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August 2024
Events on Wednesday 21st August, 2024
Sweet Wednesday Club Party: WE’RE BACK!
Night Out (Club)
Hosted at Sweet Wednesday Club,
London, England
Open from 1pm to
Added by: sweetwednesday
1881 Reviews of "Sweet Wednesday Club Party"

Value for Money: 4.75/5.00 Venue: 4.33/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.65/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.83/5.00 Security: 4.68/5.00
Sweet Wednesday, London

Happy days are here again!

We’re happy to see so many returning regulars and meet new ones!

Same great venue, same friendly staff, same happy t-girls and their admirers. Every first and third Wednesday, 1 pm till 8.30.

We love you, so…
Come join us!

xx Nancy and Bob

Retro Rendezvous!: dresses, drinks, and discourse.
Night Out (Pub / Meal)
Hosted at Retro Bar,
London, England
Open from 8pm to
Added by: Tinawithatee
425 Reviews of "Retro Rendezvous!"

Value for Money: 4.85/5.00 Venue: 4.82/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.85/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.90/5.00 Security: 4.50/5.00
London's best, and I think only, free, purely social weekly gathering of t-girls, transexuals, and occasional admirers. In a great friendly gay / mixed bar. Just the place to make your debut in a dress and get to know a lovely bunch of people.

We are usually downstairs at the back on the left, but there should be a notice on the the board in the entrance.
Tables reserved from 8, but come earlier if you like. You may be the first, but don't worry, you won't be alone for long. We drink, we chat, we gossip, we put the world to rights, we may flirt, and we always try to be stylish. Well-behaved male admirers are welcome to join us.

Tina x

Look out too for ZIGGY'S on the third Tuesday.

Retro on the river: Eastward Ho!
Daytime Get-together
Hosted at Retro Bar,
London, England
Open from 3pm to
Added by: Tinawithatee
4 Reviews of "Retro On The River"

Value for Money: 4.00/5.00 Venue: 5.00/5.00 Atmosphere: 5.00/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 5.00/5.00 Security: 4.50/5.00
A trip down the river to Canary Wharf for drinks/food and perhaps on to Greenwich for more drinks/food. Meet at the entrance to Embankment Pier, WC2N 6NU, about 2.45pm (or earlier in Retro Bar) to get tickets and catch the 3pm Uber Eastbound sailing. We alight at Canary Wharf about 3.45pm, and walk along the riverside for a few minutes to the Grapes Pub, at 76 Narrow Street, E14 8BP. This is a very small, three-hundred year old pub, right on the riverbank. Sir Ian McEllen is one of the three current owners. We could stay on to eat there, and then explore the Canary Wharf area, or go on to Greenwich and eat at Zizzi's, just by the pier, or further into the town at Ye Olde Rose and Crown, SE10 8ER, on the corner of Croom's Hill.
Later, we can sail back to Embankment for Retro Rendezvous, or stay in Greenwich and perhaps go to Oliver's Jazz Bar across the road from the Rose and Crown. NB, evening sailings back West are only every 30 minutes and finish before 10pm. Alternatively there is the DLR back to a connection with the tube.
Check out Thames Clippers website for ticket info. Tickets can be bought online or at the pier. Or you can simply touch a card reader, like the tube. Jump on/off tickets are available, but I think these cost about £25 return. (If you are ancient like me and have a Freedom Pass there's a 50% discount.) We could always come back by DLR and/or tube.

POWER: Greedy T-Girls & Admirers
Other Social Gathering
Hosted at Touch Sauna,
Wiltshire, England
Open from Noon to
Added by: touch_tv
363 Reviews of "POWER"

Value for Money: 4.94/5.00 Venue: 4.89/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.86/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.93/5.00 Security: 4.89/5.00
Our Weekly T-Girls & Admirers event!

Wednesdays from 12:00 - 20:00*

T-Girls can save on entry when you confirm your attendance on the event listing! Click to say you’re coming and you can get in for just £15**

Standard entry: £20

Touch Sauna in swindon, the southwest’s largest venue. Opened in 2012, touch sauna is a Gay owner operated sauna, aiming to offer that more personal touch ,)

One thing you can always count on is a friendly face at the bar, Skot, Ollie & Gary are the only workers at Touch Sauna, 4 days a week, every hour we're open, allowing everyone to get to know at least one of us, making your visit more intimate... Over the last 10 years of running our T-Girls & Admirers event, we’ve met some fantastic people, we’re so grateful for the support that we’ve received in helping to build this event into what it is today.

