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Novice (ish) CD in Bedford

Last Visited:     13 March, 2013
Registered:     27 April, 2005
Location:     Bedford, Bedfordshire, England


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

15/10/2007 - Time for an update, though not much to tell!
Still novice and very much in the closet. Circumstances have made it difficult for Danni in last 12 months, with work, home and that damn 'Real World'!

Still have the urge to turn in to Danni whenevr I can, though understand that increasingly unlikely that Danni will ever get to meet many people! Still would luv to talk to anyone, especially local.

Still unable to shave so not smooth and guess to some eyes that makes me a Hairy pantie Wearer! That may be true, but I try my best and try to enjoy myself - I don't think I'm hurting anyone and certainly don't expect anything of others!! lol xx

Novice CD 40 looking for likeminded friends in Bedfordshire area. I am veyr much in the closet - usual story in that I am married and she doesn't know!

I dress when i can and as fully as I can. I'm 5'11, without heels, blue eyes and medium buils I guess!

Looking for local people for chat, friendship and hwo knows what!

Drop me a line, always happy to chat

Interests: Cross-dressing, Stockings / Suspenders, Sex, Online chat, Lingerie, Couples, Panties, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Admirers / men, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, In the Closet, High Heels, Daytimes, Evenings, Can Travel, Mature, Inexperienced, Gloves, Satin/Silk, I am a smoker, Relationship (casual), Females, Attached, Friendship

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