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Pre op trans woman

Last Visited:     17 May, 2024
Registered:     23 October, 2014
Location:     Birmingham, West Midlands, England


Can Travel

Trans woman

Favorite Look:
Glamourous / Pretty


Happy New Year.


A lot has happened since my last post, I have now approached my GP for hormone treatment, and I am now considering when to officially change my name.


Thank you all for the birthday wishes

Em xx


Article about the unfounded fear that is being spread about sexual predetators:
Transgender people and bathrooms


I am now part time i.e. dress as Emma when I do not have to dress as my former self. Looking forward to starting hormones though I need a BNO.



Hate has no place
On my timeline
In my inbox
In my life
Hope can beet hate
If we all stand together


I have had some excellent makeup advice which really made me feel me. For those that understand will know what I mean and confirm my decision about my gender identity.


P.S. If you do not have a picture then I will not respond.


The one person that I have found the hardest to come out as trans is not my family, friends and colleagues it is me.



Well reading through my profile was very interesting. Still struggling to find the correct foundation colour - money is a bit tight at the moment so can't really afford to buy foundation just to experiment. Does anyone here have any tips in purchasing foundation in the shops? (Will ask that question in the appropriate forum.

Still have issues about going out en-femme I guess I just need to do it. Though I must admit I have answered the door to couriers en-femme and I suspect they have more or less seen it all.

Another thing I have learned is that the need for us to label things, whilst important, can act as a barrier to self-acceptance. But I think that is part of the human condition since we as a species first evolved. Let's face it we need to know what is safe to eat and what will eat us!

Finally, any transition can be a stressful time for anyone. I will try and update my profile every so often and upload some new photos.

Keep safe

Emma xxxx


Well, what a year 2020 has been so far. Well, it has certainly solidified certain things in my mind. I am still finding my style. The one thing that I am having the most difficulty with is what colour foundation to use (and then blusher etc....) but I guess that comes with experimentation or going to a beauty counter at a department store.

Keep safe

Em xxx


Thank you to whoever's sent me the valentine's card



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Em xxxxx

Well, what put..... I expect that you are all expecting some revelation or something like that.... well perhaps this is it (or not) too be honest I don't care. Today I finally realized that I was born the wrong gender, and have accepted that. Start a new job Monday in my male form (hopefully this will be the last job I do that). Two big problems 1) how will my friends feel about this? Should I care? 2) what about my family?

I am pretty sure that my GP has seen it all though I am still very nervous about it. Coming out to my friends and family is a different matter because I have (certainly with my ex wife) put them through mill already. Plus my mum (in a way) has an unhealthy way of being emotionally involved in my life. Then there is a problem (is this really a problem????) With the fact that I have an aneurysm in my aorta...........

I am sure that there are women out there who have gone through the same (or similar) issues to me.

But these are my ramblings and at the end of the day I need to pluck up the courage to go through with this.



Thanks for the interest and please do vote on my pics, I appreicate your interest. But I have enough male admirers for the moment. Should this change I will update my profile accordingly.


Em xx


Update: Recently have acquired a car so I am now able to travel :)

Em xx


Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday.

Em xxxxx

Just got from Bible study and one of the leaders, who is a vicar, said something very interesting. Which is that apparently, Native Americans viewed men who dressed as women or women who dressed as men, as being blessed in that they are able to see both gender roles. I have not put it as eloquently as she did but that is the gist.


Went it again as Emma (this time stone-cold sober) little nervous but as this only the second time that is perhaps understandable. It was a very empowering experience and learned a few things like I need more shoes, the pumps that I have are great for a night out, but a b***** to walk in (they keep slipping off).

Got a few odd looks but what the heck from passers-by when I was out. Probably because of the coat I was wearing was NOT right!


Well what a night went out the front door as Emma for the first time. What an amazing feeling it was!!!! Wish I had done it sooner. At the moment everything is new and shiny, yet it felt natural to be Emma.


I have finally settled on a female name Emm

Update, I will be posting some photos soon. Need to learn how to put on makeup (more importantly picking the right colours). So comments as to colours would be greatly appreciated.

Hi thanks for visiting my profile

Apologies for the lack of photos.


I have not decided on a female name and I enjoy dressing as a woman. I like to dress as a woman as much as possible, though due to budgetary reasons I have only have a few dresses, and one pair of high heels. I would like to meet a woman who does not mind her man dressing as a woman for a serious relationship.

My job is a computer programmer. I am currently living alone (no pets - though I do like cats and/or dogs). My family (as far as I am aware) do not know about me cross-dressing, though I have "come out" to the LGBT centre in Birmingham, UK. I currently do not have direct access to a car as I live about a 15-minute train ride from the city centre. So I can easily use public transport from the city centre to meet up. I would class my self as being a Christian and I do go to church. I have no conflict in my mind over my faith and being a transvestite/transgender.

At the moment I am having a bit of an identity crisis as I not sure if I identify as a woman, pre-op transsexual or a transvestite.

Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Blue/Green
Build: Slightly overweight
Style (male): Smart Casual/Casual.
Hair colour (male): Light brown
Style (female): Dresses, knee-length skirts, mini skirts, high heels,


Like so many profiles on here please don't use my pictures/profile as source material without my express permission. Thanks

Interests: Shopping, Office wear, Dressed nights out, Groups, Full Makeup, High Heels, Evenings, Weekends, Can Travel, No Male Admirers Please!, Tights/Pantihose, Pubs, Satin/Silk, I am a non-smoker, Relationship (serious), Females, Single/Unattached, Friendship, Photography, Art Exhibitions, Movies / Cinema, Good Food / Wine, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Charity / Voluntary Work, Sporting Events, I have Tattoos, I have Piercings, Dresses, Skirts, Theatre

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