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Last Visited:     10 April, 2024
Registered:     13 January, 2019
Location:     Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



Favorite Look:
General / Everyday wear

A riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a crazy old cat lady.

she/her, text/html

Update 21/01/2024

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday bumps the other day. I haven't posted to the forums in ages, but I still lurk every now and then to make sure you're all still as potty as ever. A big year behind me and a big year in front of me. I just get over the finish line, stop to catch my breath, and then a pistol goes off and I look up to see the next finish line off in the distance.

Just uploaded a couple of new pics because I've had just about enough of glossyhose lording it over us with that cool post-punk t-shirt profile. I get extra pretentiousness points for obscurity. Take that!


Update 31/10/2023

Back on a visit to the forums. Still bickering and nursing long-held personal animosities, I see. Sigh.

Anyway, since chucking in my job I'm now me 24/7. And, if Australia Post is to be trusted, on the morrow I shall have a freshly-minted birth certificate in my cold, wizened old hands. This one will feature my real name!

I'm one month into a six month sabbatical, which is not as relaxing as it sounds. If I'd stayed where I was I'd carry on just barely scraping by, waiting for a combination of skyrocketing rent and stagnant pay to eventually turf me out into the cold, cold snow. So it's not so much of a holiday as a desperate scramble to sort myself out before the money's all gone. Worst case scenario is I'm homeless a year or two ahead of schedule.

No complaints, though. Being me is absolutely marvellous.


Update 14/1/2023

Been a while since I was a regular lurker on the forums, but the two dependable constants in my life remain tvChix and abject poverty.

I escaped from the country last year! Have now settled in Melbourne, where it is rapidly becoming apparent how little progress I have made and how far I have to go. I feel like I've just climbed Everest, but I've really only just made it to base camp and my Sherpas are murmuring misgivings to each other in their inscrutable dialect ("We have to itchday the old adylay. She'll get us illedkay!").

Onwards and upwards!


Update 28/8/2021

You can now follow me in the fediverse, where I am likely to post in littler, more digestible morsels than my standard tvChix late night tipsy rambles. This is a big step for me, as it puts me closer to my old life, and is like coming out of the closet just a teeny tiny bit.

I have to merge two branches that forked years ago. This will be delicate.

Get a good seat for the inevitable trainwreck by following my new Mastodon account.


Update 9/2/2021

Uploaded some more profile photos and deleted some old ones. Eventually I'll have one photo from every six months or so and - I hope - be able to feel like it tells a positive story.

I hate having my photo taken. Always have, especially if I take it myself. You'll have to take me at my word that in real life I am less of a frowning thin-lipped teeth grinder.

But I needed a self-esteem boost and hadn't worn makeup for about six months. I can't justify making the effort if I'm the only person who's going to see it, so you dear ladies and gentlemen have to pay the price.

The tits are real; no padding, stuffing, or taping; the hair is fake; and the wrinkles, sags, and blemishes are, I am afraid, all too real. As for the makeup: I see what I did wrong, and will do better next time.

I even included a photo of me in a nighty, which I swear is the closest I will ever come to posting anything pornographic, so put down those torches and pitchforks!

There was one photo I liked because it was the least attractive. I broke all the rules of selfies, and leaned forward into the picture, revealing all the sags, bags and wrinkles. Objectively it's an awful photo, but I think it's honest and beautiful. I look like an old lady, which since I had my gender revelation a few years ago, is all I've needed to be.

This year, global catastrophes be damned, I shall get out of this awful little town where I live, and back to civilisation. I'm grateful for what I have, but I need to go somewhere where I have the support necessary to carry on being an old lady beyond my front door.

Also a sex life would be nice, and I occasionally entertain a fantasy of falling in love and settling down with a sweet gentleman to raise a family of cats, but there's no point getting ahead of myself.


Update 1/11/2020

So... How's 2020 working out for everyone?

I can't complain. It's been so horrific for so many people.

I gave myself a year to recover from a long-term abusive relationship, and 2020 was supposed to be the year in which I blossomed. Blossoming can wait, I suppose.

I replaced the previous batch of photos with some new ones about a month ago. At my age I don't have any expectation of being drop-dead gorgeous, but if I take a hundred selfies there will be one or two which make me catch my breath and say "There! That's me!" and there will be another one or two of me feebly trying to look sexy which strike me as funny. I'll leave it to you to work out which is which.

Thank you girls (especially my angel Emma) and boys. You make me laugh.


Update 15/12/19

What a few months it's been! Had a month or so there with a bunch of commitments which necessitated staying in what I laughably consider my masculine mode nearly full time. Not nice. Felt like I was sinking back into miserable old me by the end of it, and was very glad when it was over and I could relax.

Took some more photos a while back. Still losing weight due to my healthier lifestyle in recent years, which is making me look a bit worn and haggard, though I daresay I'll fill out again when I hit my new equilibrium weight, whatever that turns out to be.

Turns out that "looming" isn't one of the more flattering angles for a portrait. Also aargh! Blue shadow! Not enough colour correction - not enough makeup all up, really. I mustn't rely on letting my natural beauty shine though. In my experience natural beauty is every bit as work-shy as I am.


Update 27/8/19

I posted a couple of face pics! I am so brave!

On the other hand, I am also a 50 year old woman, so it is what it is. Can't pretend to be a baby-faced pixie.

On the other other hand, a couple of years ago I was in an abusive marriage, deeply unhappy, weighed in excess of 130kg, and had a full Dubliners beard. So yay me! I am now officially the kind of girl who takes selfies in her socks alone in her flat late at night just because she feels a little bit pretty.


I'm Katy.

I'm a 52 year old closeted trans spinster living in a shoebox-sized flat in the inner suburbs of Melbourne. At the start of this year I got fed up with just changing my clothes to take the rubbish out or cross the street to the post office, and now I'm just me 24/7, and it is fantastic!

Been a lurker and occasional forum poster/pester here since the dawn of second puberty, when s*** got real, as they say.

Also, I met my darling Emma here. She saved my life on several occasions when things were very tough. I can't thank her enough.

While I was still stuck out in the country, I had a mind to get back to civilisation in order to take full advantage of my dwindling youth and be rogered senseless by as many men as possible. And last year I made it! To the city at least. While I haven't entirely abandoned the secondary ambition, it's become apparent that what I really want is a sweet gentleman who likes kissing, cuddling, laughing, and has a healthy appetite for special private grown-up kisses and cuddles.

And I need cats. Lots of cats. Well, okay, two or three. Cats == love.

Mandatory physical description: I'm too tall to wear heels, thankfully, as I'm not a heels/stockings/suspenders fetishist (not that there's anything wrong with that). I'm an old lady, and I wear comfortable old lady clothes; sue me. I've dark brown hair in places that I don't want it (my face, my bedside table) and not where I want it (my head). However I have eyes that were just made to lose yourself in while on your way to my irresistibly kissable lips, and a body that is a perfect fit for a pair of hands.

I'm a daft old bird, but I'm okay.

Interests: Admirers / men, Other TGirls, Mature, Pubs, Relationship (casual), Relationship (serious), Single/Unattached, Friendship, Music Festivals / Gigs, Comedy Clubs / Festivals, Politics, Charity / Voluntary Work, Mature Admirers / Men, Books & Literature

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05/07/2024 01:45:24