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Non-Binary - Sexydecimal

Last Visited:     16 October, 2024
Registered:     24 September, 2005
Location:     Galway, Galway, Ireland


Can Travel


Favorite Look:
Classy / Stylish

I think my new profile pic may be there for some time. Every Picture Tells a Story.
I spotted the dress three days before Christmas and it called out to me. Buy Me. I wanted a new dress for my visit to Leeds for the First Leeds First Friday of 2018. I reststed wearing it, bar a quick try on to see the size. Saved it for the Friday in Leeds.
I had been in Leeds since the Thursday after a long trip from the West Of Ireland and I had the day to recover and start the prep. I went shopping in daywear Friday lunchtime to get a couple of items for my look. Strappy Heels and Earrings and Hair Accessory in Gold for my look. Mission Accomplished I returned to The Cosmo round about three and strutted thru the bar to see if anybody had arrived. I sat down for a quick beer and this bloke approached and asked if I was Sammy. I pointed to my Tat to Confirm. It turned out to be Charlie Mac (in drab) who was having a snack with Amelia (who was also in drab). I had never met either of these girls before and only knew them from Networking in TVCHIX. We instantly felt like old friends. WE had another drinkie poo before retiring to the boudoir to transform for the evening. 2 hours flat, hot bath, top up de-fuzz, off with the face, into crisp undies off the radiator. settle down to my makeup, get the face done, add the bling and finally tights, heels, wig, accessories and THE DRESS. I stood in front of the full length mirror and Wham, my first proper viewing. I was walking on air, it was back to meet the girls at 7:30, the place was buzzing. I was time for a pic!!!!
An that was just the start iof what was a truly aesome evening.
Don't wait for the Magic to Happen, Go Make It Happen.

Just on my way back from LFF a fabulous gathering read what I had to say about it Here

When things go wrong and will not come right,
Though you do the best you can,
When life looks black as the hour of night -
A pint of plain is your only man.

When money's tight and hard to get
And your horse has also ran,
When all you have is a heap of debt -
A pint of plain is your only man.

When health is bad and your heart feels strange,
And your face is pale and wan,
When doctors say you need a change,
A pint of plain is your only man.

When food is scarce and your larder bare
And no rashers grease your pan,
When hunger grows as your meals are rare -
A pint of plain is your only man.

In time of trouble and lousey strife,
You have still got a darlint plan
You still can turn to a brighter life -
A pint of plain is your only man.

-- Flann O'Brien (Brian O'Nolan)

This instructional video should help clarify where us girls fit in the great scheme of things..

Here's the thing!
Take your average posh department store. U come in the door into a wonderful world of cosmetics, shoes, accessories and all other girly bits and bobs. Up the escalator normally to a complete floor dedicated to ladieswear, and then up again to the fabulous lingerie department. Down in the bowels of the basement u can normally find boring old menswear, sharing with the toilets and restaurant. So theat gives blokes less than one dark floor, and ladies two and a half bright colourful magical floors. Did they seriously think they could have all that to themselves!!!!!

Back in my artistic creative mode. Lotsa footage, so while the main feature is in post production, lined up to co-incide with the Summer Blockbusters Here's a Teaser Trailer.

Rewrite, Revamp and Rethink (oiginally written in Summer '08).

I have decided to give my profile a makeover as it’s been appended with add-ons about the continuing adventures of Sammy in Trannyland since I joined TVCHIX. And boy have I had some adventures ….

I’m a married tranny – my wife knows I dress and go out – unfortunately we seem to have a major problem here – to which there appears no resolution. My sons, one of whom has been out with me, also know as does my bother and a few good friends. My dressing started when I was about twenty five, I turn fifty next year, half a lifetime.

After on and on off periods, purges, psychotherapists, psychologists, astrologists and lotsa rows, in the last four years it all moved up a notch. I was away quite a bit, alone in nice hotel room with my work – and what’s a girl to do. Long hot oily baths where I could de-fuzz at my leisure, discover the fab feeling of moisturising with perfumed lotions, slipping into crisp clean lingerie and spending hours practicing my makeup. I maxed out the transformations and my wardrobe grew and grew and grew. I developed sophisticated classy tastes in lingerie, built up a collection of wigs, jewellery, accessories and heels.

Modern technology has provided both myself and many other tgirls the portal we had been waiting for, and this co-incided with the period of development described above. Without doubt the Internet is the single biggest reason why trannyland has become a much more open and “out there” world. After the years of confusion, self-loathing and the taboo of closet transvestitism – I was now in a position to chat and network with other tgirls like myself. In addition to this, the digital camera provided us with the means to get pics and see the results without having to suffer the embarrassment of collecting prints at the chemist. And on-line shopping provided us with a Magical Alladin’s Cave of Girly Delights at our fingertips.

I do have quite an artistic bent. My dressing sessions were supplemented by what I call my “lingerie modelling shoots”. I try to be inventive and imaginative with my tongue firmly in cheek. I became a master, or should that be mistress, of the tripod and ten second timer. My extensive pic collection allowed me to objectively assess my transformations and also develop my feminine poses and posture. I also posted my pics on this and other websites and found that the feedback was very favourable. Even getting the one voters meant you were getting up some sad individual’s nose be it for jealousy, resentment or whatever.

All of this combined to build the confidence to finally take on the outside world. Just before I did this I started to buy my first dresses. It’s one thing taking on the outside world but it’s not really practical in bra, panties, suspenders and stockings. My look is unashamedly glam and in the Xmas Sales of early 2006 I finally found my dream dress that said “Sammy – You are now ready to boldly go where you have never gone before”.

