it s a good place to go,been a few times, been by myself as well,Ive been dressed, but then again i go out in hull dressed most of the time now, had no probs at all, theres even a tg/ts /tv dj some nightsbest nights are thurs, fri, sat, sun,
however it is in the middle of town near the bus station, so if your nervous go with a friend , or better still give me a bell, I'll come with you,
not much in the way of parking, use taxi's
week nights it can be pretty dead, but then so can most places, but can also pick up if you get a good crowd in,
standard safety rules when walking around town on a night, dressed
DON'T DO IT, OR if you have to,
do it with a few, its always better with a few or taxi's
there's a taxi rank of black cabs 50 yards away,
hope that covers it,