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Flesh for Lucia

Last Visited:     21 December, 2023
Registered:     27 December, 2004
Location:     London, London, England


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
Classy / Stylish

Hi, I'm Lucia Ferri
eyes - permanently attached to a head thingie...
hair - a tangled neo-maze of diabolical spaghetti...
build - super tough bully boy macho butch rough neck type... er... not really

Hi there... I'm Lucia Ferri and I know how to roar so even the mice can hear. I'm soft, affectionate, caring and provided you allow me to fill my ears with cotton wool, I'm still the world's best listener. I confess to having a wild side so really can't figure out why I've never dated a zoo-keeper.

I'm a tumble of typical t-girl contradictions. I am independently minded, somewhat supremely confident and have clear opinions on most matters. How is it then that whenever a guy says something, I find myself nodding like a donkey on slimming pills and totally agreeing with his every word. I don't like bossy people and hate being told what to do. Can you explain to me why it is that when a hunky chunky guy delivers me a good hard slap to the ass and orders me off to do his bidding, I go all dizzy and air-headed. Instead of arguing, I dash off to obey as fast as my slender ankles will carry me. Eager to please? Yes, suppose I am at heart.

I know I should know better by now but I absolutely adore you man-things. The brush of your sandpaper cheeks across my skin sends me wild with desire. Your raw manly scents rocket my brain into a delirious twirling spin. I positively melt into the all-conquering warmth and power of a pair of strong muscle-bound arms and revel in that all-encompassing feeling of safety and security. Still, the bottom line is that I'm no closer to understanding you man-things now than I was years ago when a nasty deceitful one plucked my precious Lucia cherry and carried it off aloft as his trophy. Yes, sigh sigh...I really should know you all better by now... grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

As a fledgling t-girl, I used to dread getting older but I've found life can actually be pretty darn nice for a mature t-gal. You're you but more YOU, if that makes any sense. Of course, there's always going to be those black looks, the cowardly comments, the stupid teenage shop girls with brains as large as shrunken peas built to ironically accessorise their gaping fat mouths. These weirdos forget that the t-girl armoury is chock full of radiant smiles, acid retorts, mad stares and an unstoppable 100% belief in our right to our own huge special place in this poor bruised and battered world.

I really have zero idea where we're all headed but I do believe we have the ability to enjoy the journey to the nth degree. If nothing else, there are vast untried mountains of gorjus frocks, elephant's graveyards stacked high with to-die-for heels and booties, accessories from the highest tiers of heaven and millions of fabulous looks awaiting our skilled application of touch of blusher and a spirited Zorro-like dash of liquid liner. Gurls - let's celebrate the good things and save the nasty stuff for Monday mornings when we feel like death and it's time to sharpen our tongues and get stuck into a seriously scratchy bitching session.


Lucia's pictographic wonderland can be enjoyed here:

You'll have to join up to view as, for some bonkers reason, the flickr cops rate us t-girls as xxx

Interests: Shopping, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Sex, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Panties, Hair accessories, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Admirers / men, Full Makeup, I am Sub, Daytimes, Weekends, Can Travel, Trendy/Modern club wear, Satin/Silk

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