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Irish,Trans,and possibly nuts!

Last Visited:     24 September, 2024
Registered:     22 November, 2005
Location:     Tullamore, Offaly, Ireland


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
Smart Tart

Hi again hope you are all well.
Really must update here..soon!
In the meantime myself Emma and Susannah will be out and about in Leeds on Friday night, and then up to Manchester for Saturday and Sunday nights.
If you're say hello x

Hi there!! Hope you are all well and enjoying Summer.
So, we did a week at Sparkle..and what a week!! Met some amazing people,and spend my time in the company of my beautiful friends. We drank, ate ,shopped, drank,shopped, shopped done more and drank some more!!! We partied and had so much fun.
I would like to thank everyone who came along to The Molly House on the Friday night, you are the best. And same in the park on Saturday..THANK YOU. We had a total blast!!
Roll on next year!!!! XXXX

Hi , hope all is going good.
Nothing new to report..same shit different month!
Sparkle looms... countdown is definitely on. Will be in Manchester Monday July 4th til Monday July 11. Hope to see lots of friends, and hopefully some new ones.
As ever, The Tacky Tarts will be playing at The Molly House on the Friday night, and Sparkle main stage in the park on Saturday afternoon. We are celebrating 10 years of Tarts with guitars, . Would be great to see you !!

Time for an update I think!
So, COVID times..has been challenging. Work was extremely busy, my deal old mam passed away in August 2020, was a long long road, but she passed away with dignity after contacting pneumonia for a third time in 10 months, but not COVID related. She'd been through the mill for 18 years. Sad indeed, but release for her. Back in November I got COVID, fully vaccinated, wearing full PPE! Covid wasn't too bad .the aftermath has been dreadful. Still off work, but hopefully back in about 4 weeks time.
Other than that, got to Manchester back in October for a 4 night weekend with some of the girls. We had a fabulous time..great craic in great company.
Looking forward to a week of madness in July at Sparkle, as ever, I'm sure (hope!!)that it will be it's usual carnage!!!!

Well how are we all doing! Just popped by to say hello.
So another Sparkle.. Was my 11th,and had a ball.. 6 nights on the tiles in Manchester... Me and Emma ripped it up!!
And of course, The Tacky Tarts on Friday night... Great gig.. We had a ball!! Thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't remember a fraction of the songs we played... But was told we did some crackers!!
Always such an honour to play with the girls, and we had a few guests as well.
Met some fab people, old friends and new friends. Roll on 2019!
As for the rest of the year, who knows.. No plans yet until after summer. Need to get out more. Been so busy this year it made things a bit awkward, but will rectify that.
Always love to hear from new people, don't be shy, get in touch and let's see what happens.
Yvonne xc

Hi!!!! Yep still alive and kicking... But not too hard!! Nothing new really, same shit different year. Will be in Manchester for sparkle as usual... Me and Emma will be on the rampage Wednesday til Monday.. Do say hello!! Tacky TARTS are back again in The Molly house

Thank you so much for all the birthday are all very kind...has made the big 50 a lot easier!!!

June 2017
Hello..yes its been a while..still around the campus..still causing trouble!!
So its that time of year again...Sparkle mode. Will be in residence with Miss Barker from Wednesday morning until Monday! The Tacky Tarts make the annual appearance in The Molly House on the Friday night and should be a blast again!

feb. 2016
Sparkle update... Myself and Emma will be in Manchester from Wednesday evening til Monday... Gonna be mad!!!!

January 2016
Hi there... Been a while but nothing much happening.. Same shit.. Different year!!
Hope you are all well... Sparkle countdown begins!!!
We're putting the band back together.....!!!!!

