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life's so nice in a skirt

Last Visited:     25 June, 2024
Registered:     08 May, 2020
Location:     Central Belt, Lanarkshire, Scotland


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear


I'm Emma. I'm pretty and petite. Not particularly interested in sexual side of things I just like looking nice.

My ideal weekend would be to slip into demin mini, nice top and some bangles and sparkles. Pumps, thin tan tights and that's me set for the day. Some low heels and a little more fancy for pub in evening.

For during the week I'd like to work as a maid. I've got a nice outfit. knee length dress and proper apron.

Anyway. They say a pic paints a thousand words so prob better if I post a pic lol

I've never actually been seen by another person whilst wearing female clothes which makes me quite sad as I think it's a bit of a waste as I really suit them.

Well that's not strictly true as my girlfriend (when I was about 18) got me to dress up a couple of times and that was a mistake as I loved it so much and she went off it.

I never pushed her on why as I still feel it's not normal to other people and don't want to upset them

Oops. Forgot details... I'm rather small for a male which is great for looking cute as a female. I can wear size 6 shoes. I have long red hair (please don't say ughh) and I'm slim with curvy legs. I say slim but I look quite chunky in some of the pics which is weird cos I weigh less then 10st.

I'll post some skinny ones later lol. Takes so long to shrink them to the 700Kb thing

Emma xxx

I have to say how nice everyone is being and am just new. I'm not going to respond to each message lol but I have read and appreciated each one

I've also made a little change to my page... I ticked the box saying no male admirers or T-girls (as I'm hetrosexual bizarrely) but it seems a bit rude to have a big star on your page saying NO MEN or NO T-GIRLS so I've taken them off lol

Interests: Cross-dressing, Stockings / Suspenders, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Hair accessories, Full Makeup, High Heels, Daytimes, Weekends, Can Travel, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Nightclubs, Relationship (casual), Females, Single/Unattached, Art Exhibitions, Movies / Cinema, Music Festivals / Gigs, Maid Service, Live-in Maid Service, Dresses, Skirts, Theatre

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26/06/2024 03:30:55