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Guide for Wives of Male to Female Transvestites
When you first learn that your husband is a transvestite, it can be a shock for many women. There are many concerns that you're likely to have. This is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. The most important thing is to calmly educate yourself, something that you're doing right this very second.
What Is a Male to Female Transvestite?
Your husband enjoys dressing in a traditionally feminine way, to one degree or another. This may only go as far as wearing lace panties or a touch of eyeliner, or he may want to wear a dress, heels and makeup and go out to a club. Talk to your husband and ask him what he enjoys and what he wants to do. Keep an open minded and listen. As difficult as it may be for you to hear at first, it could be even far more difficult for him to explain.
His reasons for cross dressing will have an impact on what he wants to do and what effect this will have on your marriage. Some of these reasons could include: he enjoys feeling pretty; he finds cross dressing entertaining or amusing; women's clothing is comforting for him; dressing has erotic overtones to him; or cross dressing allows him to explore a feminine side he can't normally give voice to. His reasons could include one of these, a combination, or none at all. The only way you'll know is if you ask him, listen and ask questions when you don't understand.
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