Sept 2015
Sparkle was bonkers!!! But totally brilliant!
Just popped in to say hi
Link to new video..Tacky Tarts Live At Sparkle In The Park

March 2015
Dropping by again...been a while. Nothing much to report...getting out and about..having fun!
Had a completely mad time at Sparkle last year...and planning a madder one this year!!!!
Once again,THE TACKY TARTS play The Molly House on Sparkle Friday..July pop along if you can. details on events page

returned again to pop in and say Hi.....HI !!!
So whats happening...not a great amount really. Been a tough 6 or 7 months but no point in moaning...much!!!!
Getting excited about going to Sparkle again. Heading over on Thurs and will be there til Monday..cant wait.
Once again,The Tacky Tarts play the Molly House on the Friday night..Irish Sparkles (see event listing) Myself,Suzy,Vanessa & Marianne plus some guests joining us on the night. We play Sparkle In The Park on Saturday aswel l If anyone wants .to meet up for in touch
Roll on!!!

Well hello there!"
Gosh how time has passed.Been flitting in and out here but still around!
Whats been happening? Not a huge amount really.
Did Sparkle last Summer..OMFG !! What a weekend. Shared hotel with Emma...drank a lot of Jack!!!
Myself & Suzy & Vanessa gigged at the Molly House on the Friday...great fun. Diane D'ior joined us too.
We also played Sparkle In The Park.

Greetings friends!!
My its been some time since Ive updated here.
Not an amazing amount to pass on really.Have been relatively quiet this past while...starting to turn into a good girl.....or perhaps its just age slowing me down!!!!
Heading to sparkle again this summer...cant wait.
Shall be gigging again with Suzy & Marianne..we shall be...The Tacky Tarts!!
Last year was such a joy and so much fun we are doing it again. Have an event listing link here. Again The Molly House on the Friday (12th)..The Tacky Tarts T Party...Irish Style!
Hope to see you there!!!!
We also play the main stage at Sparkle In The Park this year aswell on the Saturday. Times etc TBC.

Well Sparkle 2012 is now a memory....but good fuck what a time!!!!! Thurs..Fri...Sat...Sun....days and nights...WOW!!!!!!
Got to do a few things ive been promising myself to do for quite a while. Was knocking around with some lively peopl....non stop....but some of the BEST people ive known.
Full report soon.....prob still a bit raw and emotional yet to do so.

Well here we are again...nearly the end of April,,gloomy weather..recession...Titanic in 3d...Star wars in 3d(but not the decent ones)...but Sparkle is on the horizon!!!!..Thank God for that.
This year though will be playing some music with others in The Molly House on the Friday night..Irish Night!!..The Irish molly!!
Details to follow
But if you are in the Village at Sparkle drop in..everyone is most welcome and should be a stop by and say hello!!

Havent stopped by here for a while. Its now November 2011...who knows where the time goes!.
Yet again did Sparkle in July....yet again it was a complete blast! Drank way too much, slept way too little,managed to eat occasionally, wore my poor feet out, face was screaming in pain from so much shaving,talked a load of shite with anyone who was unfortunate enough to listen and made some new friends..............yeah it was brilliant!!!!
Roll on 2012!!!!

Well its now May, and Sparkle gets ever closer...2 months from today....but whos counting!!!!!
Am I getting excited? I'm as excited as someone who has just won an excitement contest for being sooooo excited about something really exciting!!!! And yes, i do have a cunning plan for the weekend!!! But its a very simple one....Dress all the time, bring way too much stuff,buy even more, have very sore feet, party like its 1999, talk absolute shite and eat and sleep occasionally. I think its a good plan as its been tried and tested over the past few years without too many refinements.
If this sounds like your cup of tea....or double Jack Daniels and coke...get in touch and join The Irish T.A.R.T.s on their 3 date world tour of Manchester!

