone for sex
But good fun and good conversations with anyone x
So don't be shy come and say hello x
P.s im blonde or pink hazel eyes 5'6
I’ve got to start a new fb page ASAP
Please watch this space x
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