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Escaped from the Closet

Last Visited:     04 September, 2024
Registered:     08 June, 2007
Location:     South coast, Hampshire, England



Favorite Look:
Glamourous / Pretty

Just a quick note to say thank you to all the lovely people who wished me a happy birthday. xxx


14 May 2022
A new batch of photos from my recent trip to Cindy at BWBG will be drip fed onto my Flickr page. In the meantime, I've uploaded a couple on here. Really pleased with the results. Cindy is a magician.

Things have been a bit quiet for me lately. Hoping to see Cindy again next month. In the meantime, can I thank all of you that took the time to wish me a happy birthday. It's so sweet of you all. Thank you so much.

Saturday October 20th 2019

Another trip to Cindy at BWBG. It just seems to get more fun every time. This time, I asked her to 'sex it up a bit'. Check out my Flickr page for the results.

Friday 14th September 2018

Another trip to Pink Punters for BNO. As well as the brilliant Cindy and Vicky and my bestie Emma, I also met lots of new friends. Jessica, Sara, Emma, Klaudia, Vivian and Chantelle are all even more stunning in the flesh than they are on their photo's.

Just a quick thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It has helped soften the blow of turning 51!!!! So many lovely people on here.

Friday 9th March 2018

Out again, this time to BNO. Again accompanied by my lovely friend Emma Williams and the amazing Cindy and Vicky from BWBG.
Whilst there we befriended the stunning Glasgow Chloe. She was great company and I hope we meet again.
There are a few pics of our BNO on my Flickr page.

11th September 2017

Well, I've had to change my tag-line from Permanent Closet Dweller to Recently Escaped. This is because I have, at last, gone out dressed. Not alone, of course. I'm far too much of a chicken for that. Thank you so much to my wonderful friend Emma Williams for calling my bluff and the amazing Cindy from Boys Will Be Girls.
We did a restaurant followed by the Way Out Club and it was exhilarating. The genie is now out of the bottle.
To get me in the mood, I had a four hour photoshoot with Cindy before the night out and you can find a good selection of them on my Flickr page.

1st April 2017

Another trip to the gorgeous Cindy at Boys Will Be Girls. She really is a magician. I can't believe the photos (for a bigger selection, check out my Flickr page). Also, she is the sweetest person you'll meet and that is so important in that the best photos happen when you're relaxed and enjoying yourself.
This will be the last time Natalie is seen as a 40 something. The big 50 looms, so I really wanted one more makeover before my birthday. If you like them, give them a score. I'd love a brief appearance in the Top Babes list before it's too late.

8th October 2016

More photos from my latest trip to Cindy's. Went for darker hair this time. Just a fraction of the hundreds that she took are on my Flickr page.

21st April 2016

Some new photos from another recent trip to Cindy. The results speak for themselves. Not content with making me look amazingly passable, she's also taken at least 20 years off me. Bless you Cindy, you are a miracle worker. There are plenty more on my Flickr page should you wish.

24th October 2015

Couldn't resist another visit to Cindy. This time I gave her the difficult task of "sexing me up a bit". Given what she had as a canvas, I think she worked wonders. It was so difficult to choose from the 400 odd photos. There are lots of them on my Flickr page if you're interested.
She is amazing. A lovely, friendly person and a magician with the makeup. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

30th May 2015

Was in the London area, so I thought I'd give Cindy (SexyBumz) a try. She was fantastic. Really pleased with the results. As usual, the photo's are on my Flickr page.

30th November 2014

Went to Maidstone for a day with Abbie (Sister Hyde). Had a wonderful time. Couldn't resist a tilt at being a bride. Abbie offers amazing value for money.

26th January 2014

What better way to welcome in the new year than another trip to Swindon. Lots of new photos on my Flickr page if anyone is interested.

11th September 2013

Another trip to Trans Femme in Swindon. Thank you Tracey. You are wonderful. Also, thanks to Emma for allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings, however inane they might be.

15th December 2012

Over two years since I last dressed. Ridiculous.
Finally got around to seeing Tracey at Trans Femme again. As usual, she is amazing. I don't know how she does it.
Please let me know what you think.

8th December 2010

A whole year since I last dressed. I can't believe it and I know it's just not good enough. Went to Tracey at Trans Femme last week and as usual, she was fantastic. A wider selection of photos are on my Flickr page.

16th December 2009

At last. It's been far too long but I've finally been able to see the wonderful Tracey again and have her weave her magic on me. Please let me know what you think and give my new photos a rating. I've never been close to being a Top Babe and although I hate myself for saying it, it would be rather nice.

16th March 2009

My latest photoshoot with the lovely Tracey at Trans Femme. Apart from being a magician with the make up and camera, she is also really warm, friendly and enthusiastic. I can't recommend her enough. Thank you Tracey. See the results below and let me know what you think.