We’ve been working hard to improve our facilities for T-Girls to get ready once they arrive, and whilst it’s not perfected just yet, don’t worry! We’re busy beavering away to make our venue as user friendly as possible.

With a fully licensed bar & large lounge area, we can cater for those T-Girls who enjoy a comfort and relaxation. Get comfortable and make yourself at home!

The rest of the building caters more for the mischievous T-Girls… We have a wide variety of glory holes; from being watched to having five at once! Our cinema rooms provide both gay, straight and trans porn, so there's something for everyone... But if none of that takes your fancy, and the sling just isn't private enough; set yourself up in one of our private rooms, with lockable doors so you and your playmate(s) can really get to know one another.

For the smokers or even sun lovers, our private roof terrace catches the sun all day, and for those chilly winter evenings, dressing gowns and a heat lamp are provided to take the edge off...

Admirers, you’ll be provided a towel to change into on entry, but you can remain dressed if you wish to (no footwear). We understand that not everyone may be comfortable wearing just a towel when the T-Girls look as good as they do!

We have shower facilities available in our Wet Area, however due to the structure of the event. The only other Wet area facility that is in operation on a Wednesday is the Sauna.

Words aren't really enough so we ask you to come down and try it for yourselves!
We're sure you'll find the venue comfortable and welcoming, pop into the bar for a chat and a quick drink before heading down the other end (if you so desire) and make use of the facilities .... When you touch it P U R R S.

Scott, Ollie and Gary

*Last Entry at 19:00
**Discount on entry only available from 12:00 - 14:00, see website for full terms and conditions.
01793 433 326

Manchester Wednesday Night Out: Social & Chilled Evening Out, All Ladies Welcome
Other Social Gathering
Hosted at Iconic Bar,
Greater Manchester, England
Open from 8pm to
Added by: AlisonCole
88 Reviews of "Manchester Wednesday Night Out"

Value for Money: 4.66/5.00 Venue: 4.73/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.77/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.83/5.00 Security: 4.81/5.00
Iconic is behind with their Pride preparations so they will not open this evening, the Ladies will be meeting in Via on Canal Street instead.

If anyone has any questions just message me xxx

Wednesday 21st August
2pm to 4pm I will be out in and around the main city areas shopping or in bars & cafes, etc. if you want to join me just message me.

6pm to 8pm I will be eating in a bar within around 10 minutes walk of the Village, if you want to join me please just ask or message me.

8pm onwards the group will start meeting up in Iconic at 29 Richmond Street M1 3NB but turn up here at any time and you will be welcomed by the owner and staff who are very supportive of our community. Generally there will be around 20 Ladies out socialising here and this bar is open until midnight.

After Iconic of if during the evening you want a change of scene to drift away from Iconic, the popular locations to go to are; New York New York, Eva, Via, (I can't go to Centre Stage as one of the owners barred me for disagreeing with their pre-conceptions about our Trans MTF community, apparently debate on diversity is not allowed in their bar but it does mean that CS is a good destination for when you are fed up with me).

At midnight I tend to wander into Northern Quarter, you are welcome to join me if you wish.

If you don’t know Manchester check TV Chix venues for insights as I keep the Manchester clubs, bars, restaurants and hotel information up to date, just search TV Chix venues with “Manchester”. Ask me if you want deeper insights or want to know about anywhere not listed as I will either know it or can check it out for you.

Trans FTM and cisgender women are welcome to join us as we share many common issues of social acceptance and/or safety x

Cisgender men are very welcome to join us too but please contact one of the Ladies attending and come as her guest. This is so that you have someone to accompany you, to introduce you to everyone else and to be responsible for you. We ask all cisgender men to be polite and respectful to the ladies because we are a social group, not a knocking shop.

Any questions not answered in the above just ask me.

Do come and join us when you can. The clock only ticks forward and eats away at our health and vitality to the extent that one day we won't be able to get out and express our femininity, don't look back with regret at what you did not do when you could x

POWER: Greedy T-Girls & Admirers
Other Social Gathering
Hosted at Touch Sauna,
Wiltshire, England
Open from Noon to
Added by: touch_tv
363 Reviews of "POWER"

Value for Money: 4.94/5.00 Venue: 4.89/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.86/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.93/5.00 Security: 4.89/5.00
Our Weekly T-Girls & Admirers event!

