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Home » tvChix Articles » Crossdressing Footwear: Shoes for Male to Female Transvestites

Shoes for Male to Female Transvestites

Shoes can be a major hurdle for cross-dressing, because trying them on is so important before buying them. While a woman wanting to dress as a man can go into any shoe store and try on men's shoes to her heart's content, you may have a little more difficulty. Luckily, this guide will help navigate you through the process.


Width will need to be taken into account because women's shoes are often narrower than men's. To make life easier, it's a good idea to start with getting your feet sized in a store. You can ask them about what size your feet would be in other systems to broaden your options for purchasing online, or else use a chart to find what your size would be in other sizing systems. This chart is a good start:

You may need to make size adjustments depending on what the style of the shoe is. If there isn't a physical shop you can go to that you'd feel comfortable shopping for women's shoes at--or your feet are too large to find fashionable women's shoes at most stores--it may be more difficult for you to be certain how footwear will fit you and what size adjustments you'll need to make.


Tall heels that make you feel sexy and help accentuate your body when you wear them are very tempting, but can make some people feel self-conscious about their height. If you're dressing up for your own pleasure and aren't concerned with "passing", then this shouldn't stop you. It would be a good idea to practice in the heels around your home occasionally until you can move in them smoothly and don't have to worry about stumbling or developing blisters.

If you're concerned about looking overly tall, shoes with a short wedge heel can give many of the benefits of a high heel while also not adding very much to your height. The stance of your body will be closer to that of someone wearing heels than it would have been in flats. This is also an excellent choice for someone unsure about their ability to walk around in high heels.

Places to Buy

If you feel confident buying shoes over the Internet, looking for shops that cater to a transgender clientele will get you a wide selection of shoes that should be available in your size. Because women's shoes tend to differ widely in width and fit based on their style, this can lead to buying shoes that aren't comfortable. There are many people who are perfectly satisfied buying their shoes this way, however, so you may be one of the lucky ones.

Finding a discreet shop that caters to a transgender clientele may be your best bet in the long run. You'll have a better selection, have the chance to try shoes on before buying them, and be dealing with a company that understands you. Unfortunately, finding a shop like this is the hard part. In many cases it ends up being a long drive into another city to find one, but it may be worth it for you. Another option is to look for shops that cater to taller women, as they'll also have larger shoes.

If you know anyone else who enjoys dressing up like you do, ask them where they get their shoes. Word of mouth can be the most powerful tool you have.

Style Tips

Ultra high heels, pointed toes, or dramatic colors like black and red may not be for everyone. Don't feel as though there's a specific style that you have to mimic. The most important thing is that what you wear makes you comfortable and makes you happy. Spending some time before you invest in new shoes figuring out a persona and how you want to present yourself can be very valuable.

There are many options out there and what you decide you like best may surprise you. Patent leather shoes or ballet slipper style flats may make you feel much happier with your appearance than something more traditional. Don't try to fulfill a specific vision or stereotype. Just figure out what it is that you want and then follow from there.

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