After few false starts the “Trannification of Sammy” was complete when I hit the streets of Dublin within a month. Don’t have the exact date to hand, it was towards the end of February 2006, the Saturday of the Loyalist March in Dublin which saw riots in the city right next to my hotel. In addition to having my roommate do a no show (something I was to discover is a regular occurrence in trannyland – tho I did get a substitute) the smoke alarm went off in my hotel bedroom and I had to answer the door to the duty manager and security in full eveningwear glam, femmed up to the nines. They spent about five mins in what effectively looked like a girly dorm – bras, knickers, dresses, makeup strewn about the place, checking for a fire. I think it was the spliffs that set it off. I thanked them both for helping me break the ice – the penny had dropped – nothing to this –who cares anyway. And that was where it all started ….. the beginning of the rollercoaster

Since then I have had some wild, weird and wonderful adventures. I’ve become very adventurous and independent and have worked my way thru not just tgirl venues in Dublin and Galway both with gangs of tgirls and real girls, but since late last year I have taken on the outside world all on my own. It’s just an alternative form of dressing, so what if I like dressing up, most people in fact show a great deal of admiration for the courage I show by just doing my own thing and not giving a damn.

I have also helped first time trannies find their feet and take their first steps in the outside world, I regret to say the appreciation shown has been rather disappointing to say the least. I would offer one word of caution to girls waiting to take that first step – tread carefully – it’s a Jungle Out There. Without being too negative, I’m afraid all is not sweetness and light in trannyland, but I think this is something you have to discover for yourself – the hard way – just like me. It might look like I’m a vain, arrogant stuck up snobby bitch – but I’m a sensitive sort and extremely loyal – those who really know me will vouch for this. Sad to say because of my rather outré appearance I feel people on the home front treat me as a bit of a charlatan. All I’ll say is “Never Judge a Book by it’s Cover”. Unfortunately begrudgery is a national pastime in Ireland.

On the positive side I had two trips to the UK this year with eight brilliant nights out. I met some truly fabulous and genuine people and feel I have made some friends for life. The other side of the coin is that, when you do meet a good tranny – the bond that is created is something special. I am so envious of the UK scene – but I will be back and I hope I can tempt some of my good friends over to Galway later in the year.

I’m comfortable in both my male and female personas, I realise that Sammy is never going to go away, my favourite analogy is that of “Trying to hold a beach ball under the water – the further down you push it – the higher it bounces when you release it”. I’m comfortable in my skin but I realise that I also have certain responsibilities in life and can’t let Sammy run riot. I have two outlets, my artistic expressive side – the lingerie model and burlesque fan and secondly the socialite – I just love glamming up going out and meeting other tgirls and the wider public at large. A good friend left a comment on my guestbook “Larger than Life and Twice as Glamorous” – I think she has me sussed. I don’t take myself seriously. I have no desire to be a woman, you can keep your cellulite, PMT, period pains and childbirth thank you very much. I was gonna say menopause, but the thought has occurred to me that maybe Sammy is my menopause.

In my personal and professional life I have had a difficult year. I feel I have some stories to tell and have started to document them. I promised myself that when I got back from Sparkle I would take some time out and write a book – a form of catharsis.
However I got one more date to fulfil – there’s always’s some feckin’ excuse - I’m off to see Blondie in the Big Top in Galway – part of the Arts Festival – two blonde wigs on order. As it stands – I’m doing this on my own – a white knuckle tranny ride. But that’s my style – a born show-off and extrovert, but with a soft centre, a heart of gold and lotsa class.

To those who know, love and appreciate me a big Mwah!!!

To those who misunderstand me – I hope we’ll have that Eureka moment.

To those who judge me – judge away – most likely you’ve got it all wrong.

I accept that I may not be everybodies cup of tea, that I do make mistakes and haven’t got it all right, but then again the person that never made a mistake never did anything in the first place. I embrace all trannies – I despise discrimination in all it’s forms and it saddens me that there is a hell of a lot of it within this very community. Someone who I went out with and trusted, past tense for now, once said to me “I’d love to go out with you sometime dressed normal” – a clear case that maybe sometimes people don’t realise it when they do discriminate.

Oh! and don’t take offence by the use of the word Tranny, it’s just me, myself Sammy.

Music: Sufjan Stevens, Flaming Lips, Mercury Rev, Grandaddy, Elliot Smith, QOTSA, Ry Cooder, Goldfrapp (my dressing time fave), Massive Attack, Tricky, World Music. Oh and sorry don't like U2.

David Lynch, Coen Brothers, Martin Scorsese, Peter jackson. Plan 9 from Outer Space and Santa Claus conquers the Martians.

Sopranos, The Office, Arrested Development, Curb your Enthusiasm, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Father Ted, The Singing Detective, Edge of Darkness, Later with Jools Holland, The Eurovision Song Contest (outfits and make-up to die for - shame about the songs "Hard Rock halleluiah" anyone, gimme "We are the Winners" anyday.

Lord of The Rings, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Third Policeman, The Dalkey Archivee (Check out Flann O'Brien my fave Irish Writer - surreal).

Frank Miller, Ralph Steadman, MC Escher, Paul Klee, Paul Henry.

Walking my two faithful doggies beside the Ocean and of course .....

WARNING:Any institutions or individuals using this site or any of its associated sites for studies , projects or any other reasons You DO NOT have permission to use any of my profile or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications.

Interests: Cross-dressing, Stockings / Suspenders, Online chat, Lingerie, Dressed nights out, Panties, Hair accessories, Email chat, Wigs, Erotic nights in, Other TGirls, Full Makeup, Convincing, High Heels, Weekends, Can Travel, Toys, Mature, Role Play, Experienced, Micro/Mini skirts, Gloves, Corsets, Pubs, Nightclubs, Satin/Silk, I am a smoker

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