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Classy / Stylish
I am a man looking for a young woman to be with me and be my potential wife my desire is when i get one is to marry them and build interest with them my faviorte hobby is looking at cars since it's always been my passion since I love working on them i'm currently a 6th former student who is studying mechanics and hope to have a big income at some point in life currently I am trying to get more experience on them and so far at the moment i am a detailer for cars running my own business and also giving the money to charity for people in cancer research it'll be nice for someone to come along my jounney and support me thoughout my carreer path into my future If you also want to know what i look like you may see my pictures aswell my apperience I am a tall blonde man with blue eyes and over 6ft and loves dressing up in fancy styles
Fetish clothing, Online chat, Couples, Email chat, I am Dom, Daytimes, Evenings, Weekends, Can Accommodate, Can Travel, Role Play, Uniforms, Pubs, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Females, Single/Unattached, Friendship, Movies / Cinema, Holidays / Travel, Charity / Voluntary Work, Sporting Events, DIY Help / Advice, Web Design, Computer related help/advice, Counselling / Life coach, Legal help / advice, Casual Tops, Smart Tops, Can Accommodate (Overnight), Social Meets Only!, I am Versatile
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