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Up a level » Troubleshooting » Spyware


Strange browser problems, or adverts popping up
If you are experiencing popup adverts, or are being redirected to other pages when browsing tvChix, it is likely that your machine is infected with spyware (loosely speaking, a type of virus)

Its very important to understand that you did not get this spyware from tvChix. We NEVER attempt to deploy malicious software or scripts to your computer! Nor do we use popup adverts of any kind.

Spyware is software which has been installed on your machine, usually without your permission (or knowledge) by a malicious internet site, or sometimes piggybacks on other software you may have installed. Spyware is often deployed with free software as a way for the author to fund development. Some unscrupulous companies will try to trick you into installing spyware, by offering popup adverts saying your PC is under threat, or by offering free browser toolbars, instant messenger enhancements such as smilies or extra sound effects.

Its sometimes possible to unwittingly install malware via a security vulnerability in your web browser.
For this reason it is very important to make sure you keep your web browser up to date, and avoid running old versions.

To remove the spyware, please check and disinfect your machine using 'SpyBot Search and Destroy'.
We recommend running this tool regularly along with a good quality virus checker.

You can get this from most shareware sites, Download SpyBot Search and Destroy (free)

An equally good malware checker is MalwareBytes Download MalwareBytes (free), there is also a version for Mac OS Download Malware Bytes for Mac (free)

For a good free virus checker, we also recommend Click to download Avast Home Edition

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Strange browser problems, or adverts popping up
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27/07/2024 11:17:08