23rd September 2008

Had some new photos done, this time at Trans Femme in Swindon (I'm becoming a right little dressing service tart). Tracey and Nikki were fabulous, really warm and friendly and I was really happy with the photos. I cannot recommend them highly enough, especially with regards value for money. Thank you Tracey and Nikki. The general consensus is that blonde suits me best, so that's what I'm going to be from now on. Many thanks to everyone who gave me their opinion and also thank you to all those who have given me the most wonderful compliments. It really means so much to me.

Right, here we go then.

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has mailed me or commented in my guestbook and said nice things about me. You’ve no idea how much you have helped my self esteem.

A couple of ground rules. I am not interested in anyone who has pictures of their bits on their page. I’m sorry, but they’re not the most aesthetically pleasing part of the human anatomy. Can’t get my head around people trying to portray a feminine image whilst dangling their meat and two veg. If that’s your thing then that’s fine, but I just don’t want to see it.

Unlike some, I don’t mind hearing from admirers, I have had some lovely compliments. But please bear in mind that I am in no way interested in men, so bathing in the glory of a nice comment is as far as it goes.

I’m not going to bore you with my life story, but if you’ve read this far, I assume you want to know a bit about me.

I am a 57 year old, relatively inexperienced t-girl. I am deeply in the closet and I’m afraid that is where Natalie must stay for the time being.

I have thought about this long and hard. I am very happily married and I simply cannot bear the thought of losing her. Even if there is only a 10% chance of her taking the news badly then, as far as I’m concerned, that’s a chance I’m not willing to take. I have read enough profiles to know that, incredibly, a bloke in a dress can break up a relationship. I will not risk our future happiness just so I can indulge in my little hobby more often.

I have only ever dressed with the aid of a dressing service. Each time I think the results have improved and Natalie now has her own ‘style’. It’s been described as ‘yummy mummy’ and ‘girl next door’, I like both those descriptions very much. Having said that, I would love to experiment further. There are so many looks I haven’t tried yet. I can’t even decide whether I look better blonde or redhead let alone what clothes to try. Any suggestions on a style or look that may suit me will be gratefully received.

I’m impressed when reading other profiles at how many girls really embrace the whole male to female thing so well. They become their alter ego. I’ve really tried, but when I’m Natalie, I’m still me. I still hate shopping. I have no interest in soft furnishings, I despise celebrity culture, I‘m not going to watch a chick flick any time soon. I still love football and cars. This confuses me, as I feel it would be easier if I could split a girly Natalie personality from my male persona. Maybe Natalie’s personality will develop the more I dress. Maybe she’s just a tomboy.

Having said that, I love women, I love their look, their softness, their femininity. Occasionally, it's not enough to just admire. I want to experience that femininity myself.

For me, it’s all about the look. If I can project a decent (maybe even convincing) feminine image through photographs, then that’s good enough for me, as the chances of going any further are limited. I’m not going to beat myself up about it.

Sorry about getting so deep. I’m just trying to relay my thoughts and feelings to the world for the first time. I would be so grateful for any comments or opinions on any of the above. Also, please feel free to rate my photo’s.

Bovril on toast
Monty Python
The sound of a baby laughing
Frosty, sunny early mornings when no-one’s about
Kids (I'm still one myself)
Anna Friel. The perfect female, utterly gorgeous.

Small yappy dogs dressed in tartan jackets
The owners of small yappy dogs dressed in tartan jackets
Soap operas
Golf bores (I’m not bloody interested)
People who use the phrase “22 men kicking a ball around” (I realise I could be alienating a lot of people here)
People who do all their food shopping in the petrol station
Shopping (I know this is close to blasphemy on this site. I’ve come to the conclusion I just hate crowds)
Beaches (see above)
People who donate to animal charities (Children first. Get your priorities right)
Sweets that are supposed to taste of strawberries, they just don’t
Sultanas in curries (it's just wrong)
Lily bloody Allen, her hideous music and her ridiculous public schoolgirl mockney accent

3rd June 2008

Some new photos at long last courtesy of the wonderful Jodie Lynn at The Boudoir. It is amazing what she can do and I had a great time. As a bonus, she is genuinely warm and friendly and I would not hesitate in recommending The Boudoir to anyone.
Because of this sudden influx of new Natalie photos, I have started my own Flickr page, the link is at the top of the page. Another small step for Natalie.
Please feel free to sign the guestbook, rate my photo's or mail me. My self confidence is growing by the day, but more compliments are welcome, even if I have to fish for them.
In the not too distant future, I will elaborate on my personal circumstances/likes/dislikes etc.

I have been Natalie on and off for about 30 years.
I am still strictly in the closet and would like to remain so but who knows what might happen in the future.
I really would like to know what people think as I have never ventured out but with a bit more confidence I would like to.
I am a redhead or blonde (I can't decide which I prefer. Opinions gratefully received) with hazel eyes. I am 5 foot 7 inches tall and a slim build.
I go for the shy and demure look as I think that suits my personality but that might change the more confident I become.

Interests: Cross-dressing, Stockings / Suspenders, Hair accessories, Leather Skirt/Dress, Full Makeup, In the Closet, Convincing, High Heels, Bridal/Wedding wear, Will not meet (yet!), Tights/Pantihose, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Attached

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