Hi not much to update!!!!
Have booked the hotel for Sparkle...once again The Premier Inn on Portland St..Same rate as last year £87 for the 3 nights for a double room....really cant be beaten! Lovely place and very friendly Good gang of gurls stayed there last year. Hope to bump into some of you...said that last year aswell...but def this year! Give me a shout if you are staying there

Hi thanks for dropping by!
Nothing much to update, been in semi hibernation for the past while due to family circumstances but thankfully thats sorting itself out.
Myself and Holly are planning our annual world tour of the north west of the U.K in July with 3 nights in Manchester for be warned!!!!! My good friend, Jack Daniels will also be in tow wherever we go!!!
So hopefully will meet up with the lovely people we have met in previous years and also the ones i was supposed to meet last year but didnt get around to.
A word of thanks to those who sent me Valentine Cards here....much appreciated...thank youu

Hi all
Sept 2010
Been a quiet gurl the past while. Had a nice summer. Sparkle yet again...what can i say except totally brill!! In my opinion.the best yet. Have to say hi to Roxy Rose,great girl and bloody good drummer! Didi, great girl and great bass player!!!
To Louise, Jane..great to meet you at last. And to all the others i bumped into along the way...see you all next year!!!

Hi its now Feb 2010 havent updated for a while...nothing new really!!!
heading to Sparkle again this year. Staying in the Premier Inn on Portland St so if anyone else is staying there why not get in touch.

Well its now sept 09 havent really been active here for a while.
so whats been happening? this and that!!Did the Dylan gig excellent, did the outdoor ac/dc that was something, did the sparkle gig.......jesus that was a riot!!!dont thin we sobered up until we got home!!! started boozing in dublin airport on the friday morning and that continued until we went home on monday!! was a fab weekend though met some great people, and was very lucky to have travelled over with 3 good friends, and as they say in this parish..we did the complete dog on it!! out and about day and night. good crowd from ireland were over and we came,we saw and we kicked it in the bollox!!!( we also say that in this parish)

HIYA its Jan 09 so time to update!!
2008 was a bit of an adventure trannied loads and made the long overdue journey to Sparkle! WOW WOW WOW what a least the parts that i remember were the i hope the ones i dont were as good!! Amy and Petra tx for the company hope ye enjoyed the Irish party...just hope the International let me stay again!
Yvonne continues to evolve ( anakin skywalker is nearly at Darth Vadar stage!! just a thought here.. i was happy having Vadar as a baddie not this anti-hero shite!! i really dont like the new movies...Lucas you moron!) continues to be a gobby bitch, but enjying life
Hope 2009 is a good one for all i hope to do Sparkle again have tickets for Bob Dylan and AC/DC (anyone really honestly impressed with Black Ice? i mean proper backing vox, "slick" production and a balladish track.....back in black it is not..but hey they are live again!)
So be you a fly on the wall, living in sin city, if youve been thunderstruck, be you a ballbreaker,born during the powerage,if you do dirty deeds or if youre on a highway to hell...have a good year
FOR THOSE ABOUT TO TRANNY...WE SALUTE YOU!!!(then we will bitch about you behind your back!)
have 2 flickr groups
the second one actually stands for The Association of Rural Trannies...t.a.r.t.

started new flickr group

few new pics on flickr

Hi have
nt updated for ages so here it is!!
Passed the big 40 last october, what can i on the way to 41!
Went to Manchester last Sept. with my friend Holly and had a blast. Im heading back in June for Sparkle for the Sat and Sun nights..really looking forward to it..cant wait to be honest.
Would love to hook up for a few beers with others so if you are going to be there give me a shout. Looks like there will be a good few Irish girls heading over so beware! You will know us when we set up camp!!

Hi im Yvonne im 40 married tv
I like to dress well and like going out when im in dublin
have lots of tv friends but need more!!
ive blue eyes brown hair about 6' tall long sexy legs

Interests: Cross-dressing, Shopping, Boots, Stockings / Suspenders, Sex, Phone sex, Office wear, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Groups, Panties, Hair accessories, Wigs, Leather Skirt/Dress, Admirers / men, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, Convincing, High Heels, Evenings, Can Travel, Experienced, Tights/Pantihose, Micro/Mini skirts, Pubs, Satin/Silk, I am a smoker

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