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What to write here!! :S

Last Visited:     13 March, 2025
Registered:     26 April, 2007
Location:     Slough, London, England



Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

Hello, thanks for reading my profile.

Name: Roxy (this is very old name when I was young)

Age: mid twenties

Location: west London

Hair: brown (wig)
Height: 5.10 without heels (sucks)
Body Type: average (working hard to change)
Dress size: 14ish
Shoe size: 7
Favourite clothes: Boots and short skirts.

I like to think I am a nice person. Friendly and outgoing. Love to make friends and support each other.

Love to talk to anyone...


Nov 2014

I think it's about time for a long awaited chix update.

I have had very little time to dress but time to think and evolve what I am looking for and what I want to get out of it. Recently I have really started to accept Roxy and feel more comfortable with this life on the side.

I have realised that being Roxy is more of an escape from the real world. I struggled when I was young and had few friends growing up which I think is the reason I started dressing (other than my sister dressing me up). I have spent a lot of years wondering if part of the reason I dress is me being the girl like the ones I wanted to date. If that makes any sense.

I am comfortable to say I am a crossdresser or transvestite (however you describe these labels)

It all started off with one or two buzz items and went on to a skirt or top then a dress and a wig and then the next step of make up and walks in public. For me it's all about the buzz and getting the kick from dressing to get away from reality and feel the freedom.

I feel that the buzz is harder to reach every time I dress and it's come to the point I only dress to the max and as convincing as possible. This takes time and is very difficult to do.

Enough about the twisted reason why I dress.

Since my last detailed update a couple of really good fun things have happened.

More trips to Primark for dresses, tops and undies. I find shopping for tops that suite me fem very difficult.
Although I am lucky with my build I don't always find current fashion flatters me. I have been to a few other shops in town which is fun.

90% of people don't notice or care but it is amusing when you get a look from someone while trying on heels or taking a new party dress to the changing room.

The other month I have been desperate to buy new knee/thigh high boots and I picked a pair in a busy shop and went to the changing room. The attendent lady didn't get the hint when I tried to sneaky sneak them in. She made a big deal and a lot of people noticed. When the penny dropped she apologised and ushered me in to the changing room. Made me smile.

I get the buzz when I try something on but if it doesn't fit I am not confident to try a larger size.

I am tempted to do a big shop and try on loads of clothes in the next week or two... Wish me luck!!!!

Last year I went to Candy Girls which was a huge step!!!! I wanted to get out and meet some new friends.

Nov 2013

Reading back through my posts is a tad embarrassing. I get so excited and scared updating the info I miss out words and have major spelling mistakes. Ooops

Oh well.

Went to Candy Girls the other week. Wow what a shock :)


July 2013

So just wanted to say something.....

I spend time looking in girls shops and I have to admit primark is a simple and cheap place to buy clothes... Well was about to walk out feeling disappointed and then I got the confident to take a dress as walk into the men's changing rooms.....

2 different sizes and a pair of men's shorts to cover up. So they didn't as te lady on the fitting room desk made me take them out and check them... Everyone saw and I got a smile went in totally buzzed and feeling amazing

After 5 mins messing around and squeezing into the two dresses I had to build up the confident to get the hell.

As I walked out trying to cover the dresses with the shorts I marched out and was bloody stopped for the guy who had just arrived to check what I had...

Quickly but proudly walked out. Sadly the dresses didn't fit :(

Wish I could got one.


Soooo, had a few drinks today....,,.. And went in t a trans clothes shop and tries on loads of different things!!!!

Aarrrrhhhhh what did I do!!!! Crazy

November 2011 - Has been a while.....

I have not updated any of my social pages for soooooo long!!! It SUX!!!

I have been really busy working and coming up with a plan for Rox.... I want to take the next step but always fail to take the chance that comes along.... Every now and again I will get time to buy something, go out or meet really kind people that want to help me.

As I watch these opertunities pass I think Roxy is slipping away and I really need to her out and see what happens.....

Any tips or advice please email me... I am almost there...


30th August - Got smashed to shit in the forum.. but not in a good way.. :-(

9th May 2011- NEW PROFILE Coming soon!!!! Will be shocked... Email me.


15th august 2010

I have spoken with some really nice people over the last couple of months. I haven't had the chance to reply to everyone but will do....