Wednesdays from 12:00 - 20:00*

T-Girls can save on entry when you confirm your attendance on the event listing! Click to say you’re coming and you can get in for just £15**

Standard entry: £20

Touch Sauna in swindon, the southwest’s largest venue. Opened in 2012, touch sauna is a Gay owner operated sauna, aiming to offer that more personal touch ,)

One thing you can always count on is a friendly face at the bar, Skot, Ollie & Gary are the only workers at Touch Sauna, 4 days a week, every hour we're open, allowing everyone to get to know at least one of us, making your visit more intimate... Over the last 10 years of running our T-Girls & Admirers event, we’ve met some fantastic people, we’re so grateful for the support that we’ve received in helping to build this event into what it is today.

We’ve been working hard to improve our facilities for T-Girls to get ready once they arrive, and whilst it’s not perfected just yet, don’t worry! We’re busy beavering away to make our venue as user friendly as possible.

With a fully licensed bar & large lounge area, we can cater for those T-Girls who enjoy a comfort and relaxation. Get comfortable and make yourself at home!

The rest of the building caters more for the mischievous T-Girls… We have a wide variety of glory holes; from being watched to having five at once! Our cinema rooms provide both gay, straight and trans porn, so there's something for everyone... But if none of that takes your fancy, and the sling just isn't private enough; set yourself up in one of our private rooms, with lockable doors so you and your playmate(s) can really get to know one another.

For the smokers or even sun lovers, our private roof terrace catches the sun all day, and for those chilly winter evenings, dressing gowns and a heat lamp are provided to take the edge off...

Admirers, you’ll be provided a towel to change into on entry, but you can remain dressed if you wish to (no footwear). We understand that not everyone may be comfortable wearing just a towel when the T-Girls look as good as they do!

We have shower facilities available in our Wet Area, however due to the structure of the event. The only other Wet area facility that is in operation on a Wednesday is the Sauna.

Words aren't really enough so we ask you to come down and try it for yourselves!
We're sure you'll find the venue comfortable and welcoming, pop into the bar for a chat and a quick drink before heading down the other end (if you so desire) and make use of the facilities .... When you touch it P U R R S.

Scott, Ollie and Gary

*Last Entry at 19:00
**Discount on entry only available from 12:00 - 14:00, see website for full terms and conditions.
01793 433 326

Tgirls & Admirers Wednesdays: Tgirls & Admirers Wednesdays at The Gatehouse
Other (see description)
Hosted at The New Gatehouse,
Greater Manchester, England
Open from Noon to
Added by: Femdom_Scarlett
9 Reviews of "Tgirls & Admirers Wednesdays"

Value for Money: 4.78/5.00 Venue: 4.89/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.67/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.89/5.00 Security: 4.89/5.00
Tgirls & Admirers Wednesdays at The Gatehouse

12 Noon - Midnight Every Wednesday

Hosted by Mistress Scarlett from 6pm!

Entry payable on arrival. No deposit required.

£15 Single entry
£20 Couples entry

The Gatehouse,
Cawdor Street,

Free parking.

Soft drinks and snacks available. BYOB for alcohol.

T-Girls & Admirers join us: Wednesday fun day 😊
Night Out (Club)
Hosted at Gems,
Somerset, England
Open from 2pm to
Added by: silky271
22 Reviews of "T-Girls & Admirers Join Us"

Value for Money: 4.73/5.00 Venue: 4.36/5.00 Atmosphere: 4.59/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 4.86/5.00 Security: 4.82/5.00
Tgirls and admirers now only £20 when booking through TVChix 😘

Set in the Somerset countryside, Gems is in a lovely discrete location just off the A303 not far from Yeovil. In fact it's so discrete some people do struggle to find us on their first visit , so to help you find us our "what three w


Swansea LGBTQ+ Coffee Mornings: Finding Togetherness in Swansea
Daytime Get-together
Hosted at The Coast Cafe,
Glamorgan, Wales
Open from 11am to
Added by: betrue2u
3 Reviews of "Swansea LGBTQ+ Coffee Mornings"

Value for Money: 5.00/5.00 Venue: 5.00/5.00 Atmosphere: 5.00/5.00 Staff Friendliness: 5.00/5.00 Security: 5.00/5.00
Coast Café hold a weekly LGBT+ Coffee & Chat morning every Wednesday from 10:30-12:30

A great source of information, advice and support from the community.

Run by Donna & Dave from Sadies Butterflies

*We also go for lunch at the Queen's Hotel afterwards that costs as little as £5 to £10



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12/03/2025 04:44:04