For opening times and rules, please see the centre's web site. Centre What3Words location:
The centre is located immediately adjacent to Lyndhurst's Central Car Park, see the New Forest District Council web site for details (at the time of writing, the car park was free from 6:00pm to 8:00am), and a car can be parked a very short distance from the centre's entrance.
Car Park What3Words location:
Upcoming Events at Lyndhurst Community Centre
Recent Reviews for events held at Lyndhurst Community Centre
Lyndhurst Transgender Friends (Sunday, December 29, 2024)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another lovely evening of chat, with our now traditional Christmas/New Year American Supper/Pot Luck, where everyone brings some food and/or drink to share with others.
Lyndhurst Transgender Friends (Wednesday, November 27, 2024)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another good turn out and many opted to partake in having Fish & Chips, from the local chippy. Unusually, we shared the community with a performance from a Brazilian band.
Lyndhurst Transgender Friends (Wednesday, October 30, 2024)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
This meeting had the largest attendance figures so far this year, 29. Given the proximity to Halloween, several people wore a Halloween costume.
Lyndhurst Transgender Friends (Wednesday, September 25, 2024)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another good meeting of just over twenty TGs, SOs and friends.
Lyndhurst Transgender Friends (Wednesday, August 28, 2024)
Value for Money: Venue: Atmosphere: Staff Friendliness: Security: |
Another good turn out on a warm and sultry evening.
Sorry, there are no recent Images for events held at
Lyndhurst Community Centre
Lyndhurst Community Centre