I have some spare time tonight and will have a dressing session and a walk up the road...

If you want to chat please contact me coz I love talking to new people..

Also let me know what you guys think for tonights outfit.

Skinny jeans high heel boots and a grey losse fitting top... And hair in a pony tail...


Leggins or tights, sandals and a jumper dress which is above knee length.....



2nd June 2010

I have had so much time te last few weeks to be roxy and it's been wicked.. Tried new clothes and new styles and love dressing and doing myself up. I went for a drive the other night and a walk and for the first time ever apart from when driving near my house I was not scared. In the past I have had the leg shakes and couldn't walk coz the fear and the buzz was amazing.....
Everytime I go out it's in jeans and boots with heels and only once in a long dress very late at night...

Time for somthing crazy mad... I'm going for a walk in a short skirt and it's only 12.30 in the day..... Aaarrrrhhhhhhhhh lol

everytime I do somthig as roxy I have o do somthing else to get the buzz..... I wonder how far I will go before I stop....

Ok I'm going or my walk in an hour so anyone who reads this please mail me
with any tips or ideas whatto wear with my skirt.... Was thinking just a mini jean skirt...


love roxy


18th May 2010

Had a great dressing session.... see new profile pic and loads more on flickr..


10th May 2010

Wow this year is going quickkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm getting old........


well first thing I have grown so much as a cd and think I hvae past roxy.... I think it's time to move on from her and have a different name.. She has been so important to me and when I think of her all I can see and remeber a 17yearold freak dressing in his sisters dresses and heels.... O them days were really fun and liberating...... But now I am at a stage of my life.. Either take my girl life more seriously and get out or keep it to a once a week dressig sesion which I know I don't want.... I'm scared and have spent many hours thinking what to do...

I am goin to meet up with some oter cd's soon.. I bet once I am out and about i will LOVE IT....

Ok I'm blabbing on...
I feel it's time for a name change and time to grow up a little.

Name options

- Alexa
- Imogen
- Holly

I have spent a
long time thinking of these name and think they would suit me...

Please feel free to give me some feedback as I'm stuck which to use.... :)


30th April 2010

New rules.......

1. Do not take photos standing in front of a door... (if you are really really tall in heels)


23rd March 2010

Hey all... its been ages since i have been on here to update..

I went for a walk this eve which gave me the leg wobbles as i was gettign arready... I now need a new wig as mine is getting old and knotty.... i walked past a runner and a man in a parked van.. he looked at me most prob coz im a bloke in birds clothes.. lol but i like to think that im convincing.....

anyway let me know what you guys think... any tips aswell :-)



I struggle to enjoy crossdressing sometimes so I have come up with a list of rules to help me fully enjoy my female side.
(note: I will add when needed)


1. No quick dressing session (don't not dress if you are rushed, need at least 2hours to spend tome getting ready)
2. ALWAYS do make up.
3. Wear different clothes each time (don't fuss about changing into as many different items in the time you get, make the most of the time you get and perfect how you look in one or two outfits).
4. You will always get another day and another chance to dress again so DONT rush or stress out.
5. Wig (condition) the moment your looks old and dirty the less female you look. Buy a new one.
6. Heels, remember how tall you are before you buy 6inch heels
7. Wash clothes

will add more when I get a spare min.


Age- 24
Eyes- Green
Hair- Long Brown
Shoe- 7
height- 5.9

Im on looking for friends to chat wiith and dress and maybe go out. I have been dressing for years and years and have been for walks and drives dressed.. I dress whenever i can but try to keep my male side and girl side apart and on an even timeshare so i have a good veiw on my life. I love my male side but i love the side of dressing in girls clothes and think its very unfair women have such a choice of amaziing clothes...... i did have a full profile with everything i have done but trying to keep my life more on the private side and only for friends.....

If you send me an email please say somthing nice not just "lets meet for sex" coz it aint going to happen like that!!!!

anyway i will update this later on...


Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Boots, Sex, Online chat, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Groups, Couples, Email chat, Wigs, Leather Skirt/Dress, Admirers / men, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, High Heels, Daytimes, Trendy/Modern club wear, Toys, Webcams / C2C, Uniforms, Inexperienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Outdoor Fun, Corsets, Nightclubs, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Females, Friendship, Dresses, Skirts

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