Meet at Cafe Habana (check out www/fB/Twitter listings) 7 pm for drinks prior to big eats (for those that wish to) within 2 mins walk. After which more drinks n clubbing virtually next door @ CC Blooms. Venue convenient for Buses, Trains n Trams on street parking free after 6pm or multi-storey PAYG at Omni Centre adjacent.
Travelodge have convenient hotels closest of which is Calton Road (diagonally opposite Balmoral) next closest is Rose Street.
NEW/FIRST TIMER girls these are safe T friendly venues adjacent to a marshalled taxi cab area for later in the evening.
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Bar Habana
Recent Reviews for events held at Bar Habana
Scotland - Girl's night out (Friday, April 26, 2019)
Did not make it unfortunately, but I wish this all the best for the future, just back from Manchester and all the trannies have vanished, so maybe Scotland can be the new mecca
Scotland - Girl's night out (Friday, April 26, 2019)
This is a terrific night out, fabulous welcoming girls having a great time. Well worth making the effort.
Scotland - Girl's night out (Friday, April 26, 2019)
Yet again a great night out, great to go further afield that the usual and well worth it to see friends old and new,looking forward to a repeat!love to all the ladies xx
Scotland - Girl's night out (Friday, April 26, 2019)
It was a brilliant night in Edinburgh and Anjiej did a excellent job hosting this night. Great turnout, and great times had at Habana, CC Blooms, Planet and also The Street. I hope the first of many.
Scotland - Girl's night out (Friday, April 26, 2019)
Thank you so much all you gorgeous girls for turning out last night; must admit that from a 5pm start (for big eats in CCB's) to gone 3am in The Street (via Bar Habana n Planet,) it proved a real challenge to keep going lol (the more so as I had developed a throat infection and was virtually hoarse!)
That aside the logistics worked fine - fir me Travelodge @ Learmonth Terrace £55 - was ace, meter parking outside £2.70/hr - free after 5.30 but plenty free parking on side streets within 5 mins walk. Cab fare into n back from centre £8.00. So all in all not over - expensive but on balance Britannia (where Kim n Paula stayed) had the edge 'cos of on site parking n still only 8 quid a cab fare.
I'm hoping we can enjoy another night out like this in Glasgow on last Friday in June; I will check n see if this conflicts with any major gigs that will inflate hotel prices. So watch this space.
Thereafter I propose we give both Dundee n Perth a bash especially the latter with the new Perth Wind n Fire Club opening after Perth Pride n plenty reasonable hotels; Dundee with Klozet equally good. So watch this space xxxx
Recent Images for events held at Bar Habana