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petite blonde

Last Visited:     11 March, 2025
Registered:     13 February, 2016
Location:     Lichfield, Staffordshire, England



Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

SNAP UK Trans performer of the year 2023

I'm not here for dating, discreet meets, any intimate activities or whatever else you you wish to call it. I'm already engaged to a submissive ladyboy who is at times as funny as me.

What I do occasionally do is go on the forums to be nosey and gather information on a selection of topics.

I'm a touch over 5ft, with my own blonde hair and becoming more and more comfortable with my own appearance.

Whilst I've been around for many years as Katie, I spent quite a few years juggling two lives worrying about acceptance and being held back by parents and the thought of what is deemed acceptable by society. I was 39 when my sister told me to just get on with my life, so I did! It took me some time to become confident in who I am and it was only from realising that nobody cared and that when someone did say something which might not be to my liking, I just told myself that it wasn't my problem. What that did was stop the cycle of questioning myself and putting myself into scenarios where x,y and z might happen and how I would respond. There were no more questions to be answered or anyone to answer to. I also realised that any negativity that I was holding onto because of it was doing my health damage and it needed to be switched off like a light switch ASAP.

Several years ago I questioned how far I should go with Katie and I decided not to have any operations. I chose to put myself into a position where I could transition from my male to female persona as I wasn't sure that I/others could live with how I was.

Mid August 2016
Since writing the above I've taken the decision to go on hormones. I'm paying my own way until the NHS catch up. I'd imagine that by that time there wont be a massive amount left to do. Who knows? Wait and see!

Mid November 2016
Some serious changes with my body at the moment. I've read it takes 2 years for the hormones to take full effect but I've already seen quite a change. Trying hard to lose that extra padding on my stomach which has just appeared. My bum, hips and chest has also increased in size but that's ok!

November 2019
I had my 1st meeting with the NHS in March and all went ok and I was given some useful info by the 1st Dr. In September I went back and had my 2nd referral. I didn't like the 2nd Dr as I found him dismissive and not working for my best interests as he failed to explain the medication he was putting me on. In 2016 I did kind of wonder if I would fit into their system, but what I feel is that I'm being pushed into their mould and on that note I've decided to go private again. I'll do it my way, just like I have done with the rest of my life. I've also had laser promised and voice therapy sessions agreed but 3 months on and nothing has happened. I would have chased them up had my last meeting not turned out they way it did and I just decided not to wait any longer and I've paid my own way again. Going private has been a lot less stressful so far.

January 2020
I'm booked in for a couple of surgical procedures later this year. Until then, I have a lot of work to do on a property I'm renovating. Once that's done I'll hopefully be able to buy something else to do the same with and have enough left over for a 2nd property to rent out. Fingers crossed it will hopefully part plug the hole in my pension fund. Also in the news, Unsurprisingly I'm finding having my prescription through the NHS more headache than it's worth. Going private is well worth the experience so when the NHS catches up you'll be able to give your opinion on what is best for you.

October 2020
Breast augmentation and closed rhinoplasty completed. I've been back home for 24 hours and lockdown 2 has be announced. I'm knackered but relieved I've achieved everything I needed to do this year. Implants are 560cc. 11 days after my surgery and I've managed to stay awake during the day for the first time since I had the op. I've got to wear a support bra for 6 weeks day and night and then I'll do another month wearing it only at night. It's not so much a problem in the night as it's comfortable enough. I'm tender where the scars are and also on the nipples but only what you would expect. I suspect I still have inflammation and odemas and that the breasts haven't taken their true shape yet. I measured my bra size today and came up with 36D. My Mum and Dad have been really good but it's taken 13 years to get from telling my mum to where I am today. She asked me what size I was getting and added at the end b, c? I had a little chuckle to myself as I knew from reading up it would have to be bigger to match the rest of my frame.

January 2021
NHS contacted me last month and asked me if I still needed hair removal. I replied and I've not heard back since and this sums up how I've found the whole process. This is a feeling I've had for some time, certainly well before covid hit and I would advise anyone not to wait for someone else to do something. I pre-empted this and continued with private treatment. Cracking on with my current renovation project as I've recovered enough from surgery to do heavy lifting. The builder arrived last week which was interesting. I've been waiting for one since November 2019 and you'll be sure that I'll be taking notes when he comes to do the job so I can do it myself if a next time arises.
All other work is on hold due to the current situation and being on call as a carer 24/7. Carer probably isn't the correct word but it does revolve around that.
Swelling on my breasts have settled down and all is well there. Very pleased with the results and I have avoided fears of the job looking like many other breast implants that I've seen. When I go running I don't feel that they get in the way and they are great to touch.

I was first on this site at the start of this century.
Two things that have caught my attention recently is the amount of people with girlfriends and the amount of people who are now looking to self medicate or get the Dr to approve and then live as a female on a part time basis. Very interesting!

Do I regret not doing this sooner?
My life has been filled with other sporting achievements that couldn't have happened whilst being on hormones. I had one goal left that I hadn't achieved which was to be ranked in the UK all time V40 1500m rankings for running. This was due to an injury that I couldn't shift as I got older but I'm of the understanding that I'd have always been of the thinking that there was something else I could have achieved.
What would have been interesting would have been how life would have panned out had I done this 10 years earlier and would I have capitalised on the situation in the way that I have. I'm not confident that I was ready, but are we ever? All said and done it's interesting to think but I'm comfortable and happy with everything I've done. Even the things I've considered as failures have spurred me on to better things.

Interests: Online chat, Office wear, Lingerie, Convincing, Experienced, Micro/Mini skirts, Attached, Friendship, Photography, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Holidays / Travel, Charity / Voluntary Work, Sporting Events, I have Piercings, Dresses, Leggings, Casual Tops

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14/03/2025 18:20:58